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02-18-2021, 02:19 PM
The freeways were closed due to ice and snow, so Cruz got transportation assistance from the Houston Police Department. Even the GOP governor of Texas remained in Austin, in temporary quarters due to busted pipes. Cruz knows that, like Trump, he is bullet proof and can do whatever he wants without consequences. --------------> https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2021/02/18/barbs-fly-at-ted-cruz-for-heading-to-cancun-as-millions-in-texas-freeze-without-power/

02-18-2021, 02:32 PM
The freeways were closed due to ice and snow, so Cruz got transportation assistance from the Houston Police Department. Even the GOP governor of Texas remained in Austin, in temporary quarters due to busted pipes. Cruz knows that, like Trump, he is bullet proof and can do whatever he wants without consequences. --------------> https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2021/02/18/barbs-fly-at-ted-cruz-for-heading-to-cancun-as-millions-in-texas-freeze-without-power/

I heard about the cruise. He's heading back. Another unforced error.

02-18-2021, 02:38 PM
Cruz is returning because the media found out about his trip. Not that he needs to. Cruz is bullet proof.

02-18-2021, 02:43 PM
Cruz is returning because the media found out about his trip. Not that he needs to. Cruz is bullet proof.

That's what many thought about GA. How'd that work out?

Mr. P
02-18-2021, 03:24 PM
I guess they hold Ted in such high regard they think he can change the weather and restore power in one single bound? Really.

He is just another target on the right tagged for elimination.

02-18-2021, 03:32 PM
Cruz is returning because the media found out about his trip. Not that he needs to. Cruz is bullet proof.

ALSO gabby. Honestly tell us IF YOU COULD AFFORD TO LEAVE the Earthquakes, Fires, and NEWSOME mud slides...YOU WOULDN'T TAKE YOUR FAMILY SOMEWHERE SAFE????


02-18-2021, 03:53 PM
What, exactly, is Cruz supposed to do?

He's a Senator. Not a Governor or Mayor. Do you expect him to roll up his sleeves and start handing out firewood on a street corner?

This mess is 100% because Texas - as a State - decided to go with too much 'Green' energy. That means when the wind turbines don't turn and the solar arrays are covered in snow & ice, they don't have sufficient power to meet demand.

Ted's only role here is to remind Texas that depending on solar and wind to meet demands without having backup is stupid. They're a huge oil & natural gas state.

This is what happens when Proggies get involved in critical infrastructure. Pushing this stupid green agenda with no common sense Plan B to provide energy has lethal consequences.

This is a good reminder to the rest of the country that green energy is unreliable. It's okay to dabble in it, but insanely reckless to implement it without keeping in mind reliable backup.

Who cares if Cruz went to Cancun? This wasn't his idea nor does he have any power to fix it or assist.

This is the Babbling Buffoon Biden's arena for Fed disaster relief, and the Governor and the different Mayors around the State.

How's Biden measuring up on assisting Texas in their time of need? Think maybe the dummy will reconsider his New Green Deal bullshit that he wants to foist upon America? Doubtful.

02-18-2021, 04:21 PM
What, exactly, is Cruz supposed to do?

He's a Senator. Not a Governor or Mayor. Do you expect him to roll up his sleeves and start handing out firewood on a street corner?

This mess is 100% because Texas - as a State - decided to go with too much 'Green' energy. That means when the wind turbines don't turn and the solar arrays are covered in snow & ice, they don't have sufficient power to meet demand.

Ted's only role here is to remind Texas that depending on solar and wind to meet demands without having backup is stupid. They're a huge oil & natural gas state.

This is what happens when Proggies get involved in critical infrastructure. Pushing this stupid green agenda with no common sense Plan B to provide energy has lethal consequences.

This is a good reminder to the rest of the country that green energy is unreliable. It's okay to dabble in it, but insanely reckless to implement it without keeping in mind reliable backup.

Who cares if Cruz went to Cancun? This wasn't his idea nor does he have any power to fix it or assist.

This is the Babbling Buffoon Biden's arena for Fed disaster relief, and the Governor and the different Mayors around the State.

How's Biden measuring up on assisting Texas in their time of need? Think maybe the dummy will reconsider his New Green Deal bullshit that he wants to foist upon America? Doubtful.

Actually, renewables had little to do with the problems. Most of the outages were due to issues with natural gas production. And, because of deregulation, they are unable to import power from other states when they need it most. it's a messed up situation all the way around..

How the Texas power grid failed and what could stop it from happening again (https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/17/how-the-texas-power-grid-failed-and-what-could-stop-it-from-happening-again.html)

02-18-2021, 04:40 PM
Actually, renewables had little to do with the problems. Most of the outages were due to issues with natural gas production. And, because of deregulation, they are unable to import power from other states when they need it most. it's a messed up situation all the way around..

