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02-13-2021, 06:08 PM
Will it actually happen this time? And if so, what happens with the fine gentlemen enjoying the hospitality?


Biden Will Close the Guantanamo Bay Military Prison After 'Robust Review'

The Guantanamo detention facility has been a target of liberal Democrats almost since the facility opened in 2002. Barack Obama spent his entire presidency threatening to close it. But pushback from Republicans who objected to transferring the terrorists to prisons on American soil prevented him from carrying out his plan.

Now we have another liberal Democratic president and once again, the issue of Guantanamo is being discussed. Joe Biden appointed an anti-Gitmo defense secretary and the radical wing of his party is agitating to close it.

But it’s likely the same opposition Obama ran into will be solidly against the idea. Biden will try to finesse the problem as Washington politicians usually do. He will set up a commission to examine the problem, mandating a “robust review” of Guantanamo.

Associated Press:

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said it was the “intention” of the Biden administration to close the detention facility, something President Barack Obama pledged to do within a year shortly after he took office in January 2009.

Psaki gave no timeline, telling reporters that the formal review would be “robust” and would require the participation of officials from the Department of Defense, the Justice Department and other agencies who have not yet been appointed under the new administration.

“There are many players from different agencies who need to be part of this policy discussion about the steps forward,” she said.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2021/02/13/biden-will-close-the-guantanamo-bay-military-prison-after-robust-review-n1425438

02-13-2021, 06:30 PM

It's a preventive measure the DEMS want to be sure to take since MOST OF THEM COULD SOMEDAY BE THERE as permanent Residents. So they might enjoy LEAVENWORTH or the
SUPER MAX prison's...where they can be sure to see their Miserable Hollyweirdo friends on HBO DURING THEIR STAY AT...http://commonconstitutionalist.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/club_gitmo_square_sticker_3_x_3.jpg

02-13-2021, 11:14 PM
Those moron radical ragheads who are probably laughing their asses off at us don't seem as much a threat these past 4 years. Been too busy watching our home grown terrorism.