View Full Version : Colbert on the "Tazer Kid" and kids of today..

09-20-2007, 03:09 PM

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/KkbtkyiG-CY"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/KkbtkyiG-CY" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

09-20-2007, 03:15 PM
I love Colbert.

He makes fools out of republicans who so sorely deserve it nowadays.

09-20-2007, 03:42 PM
I love Colbert.

He makes fools out of republicans who so sorely deserve it nowadays.

Really? He does? hmmm.. I watch him quite often and find him - mostly - very funny..

09-20-2007, 03:58 PM
maybe you are not "getting" all the jokes.

09-20-2007, 11:44 PM
punching the clock, LOL

09-20-2007, 11:46 PM
vid no longer available :(

09-21-2007, 01:21 AM
vid no longer available :(

You can view it here:


<embed FlashVars='videoId=103035' src='http://www.comedycentral.com/sitewide/video_player/view/default/swf.jhtml' quality='high' bgcolor='#cccccc' width='332' height='316' name='comedy_central_player' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' allownetworking='external' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></embed>

09-23-2007, 11:59 PM
Really? He does? hmmm.. I watch him quite often and find him - mostly - very funny..

His show is based around making Republicans look dumb. If you don't see it, you just don't get his jokes...

09-24-2007, 10:01 AM
His show is based around making Republicans look dumb. If you don't see it, you just don't get his jokes...

It has been amazing to me how many Rs think he is serious.

I just could not believe when they had him do the press core show thinking he was their new Hip representative. It proved how right wing the press has become and how clueless the right is to the real issues of the people of America.

It was so amazing to be sitting their laughig my ass off while the room he was playing was almost dead silent in their reaction to his jokes. A once in a life time peice of commic justice.

09-24-2007, 10:13 AM
It has been amazing to me how many Rs think he is serious.

I just could not believe when they had him do the press core show thinking he was their new Hip representative. It proved how right wing the press has become and how clueless the right is to the real issues of the people of America.

It was so amazing to be sitting their laughig my ass off while the room he was playing was almost dead silent in their reaction to his jokes. A once in a life time peice of commic justice.You know this one sided view of the world you have is very tiersom and old.

In your world all Republicans are:
1. inbread
2. uneducated
3. misinformed
4. dimm
5. unintelligent
6. lazy
7. evil
8. biased
9. hypocritical
10. backwords
11. slackjawed
12. drunkards
13. etc...etc....

I will let you in on a little secret "most of us know Colbert is a prankster and isn't really a journalist". He is comedien and thats it...

If you really think there are a bunch of republicans out there who think otherwise you are in desperate need of a new crop of aquaintences, I'm sure their not friends of yours since you cant seem to tolerate anyone who has a differing view point than you and you find them mentaly challenged and moraly objectionable....:poke:

09-24-2007, 10:35 AM
You have just tried to put a bunch of words in my mouth havent you?

Lets just remember who actually said those things in your post.

Why dont you now go argue with the person who actually said them?


here is a link to the press core dinner.


Watch it and aks yourself why the "liberal media" did not laugh at the jokes which made fun of the president?

The answer is we dont have a liberal media.

09-24-2007, 11:39 AM
You have just tried to put a bunch of words in my mouth havent you?

Lets just remember who actually said those things in your post.

Why dont you now go argue with the person who actually said them?


here is a link to the press core dinner.


Watch it and aks yourself why the "liberal media" did not laugh at the jokes which made fun of the president?

The answer is we dont have a liberal media.No those words weren't in your post but they are in everything you do post around here directly or indirectly!!

republican=bad, liberal=good
republican=stupid, liberal = intelligent
republican=uneducated, liberal=highly educated


In everything you post you talk down to every conservative on this board, you continue to talk about how enlightend the liberals are and how missinformed republicans are and how we are basicly blind sheep following evil people.

Believe it or not most of us make our own choices and determine or own futures. I personnaly grew up in a very liberal household, always vote democratic thats what the union says, bad nasty republicans. My father got shafted big time with that thought process so take your liberal elitism and go away!!!!!

09-24-2007, 12:28 PM
No those words weren't in your post but they are in everything you do post around here directly or indirectly!!

republican=bad, liberal=good
republican=stupid, liberal = intelligent
republican=uneducated, liberal=highly educated


In everything you post you talk down to every conservative on this board, you continue to talk about how enlightend the liberals are and how missinformed republicans are and how we are basicly blind sheep following evil people.

Believe it or not most of us make our own choices and determine or own futures. I personnaly grew up in a very liberal household, always vote democratic thats what the union says, bad nasty republicans. My father got shafted big time with that thought process so take your liberal elitism and go away!!!!!

Again you try to put words in my mouth?

Your problem with my politics seems to come out of you own mind and your distain for your own family. I have repetedly praised certain republicans I liked. There are not many Ikes left in this country. The fact is that many republicans are misinformed because they listen to people who misinform them such as Fox news and Rush limbagh who have been proven to state other thna the facts repetedly.

09-24-2007, 12:36 PM
Again you try to put words in my mouth?

Your problem with my politics seems to come out of you own mind and your distain for your own family..I have no disdain for my own family. I love everyone in my family very much thank you, regardless of their politicle standing, Now who is putting words in ones mouth??

I have repetedly praised certain republicans I liked. There are not many Ikes left in this country. The fact is that many republicans are misinformed because they listen to people who misinform them such as Fox news and Rush limbagh who have been proven to state other thna the facts repetedlyOnce again you in your own bolded words. I am not just refering to THIS post but all of your post on this board have the same theme can you comprehend that??

Someone doesn't agree with your politics they must be missinformed or the person they listened to must have lied. Dont yo think it is plausible for the same to be true of the democrats and liberals?? Do you not think you are more informed than us poor little old republicans???

With every post you make it is very clear how you think of conservatives and republicans in general.....

09-24-2007, 01:08 PM
The fact is that many republicans are misinformed because they listen to people who misinform them such as Fox news and Rush limbaugh who have been proven to state other than the facts repetedly.

The nuke is right about you...

Here in this post you insinuate Republicans are misinformed because they ONLY listen to Fox news and Rush Limbaugh...:lame2:

09-24-2007, 01:48 PM
The fact is that many republicans are misinformed because they listen to people who misinform them such as Fox news and Rush limbagh who have been proven to state other thna the facts repetedly.

Can you please provide solid evidence that either Fox News or Rush are misinforming folks? Or is that just stuff from the liberal talking points?