How the Texas power grid failed and what could stop it from happening again (https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/17/how-the-texas-power-grid-failed-and-what-could-stop-it-from-happening-again.html)

That's weird... I read that it was because the wind turbines iced up and failed - that's a huge problem up here.

02-18-2021, 06:21 PM
The freeways were closed due to ice and snow, so Cruz got transportation assistance from the Houston Police Department. Even the GOP governor of Texas remained in Austin, in temporary quarters due to busted pipes. Cruz knows that, like Trump, he is bullet proof and can do whatever he wants without consequences. --------------> https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2021/02/18/barbs-fly-at-ted-cruz-for-heading-to-cancun-as-millions-in-texas-freeze-without-power/

Cry us a river! :boohoo::boohoo::boohoo:

Only "Jealous" (that's the nature of liberalism and the foundation thereof......they have an innate need to have what others possess without the hassle of work) limp wristed, tofu eating liberals would give a rat's rear end about the success, power and wealth of others. They pretend not to be interested in wealth and power........yet every post demonstrates the truth.

If the power went out in my area and it was locked in a deep freeze......and I had the ability to jet off with my family to a warmer "safer" area, it would take more than some liberal cancel culture to bring me home until my family was safe. God, Family and then all the rest of you tofu eating jealous want'a bees, always buzzing with envy. :lame2:


Now do you really want to know what I think?:dunno: The Chicom Democrats have stolen power again........what else do you covet?

02-18-2021, 06:58 PM
What, exactly, is Cruz supposed to do?

He's a Senator. Not a Governor or Mayor. Do you expect him to roll up his sleeves and start handing out firewood on a street corner?

This mess is 100% because Texas - as a State - decided to go with too much 'Green' energy. That means when the wind turbines don't turn and the solar arrays are covered in snow & ice, they don't have sufficient power to meet demand.

Ted's only role here is to remind Texas that depending on solar and wind to meet demands without having backup is stupid. They're a huge oil & natural gas state.

This is what happens when Proggies get involved in critical infrastructure. Pushing this stupid green agenda with no common sense Plan B to provide energy has lethal consequences.

This is a good reminder to the rest of the country that green energy is unreliable. It's okay to dabble in it, but insanely reckless to implement it without keeping in mind reliable backup.

Who cares if Cruz went to Cancun? This wasn't his idea nor does he have any power to fix it or assist.

This is the Babbling Buffoon Biden's arena for Fed disaster relief, and the Governor and the different Mayors around the State.

How's Biden measuring up on assisting Texas in their time of need? Think maybe the dummy will reconsider his New Green Deal bullshit that he wants to foist upon America? Doubtful.
I gotta say I was surprised they hadn't included back up fuel. Sure TX. like AZ has plenty of wind. Sun, and open spaces. No state or country has the battery capacity to store excess, but for moments. Not available yet or maybe ever

02-18-2021, 09:07 PM
The freeways were closed due to ice and snow, so Cruz got transportation assistance from the Houston Police Department. Even the GOP governor of Texas remained in Austin, in temporary quarters due to busted pipes. Cruz knows that, like Trump, he is bullet proof and can do whatever he wants without consequences. --------------> https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2021/02/18/barbs-fly-at-ted-cruz-for-heading-to-cancun-as-millions-in-texas-freeze-without-power/

And while hair salons were shut down in California, Queen Pelosi was getting her hair done. She claimed the salon set her up, the resulting stir over the matter caused the salon owner to close her doors permanently

And while mask mandates and social distancing mandates were in effect your governor was caught rubbing elbows and not wearing a mask at a dinner with some lobbyists

02-18-2021, 10:27 PM
Wind, Solar, Thermal, and Nuclear....DO NOT HAVE THE SCIENTIFIC CAPABILITIES to STORE electricity.
BATTERIES of all kinds are LIMITED, Can only be used as a Temporary replacement for A.C. or D.C. current that runs through wires. BUT IT CANNOT BE STORED like water, oil, or natural gas. Which is WHY turbines have to be running all the time in order to GENERATE electricity.

The next ZILLIONAIRE will be that one Human being who comes up with a way to STORE, INDEFINATELY....Electric power. NOT BATTERIES. Actual containers of some sort that can provide INSTANT electric power whenever it's required.

What the NEW GREEN DEAL DEMOCRAT IDIOTS refuse to tell the American people...is the truth. THE TRUTH IS....WIND, SOLAR, THERMAL, NUCLEAR, and even BATTERIES....
(Are you ready for this??????)


But they DON'T CARE.

