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View Full Version : Psaki Won’t Say Whether Biden Believes Cuomo Should Resign

03-12-2021, 05:20 PM
Paski speaks for Biden.
Kamala speaks for Biden.

There are 5x more the amount speaking for Joe than Joe himself. :rolleyes:

And here, he's either weak, or one sided, or both.


Psaki Won’t Say Whether Biden Believes Cuomo Should Resign

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki wouldn’t say whether President Joe Biden believes Gov. Andrew Cuomo should resign amid accusations of sexual misconduct during a Friday press briefing.

“The president believes that every woman who’s come forward… deserves to have her voice heard, should be treated with respect and should be able to tell her story,” Psaki said.

Psaki said Biden backs the New York attorney general’s investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct. She added that the administration has seen news coverage of lawmakers urging Cuomo to resign, but didn’t have anything further to announce.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2021/03/12/jen-psaki-joe-biden-andrew-cuomo/