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View Full Version : Gov Abbott Lifts State Mask Restrictions

03-02-2021, 09:27 PM
The MSM is losing its mind over it right now. Just curious what anyone thinks about it. He's lifted the State mandate for wearing masks and limiting businesses.

My take is we will have to wait and see. San Antonio is a blue city and we are under more restrictions than the State already. By lifting the State mandate, Abbott is still leaving it up to the cities.

03-02-2021, 10:04 PM
I think it’s great. Cities will still have their mandates but that may ease up as well. Idaho has not had a state wide mandate some counties and cities have. Our city council is voting this week to extend or lift a mask mandate. It isn’t enforced just suggested and a lot of people do not wear them.

03-03-2021, 01:38 AM
I think it should be up to the stores, restaurants, etc. If people disagree with the rules and whether or not they are enforced, they can go somewhere else. Let people make their choices.

03-03-2021, 11:34 AM
The MSM is losing its mind over it right now. Just curious what anyone thinks about it. He's lifted the State mandate for wearing masks and limiting businesses.

My take is we will have to wait and see. San Antonio is a blue city and we are under more restrictions than the State already. By lifting the State mandate, Abbott is still leaving it up to the cities.

Easy fix: Do your dining and shopping in New Braunfels.

03-03-2021, 12:17 PM
People will individually still be able to wear mask and distance themselves. At least, lifting mandate gives people that choice.

03-03-2021, 01:21 PM
I like it across the board and agree with all comments here. He should allow for rights to take precedent here. And if any one area/city is hit particularly hard, they can have their own mandate. Then down to a business level, and if they choose to open, and if they want to enforce masks. And then the consumers can all decide if they want to go out, or go here or there. Still a level of responsibility but with a large dose of rights in the roots.

For me, I'll still choose to wear a mask in most places and still distance enough to protect myself. Businesses can decide best in how they operate.

I would imagine still seeing the majority wearing a mask for now and going to get the vaccine when they can. More businesses open and better the economy and better employment and many hardships at home. Hell, I would imagine those working will take precautions still as well. It's not like folks are just gonna run out and go nuts to get sick. Those that want to take precautions still will.

03-03-2021, 04:00 PM
And of course rather than speaking about reality, they make it an all or nothing proposition. They think that lifting the mandates means that everyone will toss their masks away and all other precautions. :rolleyes:

Joe Biden assumes we'll all be Neanderthals, AOC thinks they will infect the world & Olbermann says not to let Texas have the vaccine then - since people are siding with the virus. Oh, and guilty of "mass murder"?


Joe Biden: Texas, Mississippi Lifting Mask Mandates Is ‘Neanderthal Thinking’

President Joe Biden criticized the governors of Mississippi and Texas Wednesday for lifting their statewide mask mandates, describing it as “neanderthal thinking.”

“I think it’s a big mistake,” Biden told reporters at the White House.

Biden expressed his feelings on masks during an Oval Office meeting with Congressional Democrats on efforts to cure cancer.

“The last thing, the last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime, everything’s fine, take off your mask, forget it,” Biden said.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/03/03/joe-biden-texas-mississippi-lifting-mask-mandates-is-neanderthal-thinking/

AOC Rages over Texas Reopening: ‘This Endangers the Entire Country and Beyond’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) raged after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) rolled back coronavirus restrictions in the state, including the mask mandate, on Tuesday, warning that the move “endangers the entire country and beyond.”

“93.2% of Texans aren’t fully vaccinated. The state just endured one disaster worsened by selfishness + denial of basic science, and now conditions are being set for another,” the far-left Democrat said, expressing outrage over the governor’s decision to roll back the statewide mask mandate, which had been in effect since July.

“Repealing the mask mandate now endangers so many people, especially essential workers & the vulnerable,” she continued, warning that reopening the state “endangers the entire country and beyond.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/03/03/aoc-rages-over-texas-reopening-this-endangers-the-entire-country-and-beyond/

Keith Olbermann: Texas Shouldn’t Get Coronavirus Vaccine

Left-wing attack machine and former sportscaster Keith Olbermann insisted in a Tuesday tweet that Texans should not be allowed to have the coronavirus vaccine because of the state’s Republican-led policies.

Olbermann jumped to Twitter to attack Texas after the state’s Republican Gov. Gregg Abbott sent out a message that he was putting an end to the state’s mask mandate and allow businesses to fully reopen.

In reply to the gov’s tweet, Keith Olbermann took a swipe at Texas, saying, “Why are we wasting vaccinations on Texas if Texas has decided to join the side of the virus?”




Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2021/03/03/keith-olbermann-texas-shouldnt-get-coronavirus-vaccine/

03-03-2021, 04:29 PM
I don’t believe Biden even knows what he is saying a good percentage of the time. AOC is emotionally a child and displays that quite often. Olberman is just a useful idiot for the left, he sparks up when there is something negative spew. Not having a mask mandate isn’t going to cause mass murder.

03-03-2021, 09:40 PM
Easy fix: Do your dining and shopping in New Braunfels.Back in the day, it was a drive through the country to get to New Braunfels. San Antonio and New Braunfels pretty much run together on I35 anymore.

If I want(ed) to leave town, I'd head west past Helotes or Bandera.

03-03-2021, 09:44 PM
I think it should be up to the stores, restaurants, etc. If people disagree with the rules and whether or not they are enforced, they can go somewhere else. Let people make their choices.I agree. It should be dictated by the situation and choice.

There are places I would be queasy about going to without a mask. Like a country bar, but I bet they'll be packed the night of the 10th. :) I'm not seeing that as a wise choice.

03-04-2021, 03:11 PM
Abbot responds, but also explains why he opened things, and why he expects people to still wear masks and be responsible. But we find out that Biden is releasing illegals into Texas at the same time, some with Covid. :rolleyes:


TX Gov. Abbott: Biden Engaging in ‘Neanderthal’ Thinking by Releasing COVID-Positive Illegal Immigrants Into Texas

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Thursday responded to President Joe Biden slamming states lifting coronavirus restrictions such as mask mandates. Biden said those lifting such restrictions are engaging in “Neanderthal thinking.”

Abbott, who announced this week his state would be removing restrictions put in place to mitigate the spread of the virus, said on FNC’s “Fox & Friends” that Biden is engaging in a “Neanderthal-type approach” by releasing COVID-positive illegal immigrants into Texas with his open border policy.

“First, obviously it is not the type of thing a president should be saying, but second, he said it on the worst day he could have because the same day he said that, in Texas, the Biden administration was releasing illegal immigrants into our communities who had COVID,” Abbott stated. “The Biden administration was spreading COVID in South Texas yesterday because of their lack of constraint of testing and quarantining, people who had come across the border illegally. The Biden administration was exposing Texans to COVID — that is a Neanderthal-type approach to dealing with the COVID situation.”

He continued, “But more importantly … with regard to masks, the change in Texas really wasn’t all that much different from what we were before for a couple of reasons. First, we are still strongly advocating every Texan follow best practices. Where we are today is completely different from where we were this time last year when Texans and Americans didn’t know how to deal with this. For an entire year, Texans have learned the best practice, and that is to wear a mask. And we still strongly recommend that people do wear a mask, but … I know you folks know when we saw spikes in cases after Christmas and New Year’s, we saw that most of those spikes didn’t occur in businesses or in schools or in other locations like that like retail centers. Most of those transmissions occurred in the home setting where people were not wearing a mask in the first place, and so the mask requirement being eliminated isn’t going to make a change in the state of Texas. Also, people in Texas will continue to wear masks, even though there is not a state mandate. We are just in a situation now where government mandates are not needed because Texans do know the best practices.”


REPORT: 6 Percent of Released Migrants in Texas Border City Test Positive for COVID-19

Municipal officials in Brownsville, Texas, say that six percent of migrants released into their community who are tested for COVID-19 are getting positive results. More than 100 tested positive since the releases began in late January.

Brownsville spokesman Felipe Romero said that 108 released migrants tested positive for COVID-19, Fox News reported. Tests are being carried out at the bus station in the border city on migrants who are being released by Border Patrol agents after they illegally cross the border from Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Romero said this represents a 6.3 percent positive test rate.

The Brownsville official said they do not have the authority to prevent those who test positive from boarding buses to travel into the U.S. interior. A worker at the bus station told Fox News they cannot ask passengers for proof of coronavirus test results before transit.

NBC News reported:

Eva Orellana, 29, who is from Honduras and who tested positive, said she was going to take the bus to North Carolina with her 3-year-old daughter. “On the way, we were wearing a mask all the time, gel, washing our hands,” she said. “Really, I don’t feel anything.”

Those who tested positive and spoke to Telemundo did not have any document indicating their Covid-19 test results; they said they were simply told by the station workers after taking the test.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott reacted to the news that migrants released into Texas are testing positive for COVID-19.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/border/2021/03/04/report-6-percent-of-released-migrants-in-texas-border-city-test-positive-for-covid-19/

03-04-2021, 04:00 PM
One thing I read about the Texas situation was that the state was releasing restrictions and giving them to schools and businesses. Meaning that every establishment can make their own rules. If a restaurant or grocery store requires you to wear a mask, their rule is legally enforceable.