02-18-2021, 10:48 PM

02-19-2021, 12:29 AM
"Electric Car Charging stations".....Charging off of power grid which is 95% Coal"

"They still get almost all of their energy from the grid. Most superchargers do not even have solar panels, and in practice the idea is totally impractical with current solar technology.A supercharger gives an 85kWh model S a half charge in 20 minutes. That equates to a power output of around 120kW. With 1kW per meter square solar panels, which is typical, that's about 120 square meters of panels. That's nearly ten times the size of a typical parking space (about 16 square meters)
I love Tesla, but the solar canopies on the superchargers are marketing bullshit. Unless he you see a field of solar panels next door, the power is from the grid"


02-19-2021, 06:18 AM
Wind power turbines a.k.a Condor Cuisinarts because they are known to kill birds, including endangered species.

There is a technology that no one seems to know about and holds much promise, one that is carbon neutral, can generates megawatts of electricity, and is relatively safe.....

Thorium nuclear technology (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium-based_nuclear_power)

Thorium is a slightly radioactive element that is 10 times more abundant that Uranium. Furthermore, it is much more difficult to create nuclear weapons with Thorium than with Uranium or Plutonium.

The nuclear reactor technology is such that, if something should go wrong, the nuclear reaction just stops.

The technology is still in its infancy but it does hold promise.

02-19-2021, 10:55 AM
The freeways were closed due to ice and snow, so Cruz got transportation assistance from the Houston Police Department. Even the GOP governor of Texas remained in Austin, in temporary quarters due to busted pipes. Cruz knows that, like Trump, he is bullet proof and can do whatever he wants without consequences. --------------> https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2021/02/18/barbs-fly-at-ted-cruz-for-heading-to-cancun-as-millions-in-texas-freeze-without-power/Typical, leftwingnut "educated" shit-stirring. What does Ted Cruz have to do with the weather? What exact role does Ted Cruz play in State and local business? What roled does Ted Cruz play in emergency relief, the National Guard? None. Who cares if he's here? Besides lefwingnuts sensationalists out to slander any Republican with balls at each and every breath he draws?

Sen Ted Cruz represents the State of Texas to the politburo in DC. Other than reputation, he has no official standing here. But then, it's the reputation the left is after, not anything tangible. The OP in this thread is evidence of that.

02-19-2021, 11:28 AM
Perhaps none of you realize what forms the root of this issue. It is hypocrisy. No one is faulting Ted Cruz for wanting to take a vacation, even an ill-timed one. It is the fact that Cruz had harshly criticized California for being unable to solve its own energy crisis a while back, leading to blackouts. Earlier in the pandemic, Cruz attacked the mayor of Austin for taking a trip while his city was shut down. This is what made Cruz look bad for fleeing to Mexico while his constituents froze in the dark. ---------->https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Sen-Ted-Cruz-invites-scorn-for-old-tweet-mocking-15957325.php

02-19-2021, 11:58 AM
That's weird... I read that it was because the wind turbines iced up and failed - that's a huge problem up here.It's both, but the natural gas story pops up in the MSM every time. There are a lot of reasons. What you said is correct: They got sold on these windmills and they failed. Add to that, lefties fleeing their dead, blue states and bringing their bad habits with them overcrowding our cities and putting too much burden on the infrastructure.

I will add that pre-windmill/locust days, we had no failures of this magnitude. This one's been the worst in awhile, but we get hit about every 10-15 years with a storm like this. In perspective, when I lived in DC, KS and IL, this storm might have closed the schools early one day. That would be the second biggest problem I an think of.

We aren't prepared for this from the personal level up. This is mostly info and to stuff a rag in Gabby's mouth who is more worried about what our Senator is doing than any of us are. I can tell you right now from living there as well, this storm would have had all those So Californians crying their privileged, socialist ass off. They are no more prepared to deal with it than we are.

Like I said, about every 10-15 years. Nobody's going to prepare for that. That's a lot of eyesore, taking up space equipment and time and effort for maintenance for 5 days every 13 years (I remember the last one 13 years ago). The people that had stuff mostly busted out their hurricane gear.

We spend 9-10 months a year trying to beat the heat. I'm up at PT at 0500 so I can be done and back in the AC by the time it hits 95-100. Staying out of the heat here is an occupation. And we've got all the crap for it. Last week I was in shorts and sandals sitting in the sun. Looks like I will be next week as well. "Winter" here is average 50s-60s at night and 50s-70s during the day. I tossed my snow boots about 3 years ago for taking up space.

So as much as anything else, this is as much a Mother Nature happens thing as anything else. Complacency at all levels. And yes, another failed, green experiment the left will turn themselves inside out to lie and cover up and try to put lipstick on just made it worse.

Best they can do? Keep tabs on Ted Cruz. Losers :rolleyes:


02-19-2021, 02:29 PM
I suspect that the Natural Gas discussion is a red herring. Push a narrative that the evil petroleum industry is at least partially to blame.

