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View Full Version : Scarborough to Trump Supporters: ‘Your American Values Have Collapsed’

02-08-2021, 03:17 PM
Joe, you are no more than a hypocritical painter who owns a large brush.

Democrats and the MSM were deaf when our flag was stepped on and spit on and burned all year long. That along with endless monuments. And now, a few assholes grab one to use the pole as a weapon, and suddenly all Trump supporters are terrorists. :rolleyes: And adding in Iwo Jima to reflect it's importance and length - and yet were silent all year long. And at the same time he glorifies the flag - he reminds viewers how those that were critical of the kneeling and disrespect.... likely all need to be "deprogrammed" and all kinds of other bullshit.


Scarborough to Trump Supporters: ‘Your American Values Have Collapsed’

MSNBC “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough on Monday delivered a message to those still supporting former President Donald Trump, whose Senate impeachment trial is set to begin this week. The impeachment is over Trump’s role in the riot at the U.S. Capitol in January by a group of his supporters.

According to Scarborough, the group that breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 are “Trump terrorists.” He pointed to conservatives who spoke out against people kneeling for the national anthem and said anyone who was critical of the kneeling but not of the “Trump terrorists” using an American flag to beat a police officer has had their American values “collapsed.”

“We have Trump terrorists — and call them by their name — they are Trump terrorists. We have Trump terrorists that beat cops to death. We have cop killers in that crowd,” Scarborough emphasized. “We have MAGA terrorists in that crowd that used the American flag — the American flag that so many people have fought and died for. that they held up at Iwo Jima at the beginning of a long and bloody battle, that has gone before all of our troops of liberation through the years. They used that American flag to brutalize… a police officer. And they are worried about people kneeling. You can have that debate. Mika and I have had that debate, all right? But here, if you’re on the side you can’t even kneel while the national anthem is being played, but you’re saying, ‘Let’s just forget about the fact that they used an American flag to brutalize a police officer,’ something is wrong with you. Your values have completely, your American values have collapsed because you’re worshipping a weak leader who has done nothing but lose in the last four years.”


02-08-2021, 03:56 PM
And another with similar but also bullshit.

And now to add to the long long list of names, I'm now a terrorist! :rolleyes::thumb:


“MAGA Terrorism” – CNN’s Jake Tapper Says Trump Supporters Who Question 2020 Election Results Need to be ‘Held Accountable’

This is CNN.

CNN’s “State of the Union” anchor Jake Tapper labeled Trump supporters ‘terrorists’ and said people who question the 2020 election results must be held accountable.

After pushing the ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ lie for years, CNN is now telling Trump supporters to sit down and shut up about the Democrat voter fraud in the 2020 election.

“If there is no accountability and no attempt by the Republican Party to stop these insane lies that have taken root in their party… This is not going to be the end of MAGA terrorism, this will only be the beginning,” Jake Tapper said.



Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/maga-terrorism-cnns-jake-tapper-says-trump-supporters-question-2020-election-results-need-held-accountable-video/

02-08-2021, 04:01 PM
"They"...need to be held accountable for their deceit...spin...Lies...cover-ups and threats in a court of `AMERICAN` Law................

02-08-2021, 06:42 PM
Joe, you are no more than a hypocritical painter who owns a large brush.

Democrats and the MSM were deaf when our flag was stepped on and spit on and burned all year long. That along with endless monuments. And now, a few assholes grab one to use the pole as a weapon, and suddenly all Trump supporters are terrorists. :rolleyes: And adding in Iwo Jima to reflect it's importance and length - and yet were silent all year long. And at the same time he glorifies the flag - he reminds viewers how those that were critical of the kneeling and disrespect.... likely all need to be "deprogrammed" and all kinds of other bullshit.


Scarborough to Trump Supporters: ‘Your American Values Have Collapsed’

MSNBC “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough on Monday delivered a message to those still supporting former President Donald Trump, whose Senate impeachment trial is set to begin this week. The impeachment is over Trump’s role in the riot at the U.S. Capitol in January by a group of his supporters.

According to Scarborough, the group that breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 are “Trump terrorists.” He pointed to conservatives who spoke out against people kneeling for the national anthem and said anyone who was critical of the kneeling but not of the “Trump terrorists” using an American flag to beat a police officer has had their American values “collapsed.”

“We have Trump terrorists — and call them by their name — they are Trump terrorists. We have Trump terrorists that beat cops to death. We have cop killers in that crowd,” Scarborough emphasized. “We have MAGA terrorists in that crowd that used the American flag — the American flag that so many people have fought and died for. that they held up at Iwo Jima at the beginning of a long and bloody battle, that has gone before all of our troops of liberation through the years. They used that American flag to brutalize… a police officer. And they are worried about people kneeling. You can have that debate. Mika and I have had that debate, all right? But here, if you’re on the side you can’t even kneel while the national anthem is being played, but you’re saying, ‘Let’s just forget about the fact that they used an American flag to brutalize a police officer,’ something is wrong with you. Your values have completely, your American values have collapsed because you’re worshipping a weak leader who has done nothing but lose in the last four years.”

https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2021/02/08/scarborough-to-trump-supporters-your-american-values-have-collapsed/Minus the rhetoric that follows, I'd say the statement is correct. American values have collapsed. Thanks to idiots the likes of Scarborough.

