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View Full Version : immigration law...done right

09-20-2007, 10:49 PM
and an offical language.....i think i like the french again....


The French National Assembly has passed a controversial bill tightening entry conditions for the relatives of immigrants living in France.
Under the legislation, the relatives will have to prove they are solvent financially and can speak French.

It also includes plans for DNA testing of foreigners seeking to join family members living in France

09-21-2007, 05:40 AM
Their new president is a no non sense conservative :)

I must say, i like france again. Britain, not so much, they are pussy footing around, instead of dealing with their immigration problems for fear of angering muslims.

a country must have an official language, borders and culture

and an offical language.....i think i like the french again....


The French National Assembly has passed a controversial bill tightening entry conditions for the relatives of immigrants living in France.
Under the legislation, the relatives will have to prove they are solvent financially and can speak French.

It also includes plans for DNA testing of foreigners seeking to join family members living in France