What I do know from personal experience is that wind turbines fail when they ice up, and it's not for the reason most people think. Yes, they are much less efficient when coated with ice, but the real problem is because it unbalances the blades. Ice is never evenly distributed on those blades. So the end result is that they will literally rip themselves apart, self destructing because of the massive imbalance. Most of them have a sensor that detects this and it shunts - locking it until someone can get out there or keep it inoperable until it melts when it warms up.

The State of Alaska has an experimental WindGen project on Shuyak Island off Kodiak. Every year they install $100k worth of windmill, and every October the first good storm off the Gulf destroys it and deposits the pieces in the valley below. Flying over it in a helicopter, it looks like some kind of windmill graveyard down below.

They solved this icing problem on Kodiak. There's a bunch of monster wind turbines (100' blades) on Pillar Mountain above Kodiak, and an international effort was made by a lot of northern countries - because if you can make them work in Kodiak, they'll work anywhere because it's out in the Gulf of Alaska and the storms are second to none. Icing is the standard, not the exception.

They figured it out by installing heating elements into the blades, and when an imbalance is detected (which would be from icing), those elements are energized and the blades shed the ice load. It works great.

Understandably, Texas would not be interested in that expense because of the infrequent nature of that particular problem. I get it. But relying on those WindGens with no Plan B in place is the height of stupidity. And you know it was brought up more than a few times - the people running that infrastructure are guilty of reckless incompetence of the highest order.

02-19-2021, 02:33 PM
Perhaps none of you realize what forms the root of this issue. It is hypocrisy. No one is faulting Ted Cruz for wanting to take a vacation, even an ill-timed one. It is the fact that Cruz had harshly criticized California for being unable to solve its own energy crisis a while back, leading to blackouts. Earlier in the pandemic, Cruz attacked the mayor of Austin for taking a trip while his city was shut down. This is what made Cruz look bad for fleeing to Mexico while his constituents froze in the dark. ---------->https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/Sen-Ted-Cruz-invites-scorn-for-old-tweet-mocking-15957325.php

If you intelligently paid attention at least 10% of the time, you'd see why Cruz was 100% correct in criticizing that Mayor. It's the Mayor's job to manage problems like this.

It is not, however, a US Senator's arena. Nor does a US Senator have any tools to assist.

See the difference now? I can dumb it down further if you need.

02-19-2021, 03:10 PM
If you intelligently paid attention at least 10% of the time, you'd see why Cruz was 100% correct in criticizing that Mayor. It's the Mayor's job to manage problems like this.

It is not, however, a US Senator's arena. Nor does a US Senator have any tools to assist.

See the difference now? I can dumb it down further if you need.

Couldn't have said it any better than you did.
I was just surprised gabby didn't follow the DNC/JOKER/HYPOCRITE lead and Blame Trump for Cruz having the Wherewithall to take his family out of Harms Way.
But then. You can lead a LIBERAL to the Truth. But you will never make them BELIEVE IT!

02-19-2021, 03:36 PM
And while hair salons were shut down in California, Queen Pelosi was getting her hair done. She claimed the salon set her up, the resulting stir over the matter caused the salon owner to close her doors permanently

And while mask mandates and social distancing mandates were in effect your governor was caught rubbing elbows and not wearing a mask at a dinner with some lobbyists

There was an endless list of democrats who were playing God with their mandates and rules and demands - only to get busted shortly later disregarding and doing whatever the hell they want. How many lefties did you count who came to complain in any way whatsoever about their actions? Perhaps chiming into the threads that I an others started over time about all of them? -- Hell, extend that to coming and complaining/condemning/chiming in or whatever about a democrats being wrong and should be held further accountable for whatever their actions were?

Now look up the righties here on the board, and how many condemned actions of folks on the right when it was deserved? Seen it happen to or about GWB at times, Romney even when he ran for president, Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Graham, McConnell, Paul, Murkowski... just a few off the top of my head. At least pointed out and discussed whatever situation and some may agree or some disagree. Point is, most are fair enough to simply point out and condemn wrongdoing when they see it.

And yup, Newsom is awesome, at closing others businesses while his remains open to kill the competition, and yes of course also ignoring his own talk of masks.

02-19-2021, 05:27 PM
I suspect that the Natural Gas discussion is a red herring. Push a narrative that the evil petroleum industry is at least partially to blame.

What I do know from personal experience is that wind turbines fail when they ice up, and it's not for the reason most people think. Yes, they are much less efficient when coated with ice, but the real problem is because it unbalances the blades. Ice is never evenly distributed on those blades. So the end result is that they will literally rip themselves apart, self destructing because of the massive imbalance. Most of them have a sensor that detects this and it shunts - locking it until someone can get out there or keep it inoperable until it melts when it warms up.

