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02-04-2021, 11:23 PM
I liked her while watching. "The atmosphere is noxious..." We need to get to work.


02-05-2021, 01:18 PM
I liked her while watching. "The atmosphere is noxious..." We need to get to work.


Finally. And she'll likely be condemned for disagreeing or pointing out the truth.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. has a habit of "politicizing events to her advantage," freshman Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., told "America Reports" Thursday while discussing the women's experiences of the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Ocasio-Cortez has claimed she feared for her life during the violence and described what she called a frightening encounter with a Capitol Police officer, although some media outlets reported actual rioters reached her office in the Cannon House Office Building.

Mace told co-hosts John Roberts and Sandra Smith the dramatic broadsides between her and Ocasio-Cortez have left her feeling she felt like she was on an episode of "The Jerry Springer Show."

REP. NANCY MACE, R-S.C.: "My office is two doors down from AOC. Not at one moment during the events of Jan. 6 did any rioter or any insurrectionist come down the hallways where our offices are located. I initially took to task to the press [for] taking these claims to apocalyptic levels. All I did was state the facts. I live in reality. I deal with facts and not fiction. I said there were no rioters in the hallways of Cannon. I am two doors down from you, and she lost it today. She doesn't deal in reality ...

I'm not going to discount the trauma ... I felt like I was a sitting duck, I felt like my life was in danger ... I sent my children home early that week because I was worried about violence that might transpire on Wednesday, Jan. 6. But at no time were there rioters at our doors banging to get in. And I think that also attacking the Capitol Police this week, she did that earlier this week, she did that last month. The only thing standing between us and the rioters in our office building were the Capitol Police and they were outnumbered. I'm not going to discount the trauma that we each experienced, but we have to be factual when we describe what actually happened ...

02-05-2021, 04:41 PM
I've met her a couple of times, she lives a couple houses from my boss. Don't like her, not even a little bit. Never have.

02-05-2021, 04:43 PM
I've met her a couple of times, she lives a couple houses from my boss. Don't like her, not even a little bit. Never have.

Interesting, always good to hear from someone with firsthand experience. I'm assuming you're not an AOC fan.

02-05-2021, 04:46 PM
I've met her a couple of times, she lives a couple houses from my boss. Don't like her, not even a little bit. Never have.

1. But would you vote for her?

2. At least she doesn't seem to have gone nutso.

U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace, R-Charleston, said the impeachment stemmed from “an unprecedented event” — the riots at the U.S. Capitol that impeachment supporters argue Trump incited — and each member had to reach their own determination about the constitutionality of the process.
“I may disagree with Congressman Rice’s decision on impeachment, but I support his vision of limited government and the work he’s done for South Carolinians over the years,” Mace said.

02-05-2021, 04:58 PM
Interesting, always good to hear from someone with firsthand experience. I'm assuming you're not an AOC fan.

Not even remotely.

As for Mace, I found her to be a genuinely unpleasant person, not someone I would invite in to my circle of friends... the kind of person one might look for excuse to avoid... Oh? Nancy will be there? Darn, I have to change the air in my tires... As for her politics, from the word go she came off as a Trump lap dog, not something I look for in my representation. I don't want my senator to be a yes man, or woman, to a sitting President. I don't necessarily want them to work against him or her, but I do want to think the state and district they represent is their first priority... she didn't give that vibe. She struck me as being more interested in gaining power and honoring Trump first.

That's just my impression. Maybe I'm wrong. We'll see.

02-05-2021, 05:02 PM
1. But would you vote for her?

2. At least she doesn't seem to have gone nutso.


I did not vote for her, I voted for Cunningham. He was a good rep and I would have liked to see him serve another term.

Would I vote for her? We'll see, I voted for Graham and I can't stand him. I will be paying attention to her machinations on the Hill. My vote is not locked to a party these days.