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02-22-2021, 04:08 PM
Wouldn't ever have anything to do with who was in office. :rolleyes: Or Megan Rapinoe having a vendetta against Trump.

They COULD have had many a conversation about race from day one. They could have called mass conferences with the largest amount of sports leaders involved. So many ways that so many sports leaders can work. They could have collected donations and fund raised from day one and worked forward. So many things that I have spoke of many times, they never do. They chose to do something that knowingly offended so many from day one. Making so called enemies and getting folks to dislike you - and THEN doing work behind the scenes is just plain stupid IMO.

For example, had one of them, or another leader in the NFL come to me and asked for a small donation to help fight racism. You got it buddy, not rich, but I'll add in my part!! But now have Kaepernick or Rapinoe come to me and ask the exact same thing - and they will get a freshly lifted middle finger from me and a reminder from me about their kneeling and another reminder of how so easily I would have donated otherwise. That's the God's honest truth.


U.S. Women’s Team Moves ‘Past the Protesting Phase,’ Stands for National Anthem

After years of making national and international headlines for protesting during the national anthem, U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT) player Crystal Dunn declared the team “past the protesting phase” in their fight for racial justice as she and her teammates stood for the playing of the anthem on Sunday.

The USWNT took the field on Sunday at the SheBelieves Cup in Orlando wearing Black Lives Matter jackets, as they have for some time. However, the political demonstrations stopped there as every member of the team stood for the national anthem.

Dunn said USWNT players arrived at a collective decision to stand prior to the game.

I think those that were collectively kneeling felt like we were kneeling to bring about attention to police brutality and systemic racism. I think we decided that moving forward we no longer feel the need to kneel because we are doing the work behind the scenes. We are combating systemic racism. And we never felt we were going to kneel forever, so there was always going to be a time that we felt it was time to stand. I think we’re all proud that we are doing the work behind the scenes and it was just a game that we felt we were ready to move into the next phase and just continuously fight for change.

Dunn stressed that the team is not stopping their fight for racial justice, but instead, moving that effort “off-the-field”:

For me personally, I’ve always felt like I’m a testament to a lot of Black experiences. I am a Black athlete who has often felt like I have not been heard or not been seen and many Black people feel the same way. I think we’ve had those initial discussions, and I feel better about where this team is. But I do think moving forward, we’re prepared to just continue working off the field and continuously having these conversations.

Even though we are choosing to stand, it doesn’t mean that the conversations go away, or they stop. It’s all to say that we are now, I think, ready to move past the protesting phase and actually move into putting all of the talk into actual work.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/02/22/u-s-womens-team-moves-past-protesting-phase-stands-ational-anthem/

02-22-2021, 05:00 PM
The Olympics care coming up this summer, which means USWNT will be in the spotlight. Obviously they don't want their political beliefs to overshadow their on the field efforts. They can continue with different methods to achieve their political and social goals.

02-22-2021, 05:33 PM
The Olympics care coming up this summer, which means USWNT will be in the spotlight. Obviously they don't want their political beliefs to overshadow their on the field efforts. They can continue with different methods to achieve their political and social goals.

True there too!

But from day one they ALL could have avoided it. I STILL say they do the same as done before - but bigger. These folks are ATHLETES, but have a far reach nonetheless. Even smaller, perhaps 10 or so of big sports names, get together in a conference with political leaders and WHAM - instant monster dinosaur sized attention to the matter. But imagine 4 representative from all leading sports leading the same thing and more. And then they could easily put forward 10 reps per sport and make it massive. Imagine the reach? The amount of support and then funding they could raise? I say DO, don't complain.

Call me biased towards some local teams. :)

NBA - Lebron James, Anthony Davis
MLB - Derek Jeter, Aaron Judge
NFL - Deion Sanders, Lamar Jackson
NHL - P.K. Subban, Grant Fuhr
Golf - Tiger Woods, Vijay Singh
Tennis - Serena Williams, James Blake
MMA - Jon Jones, Daniel Cormier
Soccer - Crystal Dunn, Lynn Williams
Boxing - Floyd Mayweather, Terrence Crawford
Nascar - Bubba Wallace, Jeff Gordon
and more!!