The State of Alaska has an experimental WindGen project on Shuyak Island off Kodiak. Every year they install $100k worth of windmill, and every October the first good storm off the Gulf destroys it and deposits the pieces in the valley below. Flying over it in a helicopter, it looks like some kind of windmill graveyard down below.

They solved this icing problem on Kodiak. There's a bunch of monster wind turbines (100' blades) on Pillar Mountain above Kodiak, and an international effort was made by a lot of northern countries - because if you can make them work in Kodiak, they'll work anywhere because it's out in the Gulf of Alaska and the storms are second to none. Icing is the standard, not the exception.

They figured it out by installing heating elements into the blades, and when an imbalance is detected (which would be from icing), those elements are energized and the blades shed the ice load. It works great.

Understandably, Texas would not be interested in that expense because of the infrequent nature of that particular problem. I get it. But relying on those WindGens with no Plan B in place is the height of stupidity. And you know it was brought up more than a few times - the people running that infrastructure are guilty of reckless incompetence of the highest order.The natural gas argument IS a red herring.

I did not put two and to together and think about the technical reason for the windmills failing. I wasn't thinking prop-driven airplanes which used to have the same problem way back when. Makes perfect sense.

Another part of the problem is we don't get to keep/store our own energy which is why I've been high and to the right about these eyesores blotting our landscape from the beginning. Moot issue at this point as the windmills failed, but still an issue with me. I guess the 10th Amendment everyone likes to sling around carelessly doesn't apply to our oil and/or power.

If we ever have a serious discussion about secession, I'll be in attendance.

02-19-2021, 10:16 PM
I gotta say I was surprised they hadn't included back up fuel. Sure TX. like AZ has plenty of wind. Sun, and open spaces. No state or country has the battery capacity to store excess, but for moments. Not available yet or maybe ever

Good point, and that brings up another huge fail of current technology to implement this headlong rush to green energy.

Batteries. The very large and unwelcome elephant in the room.

I install telecom grade batteries fairly frequently. These are the best that you can buy, weigh 330# each, and fill very large rooms with hundreds of them, and the cost is staggering - and that's before you pay a guy like me and my crew to wreck out the old ones, install the new ones, and ship those old ones back to the East Coast to the original manufacturer - this would serve about 100k people's internet and phone service for 8 hours as required by federal law. Keep in mind, this ONLY drives internet and dial tone. Nothing else. A fraction of actual power needs.

Here's what you never hear about these extremely expensive industrial grade batteries: they have a service life of less than 10 years. Think about that on a national scale.

As it stands now, we aren't anywhere close to being able able to field battery systems to prop things up until the sun comes back up and the wind starts blowing again. Elon Musk has some intriguing battery tech in the works, but to carry the load in a moderately sized city? No. Not even close.

02-20-2021, 02:17 PM
If you intelligently paid attention at least 10% of the time, you'd see why Cruz was 100% correct in criticizing that Mayor. It's the Mayor's job to manage problems like this. It is not, however, a US Senator's arena. Nor does a US Senator have any tools to assist. See the difference now? I can dumb it down further if you need. You miss my point. I was criticizing the hypocrisy of Cruz doing what he castigated others for doing. As an elected official, Cruz should be a representative of his constituency. Understand now? I can try to dumb it down further, ... nah, doubt I can get that low.

Mr. P
02-20-2021, 02:33 PM
You miss my point. I was criticizing the hypocrisy of Cruz doing what he castigated others for doing. As an elected official, Cruz should be a representative of his constituency. Understand now? I can try to dumb it down further, ... nah, doubt I can get that low.

I don't see any hypocrisy on Cruz's part. My view/opinion is that any politician with National aspirations must

publicly comment/opine on events that occur throughout the Nation.

It's simply just the way it is.

02-20-2021, 02:34 PM
You miss my point. I was criticizing the hypocrisy of Cruz doing what he castigated others for doing. As an elected official, Cruz should be a representative of his constituency. Understand now? I can try to dumb it down further, ... nah, doubt I can get that low.Nobody missed the point, Gabby. You just missed the context.

A city mayor leaving his city during a lockdown is pretty much abandoning one's post under fire.

A representative to the Federal Mob has no responsibility within the State, nor any authority. His job is in DC, not here. He lives here and is a citizen of the State of Texas. Any citizen with no official responsibility during a crisis that left for the duration has my blessing. Doesn't matter whether or not he and/or his family is here, and during an emergency, that's one less family to have to worry about and share with.

Face it, you just shot off your mouth without thinking and got busted for it.

02-20-2021, 03:21 PM
You miss my point. I was criticizing the hypocrisy of Cruz doing what he castigated others for doing. As an elected official, Cruz should be a representative of his constituency. Understand now? I can try to dumb it down further, ... nah, doubt I can get that low.

