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View Full Version : Portland Police Invisible as Antifa Renews Attacks on Federal Courthouse

03-12-2021, 03:02 PM
Ok, so this is not the Capitol building. This is not DC and there weren't many politicians in attendance.

But this is a federal courthouse. Being attacked once again by leftist antifa members. Lighting the federal courthouse on fire, and as usual, fighting back with the police and federal officers.

So not the capitol - but like last year, non-stop confrontation with officers and using weapons galore and non-stop trying to bring harm, to both the buildings and the officers. This is nothing more than destruction to federal properties & assaults and more on police officers and federal officers. It took place endless times last year and here is another this year (in addition to others)

So the left and politicians lost their minds about the events at the capitol on Jan the 6th. But like last year - fairly silent when it's antifa or BLM attacking places or officers.

Am I the only one that sees the massive amount of hypocrisy here? Don't get me wrong, the 6th was horrid, as stated many times. What took place last year, and this event, are horrid as well. Maybe not the 6th horrid, but the same avenue. And collectively, all these attacks are worse - as the damage isn't even comparable, nor were the attacks.


Portland Police Invisible as Antifa Renews Attacks on Federal Courthouse

Portland Police Bureau officers and riot teams appeared to ignore the storming of the U.S. federal courthouse in their city on Thursday night. Videos show Antifa smashing windows, spraying graffiti, and setting fires. Portland police were nowhere to be seen in the footage.

Department of Homeland Security agents responded to a Thursday night attack on the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse as Antifa smashed windows, set fires, and vandalized the property, The Oregonian reported. Rioters told reporters they attacked because federal officials removed the physical barriers that had been protecting the courthouse since July.

“Demonstrators also cited the recent dismantling of protections in front of the courthouse and proceedings in the case of a former Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd’s death as reasons they were protesting Thursday night,” the article states quoting journalist Suzette Smith.

Video’s tweeted by KOIN CBS6 journalist Jennifer Dowling show the violent attacks on the courthouse. In the videos, there are no signs of a Portland police.



Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2021/03/12/portland-police-invisible-as-antifa-renews-attacks-on-federal-courthouse/

03-12-2021, 03:19 PM
Personally I'm giving up on government.

03-12-2021, 05:37 PM
Personally I'm giving up on government.

You and I both, to an extent!

I am slowly giving up faith in our government. I used to think they were in it to help us, that most were honest, that others all kept one another in their place with 'checks and balances'. That term limits and rollovers and what not would ensure new blood and changes where needed. I used to think that the FBI & CIA were by far the best in the world, and the best we had to offer and most legit and honest only may apply. :rolleyes:

And I was wrong and naive all the way around.

03-12-2021, 06:05 PM
Personally I'm giving up on government.

Especially "scared" government. Where they're afraid of offending anyone.

03-12-2021, 06:20 PM
Especially "scared" government. Where they're afraid of offending anyone.

What the F is up with DC and not letting up with the national guard and fencing and other security? Is there something we don't know? Or are they just scared?

03-12-2021, 07:59 PM
What the F is up with DC and not letting up with the national guard and fencing and other security? Is there something we don't know? Or are they just scared?

The deplorable might attack-fear them everyone else. Justification for cracking down on gun control and other laws.

Abbey Marie
03-12-2021, 08:16 PM
Personally I'm giving up on government.

Just the government? I’m giving up on humanity.

03-12-2021, 09:07 PM
What the F is up with DC and not letting up with the national guard and fencing and other security? Is there something we don't know? Or are they just scared?

Remember that WALL Ronald Reagan told Gorbechav to TEAR DOWN???

Note the similarities????

03-12-2021, 10:19 PM
Just the government? I’m giving up on humanity.

There's too many decent folks for me to feel that way.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-12-2021, 11:04 PM
There's too many decent folks for me to feel that way.
If they voted dem they may be decent but damn stupid, imho.
Otherwise they aren't decent.
If they know what the dem platform is and was and yet still voted it they aren't decent. A fact.
If they didnt know what it was but voted it- they are stupid.
Problem is as I have mentioned hundreds of times, the dem/liberal public education system
has so dumbed down the masses as to allow this bullshit to reach this stage.
And now it looks a lot like something is gonna come to a head soon.
That is because these dems are power mad and so overplaying their hand as to force the issue.

I have nothing for any American that says they are a dem..
As they are either ignorant, blind or corrupt....
We that were truly educated before the school system went to hell and into the crap pot know better. - :saluting2:-Tyr

03-13-2021, 03:53 PM
What the F is up with DC and not letting up with the national guard and fencing and other security? Is there something we don't know? Or are they just scared?The Dems will use force. Don't be surprised if push comes to shove, the Feds shut down this BS in Portland. The use of force to maintain order doesn't bother me.

The hypocrisy from the left does. All the wailing and gnashing of teeth about President Trump violating the 10th Amendment if he stepped in (which, IMO, would have been the right call). They will have no problem using it.

03-13-2021, 06:27 PM
The Dems will use force. Don't be surprised if push comes to shove, the Feds shut down this BS in Portland. The use of force to maintain order doesn't bother me.

The hypocrisy from the left does. All the wailing and gnashing of teeth about President Trump violating the 10th Amendment if he stepped in (which, IMO, would have been the right call). They will have no problem using it.

Last night Portland police arrested 23; photographed 100. Collected weapons. They kettled them.

03-14-2021, 09:58 AM
Last night Portland police arrested 23; photographed 100. Collected weapons. They kettled them.I don't feel especially genius for stating a year ago that Trump needed to step in and squash the crap despite what the Dems/left were squalling because the Dems wouldn't hesitate to use force in his position. It's a no-brainer, IMO.

The Dems have had zero problem stomping on our own people when they're done using them for political gain, or if they're just in the way of the power trip.

03-14-2021, 02:44 PM
What the F is up with DC and not letting up with the national guard and fencing and other security? Is there something we don't know? Or are they just scared?

They're necessary of course to help sell the overstating of the risk that there was and is.

03-14-2021, 05:16 PM
They're necessary of course to help sell the overstating of the risk that there was and is.

And when nothing happens, it's going to go down on paper as an immense waste of power and resources & money of course.

03-14-2021, 06:53 PM
And when nothing happens, it's going to go down on paper as an immense waste of power and resources & money of course.

Money well spent to perpetuate government as "daddy protector." If you're Big Left that is.

03-14-2021, 07:45 PM
Money well spent to perpetuate government as "daddy protector." If you're Big Left that is.I'm not really seeing a point to perpetuating the charade. Whoever "daddy protector" is pulling the Dems' puppet strings sure isn't putting any kind of lipstick on the pig they're shoving down our throats at any other level.

I would call it diversionary. Can't keep your eye on the ball if you're watching butterflies.

03-14-2021, 08:03 PM
I'm not really seeing a point to perpetuating the charade. Whoever "daddy protector" is pulling the Dems' puppet strings sure isn't putting any kind of lipstick on the pig they're shoving down our throats at any other level.

I would call it diversionary. Can't keep your eye on the ball if you're watching butterflies.

Acceptance of big intrusive government of course. Everyone is a victim nowadays so if big government with gun can fix your problems how great is that. Now if only someone could adequately relay the message of limited government...