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View Full Version : Pelosi crashes press conference to rage at 'cowardly' acquittal vote

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-14-2021, 10:59 AM

Daily Mail
Pelosi crashes press conference to rage at 'cowardly' acquittal vote
Katelyn Caralle, U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.com 16 hrs ago
Daily Mail logoPelosi crashes press conference to rage at 'cowardly' acquittal vote

Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump that are talking to each other: MailOnline logo© Provided by Daily Mail MailOnline logo
Nancy Pelosi crashed the House impeachment manager's post-trial press conference Saturday to rage against Mitch McConnell and call out Republicans' 'cowardly' vote to stop Donald Trump from being convicted for 'incitement of insurrection'.

'It had not been my intention to come to this press availability,' Pelosi said as she spoke to reporters on the fifth and final day of the Senate proceedings. 'But what we saw today was a cowardly group of Republicans who apparently have no options because they were afraid to defend their job – respect the institution in which they serve.'

'But why I came over was because I listened to Mitch McConnell,' Pelosi continued.

McConnell took the Senate floor shortly after Democrats failed to earn the two-thirds votes needed to convict the former president – and the Republican leader argued Congress no longer had jurisdiction over Trump's actions because is no longer president.

Pelosi angrily recounted the events of January where McConnell, who was still Senate majority leader at the time, refused to accept the impeachment article against Trump before Joe Biden's inauguration.

'So for him to get up there and make this indictment against the president and then say, 'but I can't vote for it because it's after the fact.' The fact that he established! The fact that he established that it could not be delivered after the inauguration.'

a couple of people that are talking to each other: Nancy Pelosi crashed the House impeachment manager's post-trial press conference in an angry rage, lashing out at Mitch McConnell and calling Republicans 'cowardly' for voting to stop Donald Trump from being convicted for 'incitement of insurrection'© Provided by Daily Mail Nancy Pelosi crashed the House impeachment manager's post-trial press conference in an angry rage, lashing out at Mitch McConnell and calling Republicans 'cowardly' for voting to stop Donald Trump from being convicted for 'incitement of insurrection'
Mitch McConnell in a suit sitting at a table: McConnell argued in floor remarks after acquitting Trump, that Congress didn't have the jurisdiction to go after a former president© Provided by Daily Mail McConnell argued in floor remarks after acquitting Trump, that Congress didn't have the jurisdiction to go after a former president
When asked about censuring the ex-president, Pelosi asserted that didn't go nearly far enough.

Video: Watch: McConnell's full remarks following Senate vote to acquit Trump (NBC News)

Current Time 0:38
Duration 20:28
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Watch: McConnell's full remarks following Senate vote to acquit Trump
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'Oh these cowardly senators who couldn't face up to what the president did and what was at stake for our country are now going to have a chance to give a little slap on the wrist,' she said as she physically gave herself a slap on the wrist.

'We censure people for using stationary for the wrong purpose,' she said, picking up a few pieces of paper laying on the podium and waving them around.

She added: 'We don't censure people for inciting insurrections.'

Pelosi suggested Republicans voted to not convict Trump because they 'can't get another job' and want to make sure they are reelected.

'What is so important about any one of us, what is so important about the political survival about any one of us that is more important than our Constitution that we take an oath to protect and defend?' she questioned, shaking at times with anger.

'All the things he said – oh my gosh – about Donald Trump and how horrible he was, and is, and then say but the time that the House chose to bring it over - no we didn't, you chose not to receive it,' she lashed out.

McConnell suggested that while he felt Congress couldn't pursue charges against Trump, that he could still be held criminally liable.

'President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office,' McConnell said in Senate floor remarks.

'He didn't get away with anything, yet,' he continued. 'We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation and former presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one.'

Pelosi, who tried to leave the room two separate times but walked back to the podium to add more, was livid.

'Remember when he talked about, when he talked about incitement, he said he didn't think this rose to the level,' she said. 'So he was hedging all over the place.'