You had no point, other than to sound like a fifth grader complaining the "IF BOBBY CAN DO IT, WHY CAN'T I?" in the typical double-speak of today.

So tell us gabby. EXACTLY "WHAT?" could Cruz do to improve, or change the weather conditions YOU SAY...he represents???
Secondly....I noticed how YOU, and other LIBERALS intentionally DID NOT SAY ONE WORD about JOE BIDEN...playing "MARIO" with his granddaughter...while the entire Nation is FIGHTING with each other??? Of course...Joe has the right to DOING WHATEVER HE WANTS WHENEVER HE WANTS...RIGHT? As does SENATOR CRUZ...you so quickly felt a need to call a HYPOCRITE...for doing what YOU probably would have done under the same conditions.


02-21-2021, 10:13 PM
I heard about the cruise. He's heading back. Another unforced error.

With shenanigans like this there's less time to talk about Cuomo making a mess of nursing homes in NY.

02-21-2021, 11:29 PM
With shenanigans like this there's less time to talk about Cuomo making a mess of nursing homes in NY.

I chalk it up to his family being cold and having the ability to get away. He should have thought of the optics. As far as the media taking up x hours on Cruz rather than Cuomo, that's them, being them.

I have reasons for not liking Cruz, but this isn't the deal breaker kind of thing for me.

02-22-2021, 12:38 AM
What Ted Cruz did had any effect on your life?
Hurt you?
Hurt anyone else?
Other than those who must always find something to complain about that's REALLY IMPORTANT LIKE A SENATOR TAKING members of his family to Mexico????

If I recall. I posted something like this last week, and it seems nobody pays any attention to it.
But I am convinced EVERYBODY NEEDS TO JUST....DO IT!


02-22-2021, 12:28 PM
The cold snap in Texas is over. Essentially everything is open and the supermarkets are restocked. This weekend crisis is now a non-issue.

02-22-2021, 12:30 PM
What Ted Cruz did had any effect on your life?
Hurt you?
Hurt anyone else?
Other than those who must always find something to complain about that's REALLY IMPORTANT LIKE A SENATOR TAKING members of his family to Mexico????

If I recall. I posted something like this last week, and it seems nobody pays any attention to it.
But I am convinced EVERYBODY NEEDS TO JUST....DO IT!


Now you made the song stick in my mind, darn you!


02-22-2021, 02:53 PM
With shenanigans like this there's less time to talk about Cuomo making a mess of nursing homes in NY.

I chalk it up to his family being cold and having the ability to get away. He should have thought of the optics. As far as the media taking up x hours on Cruz rather than Cuomo, that's them, being them.

I have reasons for not liking Cruz, but this isn't the deal breaker kind of thing for me.

Here's where I differ just a tad. I see things like this a little similar to political correctness, when I'm learning as I get older that I just simply want results from those in government.

This isn't something really that Cruz is responsible for. I DO get the entire appearances thing, I just don't care as much anymore. What I care about is that when something IS his job, that he does it and does it well and there are results to be shown for the state of Texas or more, depending.

For example, we had like 11-14 inches of snow here a few weeks back, 2 days of snow a few days ago - and it's snowing right now and 1-6 expected. Yes, that's what it is! :laugh: Anyway, and I know it's just my lonely opinion of course....

If I was in NYC for example, and it's a snow emergency or a power emergency. And it's bad, and bad set of events at once, so perhaps streets and homes are affected by it. I want answers from Con-ed. I want answers from the NY Dept. of Transportation as to all the snow removal and ice issues, clearing public roads and highways and more. Con-ed will take care of power and gas. Then we have the NY Emergency Management team to oversee emergencies. And if they take over control, things must be bad. They would be ultimately responsible for control of duties for police, fire, snow and basically everything. And you may see the Mayor taking charge within that team like Giuliani did in 2001, but that's rare. But regardless, the next up the food chain that I look to to truly ensure things are getting done would in fact be the mayor. That is who is in charge. In a way, that's the top of the chain.

But, admittedly, it 'could' even potentially go as high as the POTUS if you wanted to talk rare. But outside of expectations of answers and help from the mayor, being de Blasio right now, would be perhaps also city council members.

And yes, perhaps things could be in a position as to where a state senator may somehow help. Not sure what that may be, but they do represent the state overall. And then maybe a US senator. But likely the most one could do is maybe make some calls in Washington or similar? But we know calls can be made from anywhere really. But really the questions is whether or not it's their duty? What are they bailing from? What job is not getting done due to that person leaving? That's the questions I ask myself. So what is their job? Here's 2 different definitions. -- And another thing many out in the 'sphere I see are forgetting... he is not a state senator of Texas but rather Cruz us a United States Senator. And Texas has PLENTY of state senators that I would look to long before Ted.

