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02-03-2021, 04:01 PM
I don't support this nazi flag flying fuck. I don't believe in shooting someone unless your life or the life of another is on the line. Certainly not an unarmed woman, in the back no less. I also don't know this woman and don't think she deserved to be shot for a petty crime.

With that said - this is why the little pygmy should have known better. Instead she was a drunkard at 3am in the morning, had a problem with someone else's property, so felt brave enough to go on that persons property and steal a possession of theirs. You should never do this, as you simply never know how someone will respond. And at 3am, it's possible you are stealing from someone else who is drunk and not thinking properly. Or whatever the reason, you may not get the results you thought you would get.

She didn't deserve for those results to be her getting shot in the back by a nazi scumbag. I also have no sympathy for her, as she decided to be a thief before getting shot.


Shooting Victim Sues Swastika Enthusiast

FEBRUARY 2--The unarmed woman who was shot in the back after tearing down a Nazi flag flying in front of the gunman’s Oklahoma home has sued her assailant for negligence, according to court records.

In a January 28 District Court petition, Kyndal McVey, 26, accuses Alexander Feaster of acting with “reckless disregard” in connection with the shooting last year outside Feaster’s residence in the town of Hunter (pop. 173)

McVey was at a party across from Feaster’s home last June when she crossed the street around 2:55 AM and grabbed one of the two swastika flags flying outside the residence. As McVey fled with the flag, Feaster--carrying an AR-15 rifle--emerged from his home.

Without warning, the 45-year-old Feaster fired at least seven shots at McVey, who was struck several times in the lower abdomen and legs, according to a probable cause affidavit. Police found McVey (seen at right) in a ditch across from Feaster’s property.

McVey’s gunshot injuries required multiple surgeries and several weeks of hospitalization. Her lawsuit is seeking in excess of $75,000 in damages for “mental and physical pain and suffering,” medical expenses, lost time, and “change in physical and mental condition.”

Feaster was arrested following the shooting and charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon, a felony. Investigators allege that Feaster, aware of the party across the street, was lying in wait for someone to try and steal his Nazi flags. The shooting was captured by Feaster’s home security system, which, cops say, recorded him exiting the front door “with a large AR platform rifle on a sling and at the ready.”

During a search of Feaster’s home, cops noticed that a chair was placed at the front of the residence facing the door. A large ashtray containing several cigarette butts was nearby, as was a pair of handcuffs. “It appeared that Mr. Feaster was anticipating an incident to take place and had been watching from that spot,” a sheriff’s deputy reported.

Feaster, free on $75,000 bail, is scheduled for a March 5 preliminary hearing in the shooting case. He claims to have “acted in self-defense” when firing upon the fleeing flag thief, adding that he was in fear of “imminent danger of death or great bodily harm.”

In court filings, Feaster--who spent 10 years in the military and was deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq--has portrayed himself as a “patriotic citizen” and “loyal American” whose political beliefs had subjected him to threats, harassment, and the frequent theft of his flags (which, he added, “were associated in the public’s consciousness with the Third Reich and National Socialism”).

In fact, Feaster (pictured at left) has claimed McVey is the real criminal and that he is actually a hate crime victim. The AR-15, Feaster contends, is a “precautionary weapon” that he aimed below McVey’s “center mass” so that the fusillade would not prove fatal.

Feaster’s profile page on Gab, a social network favored by the alt-right, is decorated with a Nazi flag and the German phrase “Meine Ehre Heisst Treue” ("My Honor, is Loyalty"), which was the motto of the Waffen-SS.

In a court filing, Feaster argued that no negative implications should result from his public display of the swastika flags. While he “does not subscribe to all the tenets of National Socialism,” Feaster “believes that the United States’ economic situation, as it is now, is not dissimilar from the Weimar Republic of Germany in the early 1930’s when Adolph Hitler was elected Chancellor.”

As seen below, one Feaster court filing included a photo showing two Nazi flags attached to his 1200-square-foot home. (5 pages)


02-03-2021, 04:50 PM
May the first idiot win her case and the second idiot have zero dollars to pay the judgement.

02-03-2021, 07:44 PM
Once again the law should be applied equally. If tearing down and burning a BLM flag is a hate crime then that woman should be charged with a hate crime. Anyone charged with committing a criminal act should not be able to sue for damages. The guy needs to be charged and tried. Should he sue her for damages to his life? He's suffering the consequences of his behavior and so should she.

So, both are criminals and I feel her suit is ridiculous.

02-04-2021, 09:44 AM
And when the shitheads come for our American flags?

02-04-2021, 12:03 PM
And when the shitheads come for our American flags?


02-07-2021, 02:17 PM
Let's see if we can keep up with this. I barely can. An incensed fascist in her self-righteous angst, goes on the private property of a racist hiding behind a flag he doesn't know the actual meaning of, to destroy what is rightfully the symbol of her political beliefs and gets shot multiple times by aforementioned dimwit.

Can we start calling people what they are and/or explaining to them that they are what they claim to hate? There are no liberals remaining in this country. Most certainly not on the left side of the political spectrum. Yet, they call themselves liberal, and antifa calls itself anti fascist when it takes it's playbook from the Nazi SA. BLM is for racial equality when its members are about as racist as they get.

Not issues to be addressed by the right who live in fear of having a fascist finger pointed at them.

Screw them all.

02-07-2021, 04:45 PM
And when the shitheads come for our American flags?
