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01-31-2021, 03:25 PM
More than half of his team bails. They wanted to concentrate on the impeachment, he wanted more on election fraud. Dumb decision IMO, as he can switch to that after the trial.

And as far as this harming him or giving him a better chance of getting off - does anyone truly believe a single democrat in senate will change their minds based on what they hear? Or that their minds are already made up?


Trump's Entire Impeachment Trial Defense Team Leaves Him High and Dry

A little more than a week before Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial is set to begin on February 8, all five attorneys who had been serving on his impeachment defense team have parted ways with the former president. The decision was said to have been mutually agreed upon.

Legal briefs are due this week before the trial begins a week from Monday. It’s hard to see how Trump could possibly mount an adequate defense before the trial, he just needs more time. Otherwise, Democrats risk the charge of not giving Trump a chance at any notion of a fair trial.


Butch Bowers and Deborah Barbier, who were expected to be two of the lead attorneys, are no longer on the team. A source familiar with the changes said it was a mutual decision for both to leave the legal team. As the lead attorney, Bowers assembled the team.

Josh Howard, a North Carolina attorney who was recently added to the team, has also left, according to another source familiar with the changes. Johnny Gasser and Greg Harris, from South Carolina, are no longer involved with the case, either.

No other attorneys have announced they are working on Trump’s impeachment defense.

While neither the attorneys nor Trump has yet to release a statement, speculation on the reason for the split has centered on Trump’s insistence on using the trial as an excuse to prove his election fraud case rather than addressing the articles of impeachment — which accuse the former president of inciting an insurrection — or the legality of convicting a president once he’s out of office.

“The Democrats’ efforts to impeach a president who has already left office is totally unconstitutional and so bad for our country. In fact, 45 Senators have already voted that it is unconstitutional. We have done much work, but have not made a final decision on our legal team, which will be made shortly,” former Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller told CNN.

Indeed, whether a former government official can be impeached or not remains an unresolved constitutional issue. But the vote has already been taken. There isn’t a senator sitting in the chamber who doesn’t know how he or she is going to vote and unless some new evidence emerges, Donald Trump will not be impeached by two-thirds of the Senate.

Democrats expect a political bonanza from impeaching Trump. They believe that by getting all the “facts” on the record, they will make the American people so disgusted by Republicans that the party will be virtually destroyed. However, anyone who contemplated leaving the Republican Party has left already. A trial of Trump won’t change anyone’s minds or lead to additional defections.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2021/01/31/trumps-entire-impeachment-trial-defense-team-leaves-him-high-and-dry-n1419777

01-31-2021, 03:58 PM
More than half of his team bails. They wanted to concentrate on the impeachment, he wanted more on election fraud. Dumb decision IMO, as he can switch to that after the trial.

And as far as this harming him or giving him a better chance of getting off - does anyone truly believe a single democrat in senate will change their minds based on what they hear? Or that their minds are already made up?


Trump's Entire Impeachment Trial Defense Team Leaves Him High and Dry

A little more than a week before Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial is set to begin on February 8, all five attorneys who had been serving on his impeachment defense team have parted ways with the former president. The decision was said to have been mutually agreed upon.

Legal briefs are due this week before the trial begins a week from Monday. It’s hard to see how Trump could possibly mount an adequate defense before the trial, he just needs more time. Otherwise, Democrats risk the charge of not giving Trump a chance at any notion of a fair trial.


While neither the attorneys nor Trump has yet to release a statement, speculation on the reason for the split has centered on Trump’s insistence on using the trial as an excuse to prove his election fraud case rather than addressing the articles of impeachment — which accuse the former president of inciting an insurrection — or the legality of convicting a president once he’s out of office.

Indeed, whether a former government official can be impeached or not remains an unresolved constitutional issue. But the vote has already been taken. There isn’t a senator sitting in the chamber who doesn’t know how he or she is going to vote and unless some new evidence emerges, Donald Trump will not be impeached by two-thirds of the Senate.