I 100% get the optics thing, and get it as I used to be the same. But other than that, I just simply don't see him responsible for this weather emergency. I DO see others responsible, and I do not like being in the cold and not without my internet connection!! So I do want answers but more importantly I want results, like everyone else. In the city, if it got as bad as Texas, I want answers from executive management within the emergency teams. Trucks should be loaded in the streets, and while they do the work, and those management folks in charge, it's usually the mayor that often addresses those affected somehow. But I've never, here or elsewhere, not in the city, just never saw Chuck Schumer come out and address anyone nor really ever get involved. Certainly not Kristin Gillibrand either (sp?) I never really thought of even looking or expecting answers from them. Just assume those 2 whackos are in Washington.

In my area, up north just a tad North... I honestly just looked up the Mayor of Mamaroneck, NY - of whom is our local police department and other government crap. But 'Thomas A. Murphy' I see is our mayor! Had to look it up! Have zero idea prior. Mainly why? #1, I don't live in Mamaroneck, but the village I live in is eaten up by Mamaroneck so they are in charge. Unless you go 4 houses away and to the top of my street, then it's a different division. :laugh:

My point being, I don't even look that far up when we have snow and power emergencies, and we have them. I think it was Sandy when we got nailed and were down for days. But hell, I wanted answers from our snow removal folks, but luckily they were mainly on their job for snow storms by me, some just sometimes take longer. And when power, as in Sandy, I look to Con-ed, of whom was nowhere to be seen at that time. So I called many times. But then they created a website with tons of info about expectations and locations. But never went to police, didn't look to see where my mayor was, didn't look at any senators. I want answers from those actually doing the job, those who are responsible for those emergencies when they take place. And did any of you actually read this far into my rambling?


High energy, a charismatic or approachable personality and the ability to navigate bureaucratic channels are traits that help United States senators succeed. Senators represent the interests of their states’ citizens, write and support legislation and vote on bills. They divide their time between their home states and Washington, D.C., and spend considerable time meeting with constituents and fellow lawmakers and attending Senate sessions.

Just the Facts

U.S. senators must be at least 30 years old and citizens of the U.S. Membership is open to both natural-born and naturalized citizens, providing that naturalized citizens have been citizens for at least nine years. Naturalized citizens are people born in other countries who become citizens of the U.S. Senators must be inhabitants of the state they represent. Each senator serves a six-year term and is paid $174,000 per year, as of 2014. Senate majority and minority leaders receive $193,400 annually, and the president pro tempore receives $223,500. A background in business, communications or law can be helpful, particularly when writing or evaluating legislation.

Meeting, Meetings and More Meetings

Meetings occupy a significant portion of a senator’s day. Senators meet with their staffers to review and plan daily activities, and discuss legislation and constituent issues. Attending committee meetings is a time-consuming, but very important, part of a senator’s day. Each senator is assigned to serve on one or more of the Senate’s 20 committees and 68 subcommittees. Committees and subcommittees review bills and resolutions, gather more information, hold hearings, and change and refine wording before sending bills to the Senate floor for a vote. Senators also meet with lobbyists, concerned citizens, and fellow lawmakers to discuss concerns and legislation. The Center on Congress at Indiana University notes that high energy levels and the ability to focus intently on tasks are helpful.

Keeping in Touch

Keeping up with the concerns of the residents of your state when you’re far away in Washington, D.C., can be difficult. Although staffers in a senator’s staff offices brief him on issues and concerns, there’s no substitute for speaking to citizens, local politicians and business leaders in person. When the Senate isn’t in session, senators head for home and travel their states to ensure they’re in touch with the needs of their citizens. An effective senator has excellent interpersonal skills and can establish a rapport with people of all ages and backgrounds.

Public Speaking

Voting bills into law is one of the most important jobs of a senator. Senators can be called to the Senate floor without much notice once a bill is ready for a vote. Although the voting process only takes a few minutes, the debate and discussion leading up to the vote can be lengthy. When the official business of the Senate ends for the day, a senator’s day is far from over. Attendance at social functions and fundraising for the next senate campaign can keep him busy until late at night. Public speaking ability is a must, as senators make many speeches at events, receptions and fundraisers.


What Are the Duties of the U.S. Senate?

The U.S. Senate proposes and considers new laws, approves or rejects presidential nominations, provides advice and consent on international treaties, and serves as the high court for impeachment trials. Although the U.S. House of Representatives also works on new legislation, only the Senate performs the other three duties.

As part of its legislative duties, the Senate introduces bills and resolutions, or it considers legislation proposed by the House. A Senate committee usually examines and discusses a bill and then accepts or rejects it. The full Senate votes on accepted bills. If the bill is approved by the full Senate and originated in the Senate, the bill is sent to the House for consideration. If the approved bill originated in the House, the bill is sent to the president for his signature or veto.

