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02-13-2021, 11:32 PM
Of course the ladies will have opinions and are free to post them, but I think this applies more to men than women.

Is it me? Or do any of you guys wear your pants at your natural waist? I wear mine on my hips and always have. Never thought about it until recently trying to update the trousers. I feel like Ed Grimley putting pants on at my actual waist.

Just wondering. :)

Mr. P
02-14-2021, 01:19 AM
I'm a Hipster too. :thumb:

02-14-2021, 01:51 AM
Since I quit smoking the day I had my first heart attack, and my diet changed almost everything. I CAN'T TELL WHERE MY REAL WAIST IS ANYMORE.
If I really wanted to....I'd have to look like my waist would almost be under my arms????:laugh::laugh:


At least that's better than this...https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTPO4JC6XidxC9XNc95ZYPTEDScuiTtH Mi52w&usqp=CAU&ec=45774421

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-14-2021, 11:02 AM
At the hips.
Wearing at the waist is for the 80/90 year olds.
You know, those too damn old to know what is --hip.......:laugh:--Tyr

02-14-2021, 03:29 PM
Of course the ladies will have opinions and are free to post them, but I think this applies more to men than women.

Is it me? Or do any of you guys wear your pants at your natural waist? I wear mine on my hips and always have. Never thought about it until recently trying to update the trousers. I feel like Ed Grimley putting pants on at my actual waist.

Just wondering. :)

Same here!

But with so many now wearing them just slightly beneath their waist at about their kneecaps, guess many are changing a little. :rolleyes:

idiotic Bieber alert





Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-14-2021, 03:57 PM
Same here!

But with so many now wearing them just slightly beneath their waist at about their kneecaps, guess many are changing a little. :rolleyes:

idiotic Bieber alert





Certified idiots.. with a capital --C--
I have no respect for morons that copy crap like that..
I had one like that last month , Came up to me at a gas station in Memphis- pan handling-ask me for two bucks.
I cursed the bastard out-told the ffing scum get a damn job-- you look like a blithering fool.
And told him-get within arms reach and I am going to knock your worthless ass out.
ffking scum ran like away like an Olympic sprinter after that and his asshole buddy took off as well.
Tis why I wear my hunting knife on my side most of the time. I don't play.
His buddy was rushing over as I put my hand on my knife--their little intimidation game didn't work on me.
I would have left'em both laying there bleeding
My dad did not raise me to be a fool or a damn coward.. .. A fact...--Tyr

02-14-2021, 07:42 PM
I'm not sure I want to know why it would be that Jimbob would have quick and ready access to butt shot of the Beib. beiber fever?:laugh2:

I just can't figure out why if most guys where their pants on their hips why they are tailored icansayit's 'retirement look" :)

02-14-2021, 08:26 PM
Wait a minute, Gunny. Your avatar is wearing a belt at the natural waist, not to mention wearing a cape and a shirt with a plunging neckline. Are you saying that isn't a current picture? :laugh2:

02-14-2021, 11:52 PM
A little help with waist v hips. Look where hip is located.


02-15-2021, 10:04 AM
Wait a minute, Gunny. Your avatar is wearing a belt at the natural waist, not to mention a wearing a cape and a shirt with a plunging neckline. Are you saying that isn't a current picture? :laugh2:I'll have you know the attire in my avatar is as up to date as 1973-1974 :laugh: . Pretty much looks like it too :).

The character is Nomad aka Captain America after he became so disillusioned with the US Gov't he ditched his red, white and blue and Captain America moniker.

If the suit fits ... Sometimes making a political statement hurts. Like the cape :laugh:

02-15-2021, 11:00 AM
A little help with waist v hips. Look where hip is located.

13184Typical. Some guy totally not built like me is the model :laugh: What they are calling the hips looks a bit low. I don't wear them that far down. Hip huggers went out in the 70s.

I have a nerve in my lower back, right side, right where the lower back and hip bone join. Lifting too heavy. If I irritate it by lifting too heavy, or wearing pants/belts on it it is 24/7 pain. I have to work around it. Wore 501s for years but Levi's trade practices put them on my shit list.

If I wear "classic" fit trou's, it either puts them on that nerve, or I lower them and it looks like my crotch is halfway to my knees.

That would be the technical issue I have with Ed Grimley pants. Not to mention they're uncomfortable that high up :)

02-15-2021, 01:02 PM
I'm not sure I want to know why it would be that Jimbob would have quick and ready access to butt shot of the Beib. beiber fever?:laugh2:

I just can't figure out why if most guys where their pants on their hips why they are tailored icansayit's 'retirement look" :)

If I had the opportunity I would not hesitate to beat the f*** out of that little prick. That's one person I can't stand.

Abbey Marie
02-15-2021, 04:12 PM
A little help with waist v hips. Look where hip is located.


Thanks, Sassy. I was going to ask what the guys mean by their hips. Lol, if they actually wear them there, they might get arrested.

ETA: “Every girl crazy ‘bout a sharp-dressed man”

02-15-2021, 04:26 PM
Thanks, Sassy. I was going to ask what the guys mean by their hips. Lol, if they actually wear them there, they might get arrested.

ETA: “Every girl crazy ‘bout a sharp-dressed man”

Speaking only for myself. I learned a long time ago that my hips were below my belt, but they were the widest...so they held up our pants??? The waist was somewhere around the bottom of the Bellybutton...until...LIFE began to EXPAND all of the SKIN God gave us originally. THEN.....ALL BETS WERE OFF. (So to speak):laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Abbey Marie
02-15-2021, 04:32 PM
Speaking only for myself. I learned a long time ago that my hips were below my belt, but they were the widest...so they held up our pants??? The waist was somewhere around the bottom of the Bellybutton...until...LIFE began to EXPAND all of the SKIN God gave us originally. THEN.....ALL BETS WERE OFF. (So to speak):laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

I can’t speak for men, but for clothes buying purposes, they give us the inches across in three areas. We measure our waist at the narrowest part, and our hips about 8” below the waist.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-15-2021, 04:59 PM
A little help with waist v hips. Look where hip is located.


That image is not entirely accurate unless it is for design and tailoring purposes, imho.
Where it shows hip is the bottom of the hip--- the top of the hip is about on level with the thumbs on the image as shown, imho....
Or one could just argue about wearing the belt at either the high waist border or the lowest point on the waist..
I wear my belt well below the navel. I call that hip-- not waistline.
99% of the time I wear bluejeans , Levi. Wrangler or other brands.
As an old country boy-- seems unmanly to me to dress otherwise unless its for a special occasion.

My dad taught me 60 years ago that being humble is to be praised -while being flashy/pretentious is to be arrogant.
My darling wife complains that I almost never dress up.
And I just smile at her and say --THANKS.....
Best thing in the world is for a man to know his place and not play the game of pretending that ones clothes denotes the man
and projects his character..
History shows character is what you are , how you live and how you treat others--it is not what wealth or material things you may acquire or
grab to impress others.....
Now this excludes the ladies -as I am speaking in the male role and about men.
The ladies dress for beauty , for appearance for sexiness.
I salute applaud and so immensely appreciate that--as my genetic disposition has geared me to seek beautiful, sexy and fine female companionship.
My country-boy ways and Southern genetics has always said, -- ladies -take me as I am.... stubbornness, warts en all. :laugh:--Tyr

02-15-2021, 09:17 PM
Thanks, Sassy. I was going to ask what the guys mean by their hips. Lol, if they actually wear them there, they might get arrested.

ETA: “Every girl crazy ‘bout a sharp-dressed man”Top of the hip bone :)