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03-06-2021, 04:20 PM
Gonna be difficult to survive all that is around him.

He'll need for both investigations into these women to come back negative and with solid evidence or believable recanting from the women, of which I don't see any way happening, either one.

And he will need for the investigation into the nursing homes to come back in some helpful way for him - and that is also never happening. These people died. Many died directly due to these decisions. Others who died had their numbers messed with so as NOT to have died within such facilities, when they did. Lies that have already been exposed and admitted to by another.

AND a 3rd, surrounding the events of councilman Kim. A decision that results in death is something that cannot be beat. But threatening the career of another is high on the list of pretty shitty things to do. And more so when about politics and lies.

So now he has quite a many calling for his resignation, others dropping around him, accusations of sexual assault in the air, petitions going around -- and now that Biden has won the election, it's actually being exposed and covered in the news.


More Cuomo Staffers Resign As Twin Scandals Continue To Unfold

Multiple high-level aides to Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo have resigned as of Friday, following allegations of sexual harassment against Cuomo and questions about his handling of nursing homes during the pandemic.

Some of the most notable outgoing staffers are Cuomo’s top coronavirus aide Gareth Rhodes, healthcare analyst Erin Hammond, and his scheduler Sophie Boldison, according to the New York Post. At least five staffers have resigned from Cuomo’s office in recent days, according to the Post.


A spokesman for Cuomo’s office pushed back against the notion that the resignations were related to the mounting sexual harassment claims against Cuomo, in which he has denied wrongdoing, or the allegation that his administration hid data on COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes. The spokesman said Hammond and Boldison’s exits were “in the works for some time,” according to the Post.

Other staffers making their exists include Cuomo’s longtime press secretary Caitlin Girouard and spokesman Will Burns.

Outside of the governor’s office, other New York state employees with links to Cuomo have also left their posts in recent weeks.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2021/03/05/andrew-cuomo-staffers-resign/

03-06-2021, 07:51 PM
Good! ....Next lose his Job!


03-06-2021, 08:08 PM
This is a perhaps planned distraction to Killer Cuomo being responsible the the death of numerous senior citizens.

03-06-2021, 08:34 PM
Gonna be difficult to survive all that is around him.

He'll need for both investigations into these women to come back negative and with solid evidence or believable recanting from the women, of which I don't see any way happening, either one.

And he will need for the investigation into the nursing homes to come back in some helpful way for him - and that is also never happening. These people died. Many died directly due to these decisions. Others who died had their numbers messed with so as NOT to have died within such facilities, when they did. Lies that have already been exposed and admitted to by another.

AND a 3rd, surrounding the events of councilman Kim. A decision that results in death is something that cannot be beat. But threatening the career of another is high on the list of pretty shitty things to do. And more so when about politics and lies.

So now he has quite a many calling for his resignation, others dropping around him, accusations of sexual assault in the air, petitions going around -- and now that Biden has won the election, it's actually being exposed and covered in the news.


More Cuomo Staffers Resign As Twin Scandals Continue To Unfold

Multiple high-level aides to Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo have resigned as of Friday, following allegations of sexual harassment against Cuomo and questions about his handling of nursing homes during the pandemic.

Some of the most notable outgoing staffers are Cuomo’s top coronavirus aide Gareth Rhodes, healthcare analyst Erin Hammond, and his scheduler Sophie Boldison, according to the New York Post. At least five staffers have resigned from Cuomo’s office in recent days, according to the Post.


A spokesman for Cuomo’s office pushed back against the notion that the resignations were related to the mounting sexual harassment claims against Cuomo, in which he has denied wrongdoing, or the allegation that his administration hid data on COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes. The spokesman said Hammond and Boldison’s exits were “in the works for some time,” according to the Post.

Other staffers making their exists include Cuomo’s longtime press secretary Caitlin Girouard and spokesman Will Burns.

Outside of the governor’s office, other New York state employees with links to Cuomo have also left their posts in recent weeks.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2021/03/05/andrew-cuomo-staffers-resign/IMO, once the nursing home thing came out, there was no out for him. Just a matter of time. As I said elsewhere, he's the perfect goat for the Dems/MSM. He offers a deflection from what they are doing while giving them an excuse to point a finger and claim moral superiority for having done something. In fact, Cuomo has done this to himself.

03-07-2021, 07:02 AM
Let’s all pray that Cuomo not only resigns and is brought to justice and that the rest of the Democratic Mafia is too

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