Other Senate duties are related to its obligation to check and balance other parts of the federal government. Before the president can appoint people to certain positions, including members of the Cabinet, justices of the Supreme Court, other federal judges, and ambassadors, the Senate must consent to the appointments. By two-thirds vote, the Senate must also approve treaties that the executive branch makes with foreign governments. Although only the House of Representatives has the power to impeach a government official or charge the official with misconduct, the Senate holds the impeachment trial to determine whether the official is guilty of the charge.


02-22-2021, 05:18 PM
Cruz's case is all about optics. State and local officials are not individually responsible for natural disasters. It helps their public image if they are visible and sympathetic to their constituents. With four million Texas residents dealing with no power or water during the coldest weather in many decades, the idea of one of their most visible politicians taking his family to Cancun instead of toughing it out like everyone else is going to generate public outrage. Public servants are most visible than normal people.

02-22-2021, 07:46 PM
Cruz's case is all about optics. State and local officials are not individually responsible for natural disasters. It helps their public image if they are visible and sympathetic to their constituents. With four million Texas residents dealing with no power or water during the coldest weather in many decades, the idea of one of their most visible politicians taking his family to Cancun instead of toughing it out like everyone else is going to generate public outrage. Public servants are most visible than normal people.

No, it isn't. The only people who give a rat's ass about this are moonbats who hate him anyway, and wouldn't vote for him even if he personally shoveled welfare checks out of his pickup down the streets of suburban Houston.

But I am happy that Texas blessed the USA with Senator Cruz - he's been most helpful calling out liberal bullshit. I have to wonder what Beta O'Rourke voters in Houston think about 2024? Cruz for President? I'd vote for him next time.

02-22-2021, 09:57 PM
Cruz's case is all about optics. State and local officials are not individually responsible for natural disasters. It helps their public image if they are visible and sympathetic to their constituents. With four million Texas residents dealing with no power or water during the coldest weather in many decades, the idea of one of their most visible politicians taking his family to Cancun instead of toughing it out like everyone else is going to generate public outrage. Public servants are most visible than normal people.

To paraphrase Rush Limbaugh: The left cares about symbolism, not substance. To use a more modern term, all that matters to the left is "virtue signalling". Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the wokiest woke of all.

02-23-2021, 01:21 PM
Cruz's case is all about optics. State and local officials are not individually responsible for natural disasters. It helps their public image if they are visible and sympathetic to their constituents. With four million Texas residents dealing with no power or water during the coldest weather in many decades, the idea of one of their most visible politicians taking his family to Cancun instead of toughing it out like everyone else is going to generate public outrage. Public servants are most visible than normal people.

Call it anything you like - but it's still not his job nor his responsibility. Nothing more than irrational anger at someone who has nothing to do with helping them with these issues. Again, I do understand politics and appearances, and how they alone can harm. But for me, I no longer care about PC and not things like this when he couldn't help me, and I would also know it's not his job. For their issues they should be looking to the mayors, the departments responsible for power and other utilities and what is being done? What are expectations and ETA's? Where is emergency management and how are they making things better? SO SO many others getting to work or actually responsible for any fixes or things needed getting done to get people power back.

I can only compare for my state as I did. The same issue? Of which we all have kinda been in before. Don't know about others, but I go to my power company if it's not back. I know who is in charge, and who the leaders are that may oversee any particular ongoing emergency. In NY I never once looked to senators. Live in NJ for 30 years and quite a few governors, same story. Same with mayors. Was always the same folks to call/blame. Same with cable out or TV, we call those folks.

Really the only time I look to my senators is WTF are they doing in Washington and WTF are they doing to help me and my neighbors. :)

02-23-2021, 09:16 PM
Call it anything you like - but it's still not his job nor his responsibility. Nothing more than irrational anger at someone who has nothing to do with helping them with these issues. Again, I do understand politics and appearances, and how they alone can harm. But for me, I no longer care about PC and not things like this when he couldn't help me, and I would also know it's not his job. For their issues they should be looking to the mayors, the departments responsible for power and other utilities and what is being done? What are expectations and ETA's? Where is emergency management and how are they making things better? SO SO many others getting to work or actually responsible for any fixes or things needed getting done to get people power back.

I can only compare for my state as I did. The same issue? Of which we all have kinda been in before. Don't know about others, but I go to my power company if it's not back. I know who is in charge, and who the leaders are that may oversee any particular ongoing emergency. In NY I never once looked to senators. Live in NJ for 30 years and quite a few governors, same story. Same with mayors. Was always the same folks to call/blame. Same with cable out or TV, we call those folks.

Really the only time I look to my senators is WTF are they doing in Washington and WTF are they doing to help me and my neighbors. :)I agree with the entire comment and double for the bolded :)