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02-02-2021, 10:08 PM
`...To each his own... personally... I'll take my chances with a virus that has a .05% fatality rate over having an unknown and short term tested substance injected into me.`

`Opinions' vary.....Interesting to see Madej has been banned from You Tube...like so many others criticizing the new 'regime' OR the 'establishment'.`


02-02-2021, 10:33 PM
Last November, at our bi-annual Dr.s Physical Checkup. My wife and I both recieved the FLU shot as we do every year.
So far. We have both passed at least 3 Covid Checkups in both the hospital where my wife had her By-pass, and the follow-on at a Medical Center/Heart Hospital in Norfolk.

We are both healthy and DO NOT PLAN on getting any COVID shots...based on My experience during the First Gulf War, when EVERY member of the Military was ORDERED to take that shot for ANTHRAX before we entered the Persian Gulf area. Later learned about the consequences of that shot by many of us...Nervous disorders, Cancer, Heart Fibrillations, Slobbering, Teeth breaking, or falling out during meals...just to name a few. But the MILITARY SAID IT WAS SAFE TO TAKE THE SHOTS...as they THREATENED to punish anyone who Refused the shots.

This Doctor has a lot of information...The GOVT. and BILDERBERGS do not want all of us to know.

02-02-2021, 10:39 PM
Having an endoscopy on Friday. Today I was asked if I was "interested" in taking covid test. Said nope.

Last week at dentist we talked about the vaccine. My dental hygienist said she's not taking it and the boss will not require it. They might lose patients but for the most part she says no one is being pissy about it.

I asked my doctor if I was in high risk and she said only because of my age.

Quoting Roe v Wade. My body, my choice.

02-03-2021, 01:28 PM
I'm not concerned with the vaccine. Much. I got the anthrax vaccine. Didn't do a thing to me. I also knew that as opposed to the hysterical rhetoric going around, ranchers have been using it here since the 70s so it did have a track record. Not disputing anyone else's experiences with it.

This vaccine has no track record. Probably will never have an honest one. Too many politics involved. I know my daughter got the first shot and it made her as sick as when she had covid -- which she survived, but for a day and a half. The covid was about 2 weeks. Not selling, just relating the first-had experience here. I was 1 number away from hitting the last 1 in 911 when she had covid. After the quarantine was over and she was getting better, it took as long for her to get back to normal as she had the covid. It's not pretty and it's not a joke.

On the other hand, I turned this house into a Marine Corps camp and declared martial law with no options of appeal. Girls upstairs except for dinner, toddler with me. No one near mom's room nor touching any of her stuff. I was the only one in contact with her and her stuff and I didn't get sick. I was so keyed up I doubt I'd have noticed :)

If there was a tried n true n tested vaccine, I wouldn't think twice. I'm leery of getting someone's politically motivated, bathtub gin shot into my arm. Daughter had a bad reaction to the shot and again, who knows if they're lying or not?

Then there's this: I'm stuck with my brother. He's in an assisted living home and I won't be able to get in the door without the vaccine. Otherwise, I had no intention of having a bunch of 6th grade wannabe chemists experimenting on me.

02-05-2021, 03:56 PM
`...To each his own... personally... I'll take my chances with a virus that has a .05% fatality rate over having an unknown and short term tested substance injected into me.`

`Opinions' vary.....Interesting to see Madej has been banned from You Tube...like so many others criticizing the new 'regime' OR the 'establishment'.`


Thank you LTG for the information in the video. The Bible says, "seek and you will find". This is our new reality, we can no longer count on any media outlet to give us facts. After watching the video, I decided to search a lot of what Dr. Madej had to say. WOW, was that a rabbit hole.

Here is some what I found
https://visionlaunch.com/bill-gates-banned-video-were-injecting-gmos-into-little-kids-arms/ (http://https://visionlaunch.com/bill-gates-banned-video-were-injecting-gmos-into-little-kids-arms/)

After reading that article I searched a term I found in the article. Luciferase enzyme, that is an ingredient in vaccines. Yes, that is the actual word for the enzyme.

I found this article from Dec. 2019
https://www.genengnews.com/topics/drug-discovery/quantum-dots-deliver-vaccines-and-invisibly-encode-vaccination-history-in-skin/?fbclid=IwAR3SwY6ZDDG1SEDMdFWAMYwh18ZJiCC_31ZeJow9 dZ1_xJz89swX6YGI-oQ

This is where they want us to go. I for one will not take any vaccines, let alone one for a so called pandemic, that I do not even believe is a pandemic.

I have said this is the biggest lie that has ever been perpetrated on mankind from the beginning. I still believe that. Corona viruses have been around since the 60's. What makes this one so awful? When the survival rate is 99%?

It is about control.

02-05-2021, 04:16 PM
I'll leave this right here


02-05-2021, 04:50 PM
I'll leave this right here


Thank You for your contribution...went through it and read it Pixie...I will let the future readers see for themselves without my comments...

02-05-2021, 08:17 PM
I'll leave this right here


Thanks for this informative website Pixie.