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View Full Version : Tapper Blasts Cuomo for Hiding Nursing Home Deaths

02-15-2021, 02:46 PM
Tapper gets zero credit from me. Was Trump not an excuse before this? Was Cuomo not hiding shit long long ago about these deaths? And now that Biden is in office...

He received an award from his briefings and many applauded him including myself and others here. I just wasn't fully aware of all of his decisions at the time. An article below this one about prior times...


Tapper Blasts Cuomo for Hiding Nursing Home Deaths, Trump 'Not an Excuse'

During Sunday’s State of the Union, CNN co-host Jake Tapper broke with the rest of the Zucker-controlled network and issued a full-throated condemnation of Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo; following a bombshell New York Post report exposed how the Governor covered up the COVID deaths of nursing home residents. It came after CNN had largely ignored the growing scandal for days.

The Post report and an Associated Press report about Cuomo’s deadly decision both dropped on Thursday even. But CNN refused to cover either of the stories until Saturday’s New Day, with Tapper’s televised editorial on Sunday was just the second time it was mentioned and the first rant against the network’s favorite governor. And unsurprisingly, Tapper eventually parleyed his Cuomo comments into bashing Senate Republicans.

“We just saw a small but respectable number of politicians willing to break with their partisan allegiances and criticize an intimidating leader in the face of loss of life,” Tapper touted at the top of his closing segment. After noting he wasn’t talking about the Senate Republicans who voted to convict President Trump, he told viewers he was praising Democrats.

After recounting the general nature of Cuomo’s scandalous nursing home order, Tapper reminding folks of the previous shoe that dropped with undercounting deaths:

It's, of course, impossible to exactly ascertain how many nursing home deaths are linked to the Cuomo directive. And certainly part of the reason is that the Cuomo administration's, quote, ‘published nursing home data reflected and may have been undercounted by as much 50 percent,’ according to fellow Democrat and New York Attorney General Latisha James.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2021/02/14/tapper-blasts-cuomo-hiding-nursing-home-deaths-trump-not

Flashback: Celebs Gushed Over 'Truthful' Cuomo's Emmy for COVID Briefings

Remember when New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was almost universally hailed by the left over his many coronavirus briefings to the extent that he even won an Emmy in November for them? Of course, the Emmy Founders Award was given to Cuomo in November not so much for what he said but more for the fact that was considered the favored counterpoint to President Donald Trump's coronavirus briefings which they hated because he was, well, Trump.

A big part of the Emmy ceremony was the top gushing over Cuomo by celebrities which in retrospect, due to the revelations about Cuomo's office hiding data about the nursing home deaths due to his horribly misguided policy of not isolating COVID patients away from the others in those institutions, now seem more ridiculous than ever.

You can get tooth decay watching the celebrities, introduced by the International Academy President and CEO Bruce Paisner, during the Emmy Awards ceremony November showering sugary praise upon Cuomo primarily because he was their symbol of the un-Trump.

Bruce Paisner: It is now my distinct pleasure to present the 2020 International Emmy Founders Award to Governor Andrew Cuomo, with a little help from some of my fellow New Yorkers.

Spike Lee: To my Governor, the Governor of Empire State, Andrew Cuomo.

Robert De Niro: Congratulations, Andrew on your much-deserved Founders Award.

Rosie Perez: Governor Andrew Cuomo, you are the man.

Ben Stiller: I was trying to think of something that I could say to you that would be funny, so I called your brother Chris, who could not understand why you're getting an Emmy since he's the one on television.

Billy Crystal: In the darkest days of the pandemic, your daily briefings, live from New York, gave us hope, gave us clarity, gave us the truth, and gave us something we were not getting from Washington: Leadership.

Billy Joel: In the midst of this storm, Andrew Cuomo became the nation's governor. People across the country tuned into his press conferences every day.

Spike Lee: Daily I was watching his press conferences, informing us, telling us what to do.

Ben Stiller: He also said that now that you're the "love gov" you've really transcended politics, and now you're more of a national sex symbol. You'll probably get more dates than votes. That's him saying that, not me.

Rosie Perez: You did your thing during COVID. New York was suffering, we were the epicenter, we were all in a crisis, in a panic and every single day you came on the airwaves and you opened your strength, your leadership and your direction and your caring and your heart.

Billy Crystal: You are the epitome of New York Tough.

Ben Stiller: These are things your brother says about you. I look up to you still.

Rosie Perez: And you set the example for the rest of the nation, the rest of the world how to be a leader during a time of crisis.

Robert De Niro: Thank you for your leadership during these trying times. We are New York Tough, smart, disciplined, united and loving.

Spike Lee: Thank you, Governor.

Billy Joel: Stay safe and please wear a mask.

Ben Stiller: I want to say congratulations again and anything that you didn't like that I said was your brother's Chris's idea.

Rosie Perez: Congratulations. Much love - Brooklyn loves you, Andrew Cuomo.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/pj-gladnick/2021/02/14/flashback-celebs-gushed-over-truthful-cuomos-emmy-covid-briefings

02-15-2021, 04:35 PM
Idiots. Idiots all.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-15-2021, 05:59 PM
Tapper gets zero credit from me. Was Trump not an excuse before this? Was Cuomo not hiding shit long long ago about these deaths? And now that Biden is in office...

He received an award from his briefings and many applauded him including myself and others here. I just wasn't fully aware of all of his decisions at the time. An article below this one about prior times...


Tapper Blasts Cuomo for Hiding Nursing Home Deaths, Trump 'Not an Excuse'

During Sunday’s State of the Union, CNN co-host Jake Tapper broke with the rest of the Zucker-controlled network and issued a full-throated condemnation of Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo; following a bombshell New York Post report exposed how the Governor covered up the COVID deaths of nursing home residents. It came after CNN had largely ignored the growing scandal for days.

The Post report and an Associated Press report about Cuomo’s deadly decision both dropped on Thursday even. But CNN refused to cover either of the stories until Saturday’s New Day, with Tapper’s televised editorial on Sunday was just the second time it was mentioned and the first rant against the network’s favorite governor. And unsurprisingly, Tapper eventually parleyed his Cuomo comments into bashing Senate Republicans.

“We just saw a small but respectable number of politicians willing to break with their partisan allegiances and criticize an intimidating leader in the face of loss of life,” Tapper touted at the top of his closing segment. After noting he wasn’t talking about the Senate Republicans who voted to convict President Trump, he told viewers he was praising Democrats.

After recounting the general nature of Cuomo’s scandalous nursing home order, Tapper reminding folks of the previous shoe that dropped with undercounting deaths:

It's, of course, impossible to exactly ascertain how many nursing home deaths are linked to the Cuomo directive. And certainly part of the reason is that the Cuomo administration's, quote, ‘published nursing home data reflected and may have been undercounted by as much 50 percent,’ according to fellow Democrat and New York Attorney General Latisha James.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2021/02/14/tapper-blasts-cuomo-hiding-nursing-home-deaths-trump-not

Flashback: Celebs Gushed Over 'Truthful' Cuomo's Emmy for COVID Briefings

Remember when New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was almost universally hailed by the left over his many coronavirus briefings to the extent that he even won an Emmy in November for them? Of course, the Emmy Founders Award was given to Cuomo in November not so much for what he said but more for the fact that was considered the favored counterpoint to President Donald Trump's coronavirus briefings which they hated because he was, well, Trump.

A big part of the Emmy ceremony was the top gushing over Cuomo by celebrities which in retrospect, due to the revelations about Cuomo's office hiding data about the nursing home deaths due to his horribly misguided policy of not isolating COVID patients away from the others in those institutions, now seem more ridiculous than ever.

You can get tooth decay watching the celebrities, introduced by the International Academy President and CEO Bruce Paisner, during the Emmy Awards ceremony November showering sugary praise upon Cuomo primarily because he was their symbol of the un-Trump.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/pj-gladnick/2021/02/14/flashback-celebs-gushed-over-truthful-cuomos-emmy-covid-briefings

Merely a miniscule exposure of the true rot of these people, the dem party and its faithful allies.
Taper himself just another turd in the punchbowl--apparently attempting to buy a small slice(no matter how tiny it be) of respectability, imho.
I get bored watching the "clown circus" and how it is portrayed by mainstream media as the enlightenment gifted unto we mortals by the Gods.
And what is even worse --how the blinded masses see only the delusion the media and dems want them to see.
Damnnnnnnnnnnnnn wouldnt Goebbels be so proud of the dem party and its magnificent use/success of Nazi-type propaganda in this our modern world! -Tyr

02-15-2021, 08:18 PM
You know it’s bad when even the Left won’t stick up for him anymore

02-15-2021, 09:08 PM
Some people wish Cuomo would to go to Hell

I would be satisfied if he just went to prison

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02-15-2021, 10:21 PM
Idiots. Idiots all.Yeah, I read that twice just in case I missed something. Guess we'll be seeing Tapper on MSNBC shortly ...