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02-13-2021, 05:21 PM
MSM. Yup. :rolleyes:


Politico still pushing Trump-Russia nonsense

At Politico, the Trump-Russia theories live on.

Politico published a report this week co-authored by reporters Natasha Bertrand (yes, her again) and Daniel Lippman (yes, him again) hyping the fact that President Biden’s team has access to the Trump-Putin call transcripts, which, the story’s authors suggest, means we may soon know the true nature of the previous president’s relationship with Moscow.

“Trump hid his calls with Putin,” reads the article’s headline. “Now, Biden has access to them.” Its subhead adds, “What was said between the two leaders is a great mystery, one that advisers to the current president say is imperative to find out.”

Yes, we’re back to this again, the preposterous notion that the Trump presidency may have been a plus for Russia.

“Few Trump-era mysteries are as intriguing as what the 45th president said to Vladimir Putin in at least a dozen rambling, off-the-cuff calls and meetings over four years,” reads the Politico article’s opening lines. “Understanding what was said between the two could help illuminate whether Trump ever revealed sensitive information or struck any deals with the Kremlin leader that could take the new administration by surprise.”

It adds, “Now that President Joe Biden is in the White House, he can see for himself.”

Rest - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/politico-still-pushing-trump-russia-nonsense

02-13-2021, 05:29 PM
I'll wait for the investigation into Dem-China collusion :rolleyes: