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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-13-2021, 11:20 AM

Man Charged with Murder After Allegedly Attacking 75-Year-Old Asian Man Who Died of His Injuries

Man Charged with Murder After Allegedly Attacking 75-Year-Old Asian Man Who Died of His Injuries

courtesy Department of Motor Vehicles Pak Ho
© Provided by People
courtesy Department of Motor Vehicles Pak Ho
A man has been charged with the murder of Pak Ho, an elderly Asian man who died Thursday from injuries sustained in an Oakland attack earlier this week.

Teaunte Bailey was charged on multiple felony counts, including murder, in connection to incidents on two different days by Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O'Malley on Friday.

The DA alleges that Bailey, 26, "assaulted and robbed" Ho, 75, on Tuesday. Ho had been on his daily morning walk in his neighborhood, Adams Point, when Bailey allegedly approached and robbed him.

"In the course of the robbery, the defendant shoved Mr. Ho to the ground. His head hit the pavement and he suffered a traumatic head injury and brain damage," the DA's office said. Ho died of his injuries two days later.

Teaunte Bailey
© Provided by People
Teaunte Bailey
Bailey has also been implicated in a similar incident that took place last month.

He was also charged on Friday with robbery and assault for allegedly breaking into a senior living apartment and "violently" shoving its 72-year-old resident before stealing their phone and other items.

The DA's office said that Bailey had been released to home supervision earlier in February after a preliminary hearing for robbery and has multiple prior felony convictions.

Bailey was scheduled to be arraigned on Friday. It was not immediately clear if he has obtained legal representation or has entered a plea at this time.

Ho's assault is the latest in a string of devastating attacks against members of the Asian community in the Oakland area and also comes as hate crimes against Asian Americans are on the rise.

Take a good look at the vermin that has been charged for the heinous crime , as it is pictured in the link given.
And note it well. then come to your own conclusions about that vermin's previous--release back into society
( long list of previous crimes, violence and criminal activities )
and those asshole lefts/dems that through bias, bullshit reasoning , political pandering to a race- decided to released him.
An innocent man is dead due to that liberal dem party bullshit, imho.-Tyr

edit -- this is a glaring example of the immense and deadly harm that totally corrupt party inflicts upon decent citizens.
One that its voters ignore because they are themselves by and large reprobates, idiots, blinded, brainwashed and /or sold out cretins, imho-Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-13-2021, 11:29 AM
Truth is that a great many of us are damn tired of this corrupt insanity foisted upon us by that
worthless, power-mad corrupted political party and its legions of idiots, allies/voters.
No decent American would vote for that political cancer-- that perverted unamerican, insanity ..-Tyr

03-13-2021, 03:38 PM
Take a good look at the vermin that has been charged for the heinous crime , as it is pictured in the link given.
And note it well. then come to your own conclusions about that vermin's previous--release back into society
( long list of previous crimes, violence and criminal activities )
and those asshole lefts/dems that through bias, bullshit reasoning , political pandering to a race- decided to released him.
An innocent man is dead due to that liberal dem party bullshit, imho.-Tyr

edit -- this is a glaring example of the immense and deadly harm that totally corrupt party inflicts upon decent citizens.
One that its voters ignore because they are themselves by and large reprobates, idiots, blinded, brainwashed and /or sold out cretins, imho-TyrToo bad this guy didn't come around and try me on my daily. I don't have anything worth stealing on me. Except a 7" blade. I'd be more than willing to let him have it :halo9:

03-13-2021, 06:54 PM
I can't stand people that prey on the elderly any more than people that take advantage of children. In the end it's someone taking advantage of another that is weaker than them. Cowardly. :death::dev2:

03-13-2021, 07:11 PM
"In self defence"...for stabilization...Bring him to a back ally...(cause Mr 9mm says so)...Kneecaps first...

03-14-2021, 10:06 AM
Too bad this guy didn't come around and try me on my daily. I don't have anything worth stealing on me. Except a 7" blade. I'd be more than willing to let him have it :halo9:I thought I would clarify: I'm not full-blown psycho. Yet :)

Mexicans love pit bulls and aren't especially mindful of doing whatever it takes to secure them. That being said, I got charged by a German Shepard (:)) one morning and had to go through a stare down with the mutt. Was right after I started walking again so I wasn't running anywhere and in no shape to fight a dog 2/3s my size.

The Ka Bar accompanies me now on walks. On runs I carry a smaller knife on a chain around my neck.

Be all that as it may, it doesn't matter to me how many legs an assailant walks on.