I AM holding all leftwing, unamerican idiots accountable for supporting a criminal organization. They can all choke and die.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-08-2021, 07:15 PM
Voltaire once wrote: “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Who in American politics are people not allowed to criticize?
Current standard in USA -is the dem party, liberals trans/gays, blacks and any group that supports the dem party and its socialist agenda..

Joe smoe - the asshole is a member of that pretentious, devious, corrupt and arrogant elitist group.

While true and patriotic Americans are cast as the terrorists/criminal/undesirables by mainstream media, the elitists. the dem party and its many corrupt allies.--Tyr

02-08-2021, 08:20 PM
Honest question for any/everyone: Is there anyone who thinks this rhetoric is going to stop? The left is going to suddenly proclaim "our bad" and quit?

Now we're terrorsts. As I pointed out a few days ago (and it's not going away), the German Nazi playbook ascribed all their faults/crimes/etc to their victims while claiming they themselves were the actual victims. The left is working it verbatim.

Now, WE are the terrorists. This will be one time when I WILL state I'd like to see one of these pussies come say that to my face. Fact is, and referencing the previous paragraph, THIS BS is a perfect example of the terrorist war the left has been waging against the right for decades. Nobody dares say shit. There's no freedom of speech. Not if you want to keep your job, reputation, whatever. THEY are the terrorists and it's working like a charm. Hitler and Goebbels would be proud.

02-08-2021, 09:09 PM
Even the tiny Brain he thinks he has...knows he's literally BRAIN DEAD from TDS.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-09-2021, 07:37 AM
Joe scarboy is definitely a certified asshole imho.
I'd spit on the POS should he ever step foot on my property.--Tyr

02-09-2021, 04:10 PM
Minus the rhetoric that follows, I'd say the statement is correct. American values have collapsed. Thanks to idiots the likes of Scarborough.

I AM holding all leftwing, unamerican idiots accountable for supporting a criminal organization. They can all choke and die.

Yups, look back to the 50s, 60s, 70's and even some in the 80's - America had traditions, we had values (most of us still do), we had rights and we had a constitution. Truth, law and order when necessary. respect, integrity, self responsibility.... go on and on and on. We saw all of these things and almost everyone knew them even if not all followed. We also had something else important - proud to be Americans. Proud of our country and our short but rich history. Just good 'ol fashioned American pride.

Now? Where is it? What happened to so many traditions and values? What happened to lying being something not to be known for. Same with law and order, being a criminal used to be a bad thing. What happened to respecting others? Hell, self respect as well? We used to have responsibility embedded in us, and we all started working prior to even being of age, and then certainly getting a job of some wage to earn your keep, even if it were minimum wage, as we got out of high school. Things weren't given to us, and we certainly didn't get away with making demands. Demands of our parents, of our schools and of our police.

Think long and hard about each one, and then look at the past 30-40 years, and piece together what happened? I think many of us know. Also many of us still have every last one of those values - while the folks out there screaming about having lost values - are the very people that rarely show such traits anymore. Yup, I know what happened.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-09-2021, 04:59 PM
Yups, look back to the 50s, 60s, 70's and even some in the 80's - America had traditions, we had values (most of us still do), we had rights and we had a constitution. Truth, law and order when necessary. respect, integrity, self responsibility.... go on and on and on. We saw all of these things and almost everyone knew them even if not all followed. We also had something else important - proud to be Americans. Proud of our country and our short but rich history. Just good 'ol fashioned American pride.

Now? Where is it? What happened to so many traditions and values? What happened to lying being something not to be known for. Same with law and order, being a criminal used to be a bad thing. What happened to respecting others? Hell, self respect as well? We used to have responsibility embedded in us, and we all started working prior to even being of age, and then certainly getting a job of some wage to earn your keep, even if it were minimum wage, as we got out of high school. Things weren't given to us, and we certainly didn't get away with making demands. Demands of our parents, of our schools and of our police.

Think long and hard about each one, and then look at the past 30-40 years, and piece together what happened? I think many of us know. Also many of us still have every last one of those values - while the folks out there screaming about having lost values - are the very people that rarely show such traits anymore. Yup, I know what happened.

Here is what happened--the dem party, mainstream media and the dem installed socialist public school system.
Those are the three main culprits!!!
Now it most likely beyond the point of return, imho.
If anything- this last election and the fact it was stolen proves that.
The fact that SCOTUS refused to even hear the evidence of voter fraud points to a very foreboding trend.
That of abrogation of sworn duty by government officials, even justices in the highest court in the land!!
A nation without justice descends into a dictatorship-- which is exactly the course we are on now--with the dem party!!
And its ffing vermin......-Tyr