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View Full Version : New movie makes fun of 9/11

09-20-2007, 08:30 AM
Let's see if I can keep up my streak of threads nobody replies to....

Uwe Boll is this really hacky director (he did Alone in the Dark, House of the Dead, etc.) who pretty much exclusively makes video game adaptations. His latest is for the game Postal, and the film opens with a farcical reenactment of 9/11. I'm not one to get easily offended or anything, but this shit really pisses me off. Take a look for yourself:


OK, I'm not above laughing at jokes relating to 9/11, such as Team America's "This is gonna be 9/11 times 1000", and I can see wanting to do satire of some kind relating to the incident, but, really, what is the point of this? There's no satire, and the punchline is, the plane hits the building. Ha friggin' ha. The fact that Boll is German kind of pisses me off, too, I can't help but wonder if his main motivation is just a jab at the US?

Here's hoping this crap doesn't get distribution in America.

09-20-2007, 09:54 AM
Ya know...I thought the concept was very funny. The only thing I didnt like was showing the Twin Towers and the plane crashing into it.

09-20-2007, 10:25 AM
Yeah, that's the part that pisses me off. The rest of it is okay, a bit silly, but nothing terribly offensive (though the passengers screaming in the background was pretty tasteless), but watching that made it seem like the whole point of the scene was to show that one stupid shot.

09-20-2007, 12:01 PM
Hey now watch it Dan! Your father is part German in case you didn't know it and so am I!! I would never, ever watch that movie. I sat at my desk on the 10th floor of the tallest building in Piscataway and watched the whole thing, my first thoughts were if Jim and Diana were anywhere near there. I rang Jim's cell, but all circuits were busy - he didn't call back until 45 minutes later - during which time I went through total hell! He assured me he and Di were both safe. I still have nightmares over that day!!

09-20-2007, 12:05 PM
Hey now watch it Dan! Your father is part German in case you didn't know it and so am I!! I would never, ever watch that movie. I sat at my desk on the 10th floor of the tallest building in Piscataway and watched the whole thing, my first thoughts were if Jim and Diana were anywhere near there. I rang Jim's cell, but all circuits were busy - he didn't call back until 45 minutes later - during which time I went through total hell! He assured me he and Di were both safe. I still have nightmares over that day!!

I worded that wrong, I just meant that it irritates me that he's a non-American making jokes about 9/11! Nothing against the Germans!

Yeah, my parents were in NJ on 9/11, so I was sitting in my dorm freaking out over them, Jim, and Diana and not able to get a hold of anybody.

09-20-2007, 02:02 PM
What were you both worried about??? Jim was with me!! :D You know we never get into trouble or danger.... :laugh2:

09-20-2007, 02:48 PM
What were you both worried about??? Jim was with me!! :D You know we never get into trouble or danger.... :laugh2:

I thought Jim might've had one too many bad days and he was flying the plane!:eek:

09-20-2007, 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by jackass View Post
What were you both worried about??? Jim was with me!! You know we never get into trouble or danger....

In that case, you two lousy bastards were in the bar across the street!!

09-20-2007, 04:03 PM
I worded that wrong, I just meant that it irritates me that he's a non-American making jokes about 9/11! Nothing against the Germans!

I remember back when Jeff was born, the nurse came in and said "Mrs. Lootz, sprecken si deutch!! ( I can say it, but I can't spell it! I mainly just know all the cuss words!!

09-20-2007, 04:36 PM
I thought Jim might've had one too many bad days and he was flying the plane!:eek:

Hahahaha!! There were days that he definatley scarrred me!

09-20-2007, 04:38 PM
so are ppl trying to move on by making stuff like this baout 9/11?

and as for the boxing on there, too bad Uwe made the rules so basically light weights were the only ones able to fight