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02-15-2021, 04:02 PM
I know and knew that these two are dirty as hell and were involved in this whole thing. I said all along that Clapper smelled wrong, I knew he was a bullshitter. As Comey is. And they should be brought up on charges if shown that they brought this shit forward in any knowingly way - which I 100% believe they did.

The link within the article is to the actual memos between the two of them.


Newly-declassified Documents Show Comey Purposefully Lied About the Steele Dossier

Newly-declassified documents show then-FBI Director James Comey purposefully lied about the Steele Dossier. He wrote an email to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper saying the dossier couldn't be "sufficiently corroborate[d]." Despite the lack of corroboration, Comey still signed the FISA warrant that resulted in the surveillance of Carter Page.

Below is Comey's Jan. 12, 2017 email (https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2021-02/ComeyClapperMemo1-12-17.pdf) (emphasis mine):


just had a chance to review the proposed talking points on this for today. Perhaps it is a nit, but I worry that it may not be best to say "The IC has not made any judgment that the information in the document [dossier] is reliable." I say that because we HAVE concluded that the source [redacted] is reliable and has a track record with us of reporting reliable information; we have some visibility into his source network, some of which we have determined to be subsources in a position to report on such thing; and much of what he reports in the current document is consistent with and corroborative of other reporting included in the body of the main IC report. That said, we are not able to sufficiently corroborate the reporting to include it in the body of the report.

That all rings in my ears as more complicated than "we have not made a judgement that the information in the document is reliable." It might be better to say that "we have not been able to sufficiently corroborate the information to include it in the body of our Russia report but, for a variety of reasons, we thought it important to include it in our report to our senior-most audience."


At this point in time, Operation Crossfire Hurricane – the FBI's investigation into Trump campaign officials during the 2016 election and well after the Trump administration took hold in January 2017 – was already teetering. The CIA informed Comey and the FBI that Carter Page wasn't a Russian spy. He was actually helping the CIA.

Despite the CIA's information and warnings about Steele's network potentially being compromised by Russian disinformation, the FBI went forward with their probe. This was even after the FBI was told Hillary Clinton's campaign used the Steele Dossier to distract from her email scandal. Again, they pressed on with their probe.

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2021/02/15/comey-signed-fisa-warrant-despite-telling-the-fbi-the-steele-dossier-couldnt-be-n2584752

02-15-2021, 04:32 PM
I know and knew that these two are dirty as hell and were involved in this whole thing. I said all along that Clapper smelled wrong, I knew he was a bullshitter. As Comey is. And they should be brought up on charges if shown that they brought this shit forward in any knowingly way - which I 100% believe they did.

The link within the article is to the actual memos between the two of them.


Newly-declassified Documents Show Comey Purposefully Lied About the Steele Dossier

Newly-declassified documents show then-FBI Director James Comey purposefully lied about the Steele Dossier. He wrote an email to then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper saying the dossier couldn't be "sufficiently corroborate[d]." Despite the lack of corroboration, Comey still signed the FISA warrant that resulted in the surveillance of Carter Page.

Below is Comey's Jan. 12, 2017 email (https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2021-02/ComeyClapperMemo1-12-17.pdf) (emphasis mine):

At this point in time, Operation Crossfire Hurricane – the FBI's investigation into Trump campaign officials during the 2016 election and well after the Trump administration took hold in January 2017 – was already teetering. The CIA informed Comey and the FBI that Carter Page wasn't a Russian spy. He was actually helping the CIA.

Despite the CIA's information and warnings about Steele's network potentially being compromised by Russian disinformation, the FBI went forward with their probe. This was even after the FBI was told Hillary Clinton's campaign used the Steele Dossier to distract from her email scandal. Again, they pressed on with their probe.

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2021/02/15/comey-signed-fisa-warrant-despite-telling-the-fbi-the-steele-dossier-couldnt-be-n2584752

From Long Before Trump was elected, and Obama tried to protect, and hide EVERYTHING Hillary was doing, from the Missing 33K emails, to Selling our Uranium to Russia, then Behghazi, and the RESTART BUTTON with the Russians.
I kept nearly every report on my DOCUMENTS directory, only to find a short few weeks ago...that GOOGLE conspired with Obama, Clinton, and all the Players in the Steele Dossier coverup that was ALL PHONY.
And to top it off. GOOGLE had control of ALL OF THE YOUTUBE's I kept as BOOKMARKED, and made them all UNAVAILABLE...if they mentioned Hillary or the COUP. Sadly...based on Comey and the rest of the UNTRUSTABLES (I call them). The Obama JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, FBI, CIA, NSA, and dozens of other UNELECTED Beaurocrats in the SWAMP are still UNTRUSTWORTHY, and have made everything into AMMO to destroy anybody, and anything that MAKES NOISE they don't like to hear. This includes ALL OF THE FAKE NEWS.

02-15-2021, 09:11 PM
You know Nixon was almost impeached for less

The biggest disappointment I have is that the Trump administration didn’t throw the whole bunch of these bums in prison where they belong

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