03-04-2021, 04:12 PM
One thing I read about the Texas situation was that the state was releasing restrictions and giving them to schools and businesses. Meaning that every establishment can make their own rules. If a restaurant or grocery store requires you to wear a mask, their rule is legally enforceable.

Yup, if McDonald's is a pain in the butt with their COVID virtue signalling, there's a Freddie's across the street happy to provide actual customer service.

Abbey Marie
03-04-2021, 04:29 PM
Yup, if McDonald's is a pain in the butt with their COVID virtue signalling, there's a Freddie's across the street happy to provide actual customer service.

Freddie’s is better tasting, too. And much better customer service, at least around here.

03-04-2021, 08:23 PM
Yup, if McDonald's is a pain in the butt with their COVID virtue signalling, there's a Freddie's across the street happy to provide actual customer service. Since when do fast food places provide "actual customer service?" You pay your money and you get your slop.

03-04-2021, 09:40 PM
Since when do fast food places provide "actual customer service?" You pay your money and you get your slop.Never been to Freddie's, huh?

03-04-2021, 09:49 PM
Abbot responds, but also explains why he opened things, and why he expects people to still wear masks and be responsible. But we find out that Biden is releasing illegals into Texas at the same time, some with Covid. :rolleyes:


TX Gov. Abbott: Biden Engaging in ‘Neanderthal’ Thinking by Releasing COVID-Positive Illegal Immigrants Into Texas

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Thursday responded to President Joe Biden slamming states lifting coronavirus restrictions such as mask mandates. Biden said those lifting such restrictions are engaging in “Neanderthal thinking.”

Abbott, who announced this week his state would be removing restrictions put in place to mitigate the spread of the virus, said on FNC’s “Fox & Friends” that Biden is engaging in a “Neanderthal-type approach” by releasing COVID-positive illegal immigrants into Texas with his open border policy.

“First, obviously it is not the type of thing a president should be saying, but second, he said it on the worst day he could have because the same day he said that, in Texas, the Biden administration was releasing illegal immigrants into our communities who had COVID,” Abbott stated. “The Biden administration was spreading COVID in South Texas yesterday because of their lack of constraint of testing and quarantining, people who had come across the border illegally. The Biden administration was exposing Texans to COVID — that is a Neanderthal-type approach to dealing with the COVID situation.”

He continued, “But more importantly … with regard to masks, the change in Texas really wasn’t all that much different from what we were before for a couple of reasons. First, we are still strongly advocating every Texan follow best practices. Where we are today is completely different from where we were this time last year when Texans and Americans didn’t know how to deal with this. For an entire year, Texans have learned the best practice, and that is to wear a mask. And we still strongly recommend that people do wear a mask, but … I know you folks know when we saw spikes in cases after Christmas and New Year’s, we saw that most of those spikes didn’t occur in businesses or in schools or in other locations like that like retail centers. Most of those transmissions occurred in the home setting where people were not wearing a mask in the first place, and so the mask requirement being eliminated isn’t going to make a change in the state of Texas. Also, people in Texas will continue to wear masks, even though there is not a state mandate. We are just in a situation now where government mandates are not needed because Texans do know the best practices.”


REPORT: 6 Percent of Released Migrants in Texas Border City Test Positive for COVID-19

Municipal officials in Brownsville, Texas, say that six percent of migrants released into their community who are tested for COVID-19 are getting positive results. More than 100 tested positive since the releases began in late January.

Brownsville spokesman Felipe Romero said that 108 released migrants tested positive for COVID-19, Fox News reported. Tests are being carried out at the bus station in the border city on migrants who are being released by Border Patrol agents after they illegally cross the border from Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Romero said this represents a 6.3 percent positive test rate.

The Brownsville official said they do not have the authority to prevent those who test positive from boarding buses to travel into the U.S. interior. A worker at the bus station told Fox News they cannot ask passengers for proof of coronavirus test results before transit.

NBC News reported:

Texas Governor Greg Abbott reacted to the news that migrants released into Texas are testing positive for COVID-19.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/border/2021/03/04/report-6-percent-of-released-migrants-in-texas-border-city-test-positive-for-covid-19/One, I saw that it really wasn't changing the status quo from what it has been. Cities/communities pretty much get to decide. I don't see a lot changing. Maybe the businesses. The "essential" businesses have been open the whole time and they're in line calling themselves "essential". Bars have been open since the mandate came down they had to serve food. So they all bought popcorn machines :laugh:

Second, I sort of had an idea Abbott was taking a shot at the unelected one and his bullshit policies. Except that it made Biden squeal, not sure what else lifting the State policy is going to do where the rubber meets the road. Especially with a bunch of China flu carriers being released in our midst.

Was it me, I'd jail their asses for anything else I could make stick.