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View Full Version : Facebook Says It Will Fact Check Global Warming ‘Misinformation’

02-19-2021, 04:04 PM
Well, they sure know better than anyone else, so why not let them decide what is right and wrong? This is how you know they are democrats, they know what is best for us and they are taking over the job of determining truth from fiction. And of course if you disagree with their version, you will get suspended and then banned and your words never get to remain on their site.

I don't care if you are a righty or a lefty, middle of the road or couldn't care less about politics. Why would folks want to remain at a place that is removing folks posts? Telling us what we will post and not post and telling us when we are wrong, even if that's simply not correct. And even if you are simply chatting with folks on your friends list and even if they agree. If Facebook sees it, matters not, and it's gone and potentially you too. -- I don't want that to be me, nor do I want that to be a single person on my friends list, nor do I want it to be someone who is simply replying to what I have to say or another has to say.

And FB is just slowly and surely adding more and more things to their 'fact checking' side of things, and list of 'no go' things to say or discuss. But their right, and it was my right to bail and head elsewhere. And post when I see bullshit like this.


Facebook Says It Will Fact Check Global Warming ‘Misinformation’

Tech giant Facebook recently stated it plans to start adding information labels to posts about global warming that direct people to a “climate change information hub.” George Mason University, the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, and the University of Cambridge will all contribute to Facebook’s program of fact checking.

NBC News reports that Facebook announced this week that it will begin debunking commonly myths about climate change, continuing to define what is and isn’t “misinformation,” something which the company previously claimed it would not do.

Facebook said that it is adding a section to its climate change information hub that will feature facts with information about misinformation and falsehoods relating to climate change. Some of these facts will include data about the decline of polar bear populations due to global warming as well as information about the effects of carbon dioxide on plant life.

Facebook stated that it plans to rely on professionals from George Mason University, the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, and the University of Cambridge to fact-check climate change posts.

Facebook recently introduced information hubs and has relied on them as part of its tactic to combat what it considers misinformation across its services. This is a quick change of pace considering CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s comments in May when he defended unrestricted speech on the platform and said he did not think that “Facebook or internet platforms in general should be arbiters of truth.”

Facebook introduced its climate change information hub in September, shortly after the firm removed a report with false claims that Oregon wildfires were started by Antifa members.

Facebook now plans to start adding information labels to posts about climate change that direct people to its climate change information hub

This hub will also be expanded to users in Belgium, Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Spain, South Africa, and Taiwan. The feature is already available in the U.S., UK, France, and Germany.


02-19-2021, 04:43 PM
Somebody yelling "FIRE" in a theater to make YOU change your seat!

02-19-2021, 06:38 PM
I remember the first Earth Day in April of 1970

They were predicting that because of “the greenhouse effect”, most of the American Midwest would be a desert, and that half of the world would perish from famine. Most, if not all animals, would die. All of this would happen by the year 2000.
In some cases, environmentalists told us that we had 15 years maximum to do something about it (sound familiar?)

02-19-2021, 08:10 PM
I remember the first Earth Day in April of 1970

They were predicting that because of “the greenhouse effect”, most of the American Midwest would be a desert, and that half of the world would perish from famine. Most, if not all animals, would die. All of this would happen by the year 2000.
In some cases, environmentalists told us that we had 15 years maximum to do something about it (sound familiar?)I mentioned this in a different thread but it fits as well here: How about we were going to hit peak oil production in the mid-70s and run out before the end of the decade?

I can't think of anything but socialism the Dems/left stand for that is tangible. Every thing else that comes to mind is contrived.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-19-2021, 08:15 PM
I mentioned this in a different thread but it fits as well here: How about we were going to hit peak oil production in the mid-70s and run out before the end of the decade?

I can't think of anything but socialism the Dems/left stand for that is tangible. Every thing else that comes to mind is contrived.

HAHA.. They are going to check.. Let me translate that. They could have said. Hey dummies we are going to tell you what to think. We are going to give you our leftist propaganda.. So shut up and listen.
And that is it inappropriate nutshell....-Tyr

02-19-2021, 09:09 PM
HAHA.. They are going to check.. Let me translate that. They could have said. Hey dummies we are going to tell to tell you what to think. We are going to give e you our leftist prpaganda.. So shut up and listen. And that is it inappropriate nutshell.FB has never had credibility with me. I saw it for what it is: a place to put stuff you can't take back. And look what it's turned out to be: bad characters with bad intent control any and all content that's ever been put on it.

No thanks. I had Cold War communications security drummed into my head for too long.