Democrats expect a political bonanza from impeaching Trump. They believe that by getting all the “facts” on the record, they will make the American people so disgusted by Republicans that the party will be virtually destroyed. However, anyone who contemplated leaving the Republican Party has left already. A trial of Trump won’t change anyone’s minds or lead to additional defections.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2021/01/31/trumps-entire-impeachment-trial-defense-team-leaves-him-high-and-dry-n1419777

I've seen nothing about him wanting to address 'election reform,' though many GOP governors have already begun to. What he wanted the lawyers to do was to once again claim that the election was 'stolen.' It wasn't, with the rules that various states enacted by executive fiat-the time to take them to court was prior to the election, instead just whined.

01-31-2021, 04:33 PM
I've seen nothing about him wanting to address 'election reform,' though many GOP governors have already begun to. What he wanted the lawyers to do was to once again claim that the election was 'stolen.' It wasn't, with the rules that various states enacted by executive fiat-the time to take them to court was prior to the election, instead just whined.

I think he's more interested in proving some massive fraud took place. Either way I don't see it. There was fraud, and illegalities... but nothing election changing. But many things I still think need exposing, and more importantly, many things need fixing for future elections.

01-31-2021, 04:38 PM
I think he's more interested in proving some massive fraud took place. Either way I don't see it. There was fraud, and illegalities... but nothing election changing. But many things I still think need exposing, and more importantly, many things need fixing for future elections.

But the impeachment trial is not the forum. To use, if really serious.

Great venue to keep the crazies going though.

01-31-2021, 06:16 PM
The RADICAL Dems, and Rino's have permitted their Hatred to become the foundation for the Overthrow of a Sitting President...called an Attempted COUP. And their final product, after a totally STOLEN election is, and has been SOCIALISM, which is now in the hands of CHINA, RUSSIA and IRAN.

If anyone doubts it. Look who holds all of our DEBT, and WHY are so many American Politicians IN THE BAG for large SUMS OF TAXPAYER MONEY...while they laugh at all of us????
The BOTTOM LINE is COMMUNISM. Throughout History. Socialism has always led to Communism.

01-31-2021, 07:42 PM
​He has a New team...

01-31-2021, 08:35 PM
But the impeachment trial is not the forum. To use, if really serious.

Great venue to keep the crazies going though.

It could be a genius move to bait the left into a tizzy.

01-31-2021, 10:27 PM
It could be a genius move to bait the left into a tizzy.

More likely to excite the looney right into a frenzy.

01-31-2021, 10:51 PM
More likely to excite the looney right into a frenzy.

*After all the stories..all that you seen and read...after all this time...You still defend the "Looney".. dangerous ..deceitful communist Leftist...and throw fictitious insults at the right...amazing!

"Excite"?....Your Democrats are always the ones "excited" and making threats...I know you seen it and read it dont say you haven't...

Carry on....

Mr. P
02-01-2021, 12:00 AM
It's beyond my imagination that anyone who has been paying attention to the events this past year could reasonably conclude that this election was not stolen.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-01-2021, 12:37 AM
It's beyond my imagination that anyone who has been paying attention to the events this past year could reasonably conclude that this election was not stolen.
Election fraud took place. Election was stolen.. A fact..
Also a fact is that they got by with it.
Another sad fact is too damn many Trump hating Americans are al-too ready to believe the election was not stolen.
Point is- the current situation-- biden and co. are acting in treasonous ways.
Running an agenda to disenfranchise tens of millions of American voters that voted for Trump.
As well as the truth -the dems are a totally bought out party.

Now what is going to happen about all of that -- who knows?
Most likely nothing of substance that will change the sad and tragic course this nation is on.
Unless or until the blinded population wakes up to the massive scam being ran on it.

Yet, my bet is - the blinded population will not wake up and a truly great calamity is coming.
Not what I want, but very likely it is coming, imho.--Tyr

02-01-2021, 11:21 AM
I’m not sure why Trump needs a defense team in the first place. This entire impeachment trial is nothing but kabuki theater. There is very little chance that he will be convicted with 67 votes in the Senate.