'I don't know if it was for donors, or what, or whatever it was, it was a very disingenuous speech and I say that regretfully because I always want to be able to work with the leadership of the other party,' the California Democrat added.

Wait a damn minute! This ffking, ignorant psychotic bitch did not succeed in her impeachment scam/fraud -yet comes forth speaking as if they got the guilty verdict they sought!
The why and the how that this piece of shit holds a government position is truly baffling to me.
The people that keep voting her into office must be the dumbest sumbiatches on earth!
And there is not a damn one of them that I wouldn't quite gladly say that to- face to face-- be it man or woman!
Ignorant-ass morons...-Tyr

02-14-2021, 02:21 PM
Wait a damn minute! This ffking, ignorant psychotic bitch did not succeed in her impeachment scam/fraud -yet comes forth speaking as if they got the guilty verdict they sought!
The why and the how that this piece of shit holds a government position is truly baffling to me.
The people that keep voting her into office must be the dumbest sumbiatches on earth!
And there is not a damn one of them that I wouldn't quite gladly say that to- face to face-- be it man or woman!
Ignorant-ass morons...-Tyr

I think that often she is an incompetent attention whore. Same as when she ripped the speech up, knowing she stood and was certainly on camera and being watched by the nation.

And it is how they work. Other democrats came out, like Raskin, also claiming victory. Hell, they were claiming as much prior to the process and are doing so now and always would have been doing so - just as they did and are continuing on about Russia. Then the same agencies and characters in the MSM will follow suit. And then they will beat you to death with it and never ever deny it, no matter what's on record. Same as their non-stop lying. They get busted every time and lie anyway and continue on about it.

This is why I could just never ever live in certain parts of California as much as I would love to live there. Her district is obviously filled with many people that are like her, agree with her policies and agree with her voting and actions. I couldn't stomach it. Not there.

02-14-2021, 03:33 PM
She is that hovering, never-goes-away STENCH that floats around Washington D.C. that only exists because the SWAMP created the STENCH she so proudly SPLASHES on her Botox Loaded Face, but she can't smell it since she was born that way.



Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-14-2021, 03:47 PM
I think that often she is an incompetent attention whore. Same as when she ripped the speech up, knowing she stood and was certainly on camera and being watched by the nation.

And it is how they work. Other democrats came out, like Raskin, also claiming victory. Hell, they were claiming as much prior to the process and are doing so now and always would have been doing so - just as they did and are continuing on about Russia. Then the same agencies and characters in the MSM will follow suit. And then they will beat you to death with it and never ever deny it, no matter what's on record. Same as their non-stop lying. They get busted every time and lie anyway and continue on about it.

This is why I could just never ever live in certain parts of California as much as I would love to live there. Her district is obviously filled with many people that are like her, agree with her policies and agree with her voting and actions. I couldn't stomach it. Not there.

The pieces of shit that vote her in are no better than that ffing scum is.
Reason that I have never even so much as visited Cali is the morons that live there and vote in assholes like her.
ffing scum....--Tyr

02-14-2021, 09:13 PM
Wait a damn minute! This ffking, ignorant psychotic bitch did not succeed in her impeachment scam/fraud -yet comes forth speaking as if they got the guilty verdict they sought!
The why and the how that this piece of shit holds a government position is truly baffling to me.
The people that keep voting her into office must be the dumbest sumbiatches on earth!
And there is not a damn one of them that I wouldn't quite gladly say that to- face to face-- be it man or woman!
Ignorant-ass morons...-Tyr

What would you expect from Madame Pelosi, who tore up the State of the Union address on live TV, then defended her actions?

Time to sink to her level and punish her...

The Speaker of the House should be spanked really hard, sent to her room without supper, no TV for a week,, and write “I am sorry that I act like a fucking psychotic bitch” 1000 times...

That ‘s how you treat a petulant two year old

PS... almost forgot two important items ...no designer ice cream for a year and no hanging out with her pals at the Kennedy Center

02-14-2021, 09:17 PM

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02-14-2021, 09:21 PM

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He found it!:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: