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View Full Version : Mexico Ends Trump-Era Border Cooperation

02-04-2021, 03:23 PM
I wonder why the sudden change? :rolleyes:


WashPost: Mexico Ends Trump-Era Border Cooperation

Mexico has stopped accepting the return of most migrants caught at the U.S. border, prompting U.S. officials to release them into the United States, according to the Washington Post.

The newspaper reported Wednesday:

The Mexican government has stopped taking back Central American families “expelled” at the U.S. border under a Trump-era emergency health order related to the coronavirus, a shift that has prompted U.S. Customs and Border Protection to release more parents and children into the U.S. interior, according to five U.S. officials.


Mexico’s new policy has been applied unevenly. In Nogales, for example, families continued to be returned to Mexico — deposited on the streets rather than taken to family shelters. In a number of border cities, families continue to be returned to Mexico.

The newspaper posted a statement from the Customs and Border Protection Agency:

CBP has seen a steady increase in border encounters since April 2020, which, aggravated by COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing guidelines, has caused some facilities to reach maximum, safe holding capacity. Whenever feasible we are seeking alternatives to detention in cases where the law allows.

However, Mexico is accepting the return of single adults, the Post said.

Biden’s decision to restart the catch and release of migrants during the epidemic will likely encourage many more poor migrants to take the risky trek to jobs in the United States. The exodus will further damage their home countries’ economies and then flood into the U.S. job market, even as millions of blue-collar Americans seek jobs amid the coronavirus recovery.

Until recently, Mexico was cooperating with the agencies’ block on the arrival of migrants amid the Coronaviru epidemic. The rule, dubbed Title 42, allowed border agencies to block almost 200,000 migrants and end them back into Mexico, despite the migrants’ attempt to claim asylum.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2021/02/04/washpost-mexico-ends-trump-era-border-cooperation/