02-01-2021, 02:12 PM
I’m not sure why Trump needs a defense team in the first place. This entire impeachment trial is nothing but kabuki theater. There is very little chance that he will be convicted with 67 votes in the Senate.

With enough effort, Trump could make such a thing happen. Some might say that he would almost need to try to get convicted. Try, he might. While Trump is tempted to treat this as a big joke, there's an outside chance that he could have it blow up in his face.

02-01-2021, 03:35 PM
With enough effort, Trump could make such a thing happen. Some might say that he would almost need to try to get convicted. Try, he might. While Trump is tempted to treat this as a big joke, there's an outside chance that he could have it blow up in his face.

If he defends the 'stolen ' election mantra, he may well have a problem. Rs will have to decide whether to go along with him or the facts.

02-01-2021, 04:19 PM
If he defends the 'stolen ' election mantra, he may well have a problem. Rs will have to decide whether to go along with him or the facts.

What most insist is that the FACTS are false. But the TRUTH has been proven, and constantly denied by those who will always HATE Donald Trump because he exposed their endless lies...they CALL FACTS!

02-01-2021, 04:51 PM
What most insist is that the FACTS are false. But the TRUTH has been proven, and constantly denied by those who will always HATE Donald Trump because he exposed their endless lies...they CALL FACTS!
Have to disagree with all.

There's not one state that has come close to being overturned. Not once did his legal team bring evidence of the claims they were arguing in public. They went to courts multiple times to ask for recounts based on unfair voting rules, that may have carried some weight before election, but not after.

Was there fraud? I've no doubt there was, there always is. Was more than normal due to new covid rules, I'd assume so.

Can't change the rules after the game is over.

02-01-2021, 08:03 PM
Have to disagree with all.

There's not one state that has come close to being overturned. Not once did his legal team bring evidence of the claims they were arguing in public. They went to courts multiple times to ask for recounts based on unfair voting rules, that may have carried some weight before election, but not after.

Was there fraud? I've no doubt there was, there always is. Was more than normal due to new covid rules, I'd assume so.

Can't change the rules after the game is over.

If you last sentence is Correct. Why did all of the Democrat State Legislatures REVERSE all of their VOTING RULES just prior to the election?

02-01-2021, 08:17 PM
There is definitely no point in Trump rehashing the election fraud accusations. If he couldn't present a compelling case when he was in the White House, then he certainly isn't going to be able to do it during an impeachment trial.

That being said, the Dems impeached Trump based on one accusation - that he intentionally directed the crowd at his rally to march over to the Capitol and riot. (Actually, the Dems and the media use the words "insurrection" and "coup" instead of riot, as if the Capitol rioters intended to take over the government)

So during the Senate trial, they will have to make accusations based on his rally speech, which was entirely about election fraud. Won't that just be giving him a televised platform to explain the meaning behind his speech? Won't he be able to answer the accusations be saying "I was merely informing the crowd about the suspicious election results, such as 'this' in Pennsylvania and 'that' in Georgia?

02-01-2021, 09:46 PM
There is definitely no point in Trump rehashing the election fraud accusations. If he couldn't present a compelling case when he was in the White House, then he certainly isn't going to be able to do it during an impeachment trial.

That being said, the Dems impeached Trump based on one accusation - that he intentionally directed the crowd at his rally to march over to the Capitol and riot. (Actually, the Dems and the media use the words "insurrection" and "coup" instead of riot, as if the Capitol rioters intended to take over the government)

So during the Senate trial, they will have to make accusations based on his rally speech, which was entirely about election fraud. Won't that just be giving him a televised platform to explain the meaning behind his speech? Won't he be able to answer the accusations be saying "I was merely informing the crowd about the suspicious election results, such as 'this' in Pennsylvania and 'that' in Georgia?

We'll see if that one day is what he's being judged on during the trial, if somehow anyone involved on either side prevents even more of a circus from occurring. I think the charge stems from the `build up` of tweets and rallies regarding 'rigged and stolen and massive fraud` from October to January, emphasis on 11/4 -1/6. The 6th was culminating event.