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View Full Version : The media fact-checkers finally come for Joe Biden

03-15-2021, 05:34 PM
As it was when he came in with Obama - it was to be a new way, running an administration with full transparency. And then of course gutting that statement as soon as he gets into office.

Rest is still the same as well, same as during the campaign. Joe is in hiding most of the time, then it's mostly just an appearance, and light talking, and with the teleprompter. He can't do well even with the teleprompter and sounds lost. Barely audible at times, forgetting things and not making much sense at other times. Still not doing any press conferences and still no state of the union address.

If he can't handle speaking, can't handle coming out and speaking fluently and responding to any questions that the press toss at him - then how in the hell does he run the country? Ever talk to foreign leaders? Talk with any groups of people in committees or wherever? :rolleyes:


The media fact-checkers finally come for Joe Biden

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please," author Mark Twain once said.

Distorting facts has been all the rage for a Biden administration that was billed from the beginning as the most honest team assembled since the days of George Washington. The falsifications came to a loud head during the president's scripted address to the nation on Thursday night, which the Washington Post described as "heavy on emotion and hope, but light on facts." The New York Times said Biden "exaggerated elements of the coronavirus pandemic," among other things.

"President Biden's objective, and his commitment, is to bring transparency and truth back to government to share the truth, even when it's hard to hear," White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki promised America on Day 1. But, instead, transparency has consisted of the Leader of the Free World being whisked away from event after event, away from reporters shouting questions over staffers shouting at reporters to leave. It also means Biden now owning the dubious distinction of not holding a formal press conference after taking office longer than his 15 predecessors dating back more than 100 years, before television was invented.


Team Biden is likely holding the president back from doing such an event because it might consist of answering questions around a border policy that has led to a full-blown crisis which includes kids back in cages amid a pandemic and COVID-positive migrants being released into the U.S. population. Such a press conference might also include questions around a COVID-19 relief package that only dedicates 9 percent of its $1.9 trillion to actually fighting the virus while pushing off billions allocated to help reopen schools until 2022, well after the pandemic is likely to be over.

The president who captured the most votes in U.S. history also is avoiding the relatively simple task of reading a teleprompter of a speech written for him in an address to a joint session of Congress. No president in the modern era has not provided this address later than February. It's now mid-March and Team Biden hasn't even announced a general date yet because, we're told, the president wants to promote the aforementioned COVID-19 relief package that already has been signed into law.

Just spitballing here, but it would seem that the best way to promote the package is by addressing Congress and the televised stage it provides. More than 48 million tuned into President Trump's first address in 2017, which is 15 million more than the audience for Biden's inauguration speech. But Biden's handlers are punting anyway with no clear reason as to why. (The president can promote the package and deliver one primetime speech at the same time, one would think).

As for the commitment-to-truth thing, that too has been fleeting.

“Next month, in my first appearance before a joint session of Congress, I will lay out my ‘Build Back Better’ recovery plan,” Biden announced in late January. That never happened.

“I have this strange notion, we are a democracy ... if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus,” Candidate Biden said last October, before the election. Yet, as of March 8, Biden had signed a very dictator-ish 37 executive orders, 13 presidential memoranda, 16 proclamations and seven notices, according to Ballotpedia — far outpacing his predecessors to this point.

"It's one thing about the vaccine — which we didn't have when we came into office — but a vaccinator, you need the needle, you need the mechanisms to be able to get it in," the president said.

Uh, no. Biden had two vaccines available upon taking office (Pfizer, Moderna) and a third that became available shortly after (Johnson & Johnson). Not only were nearly 1 million people already getting vaccinated per day when Biden took office, but he had received two doses himself in December and January. And this isn't a one-time gaffe, but a mistruth the president has pushed repeatedly in an attempt to take credit for something he had zero to do with. (See: "Operation Warp Speed under the previous administration.")

Rest - https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/543107-the-media-fact-checkers-finally-come-for-joe-biden

03-15-2021, 06:04 PM
The fact checkers have always been there. They were there for GW Bush and Obama before Trump. It just seemed like Trump got it worse because he told so many whoppers. Biden will make his fair share of gaffes. That is how he has always been. And the same sites that kicked Trump's faults under the rug will trumpet every Biden gaffe as horrific. :rolleyes:

03-15-2021, 07:52 PM
The fact checkers have always been there. They were there for GW Bush and Obama before Trump. It just seemed like Trump got it worse because he told so many whoppers. Biden will make his fair share of gaffes. That is how he has always been. And the same sites that kicked Trump's faults under the rug will trumpet every Biden gaffe as horrific. :rolleyes:

Democrats (Leftist / Communist) have been Lying for decades...President TRUMP forsaw the Future as a young Man and already knew all about the>> ( cheating ..deceitful..Lying Democrats / Communist )

And then one day he became POTUS.


​"I been saying for years keep the oil"


03-16-2021, 12:50 PM
The fact checkers have always been there. They were there for GW Bush and Obama before Trump. It just seemed like Trump got it worse because he told so many whoppers. Biden will make his fair share of gaffes. That is how he has always been. And the same sites that kicked Trump's faults under the rug will trumpet every Biden gaffe as horrific. :rolleyes:

So you think that the MSM has been discussing Biden MIA as much as they should? And fact checking and correcting the amount of mistakes he made in his speech for example, where conservative media pointed out the many mistakes he made factually, but the MSM places like CNN, NBC and such all ignored them.

And while yes Trump DID tell some whoppers - they also pinned shit on him he never said and ran with it. Some important and endless just to build things up.

But day one democrats and the MSM lied about what he said about Mexicans. They all lied about what he said about folks in Charlotte. Lied and lied and lied about Russia. Just sooooooooo many things.

Anyway, that's not the discrepancy right now and we all know it.

Fact is, the MSM which is the overwhelming majority of reach out there, leans left in a massive way. Hell, they outright and downright censored things during the election season and spoke of it, and said others should do the same. And with info they lied about that turned out to be true. Fox leans heavily to the right. But they simply tell the truth much more often than places like CNN.

And never mind overall - about MIA Joe and being afraid of having to answer questions, and the press pushing it a tad more to know why. For starters, I can't wait for the state of the union, and see if he can even read a prompter for that long.

03-16-2021, 03:41 PM
The fact checkers have always been there. They were there for GW Bush and Obama before Trump. It just seemed like Trump got it worse because he told so many whoppers. Biden will make his fair share of gaffes. That is how he has always been. And the same sites that kicked Trump's faults under the rug will trumpet every Biden gaffe as horrific. :rolleyes:

Biden IS a gaffe machine, we agree on that point. Not always in a bad way, sometimes innocent stuff. Gaffes nonetheless. And whatever is wrong with him, I don't think the gaffes get any better as a result.

But Politico thinks so!

Instead of acknowledging it for what it's worth, that Joe hasn't answered any questions, hasn't done any press conferences, no SOTU and is basically MIA from his job. So how the hell can he make a gaffe when he's not around to be able to do so? And how can anyone claim with a straight face, that the man that hasn't barely been seen and hasn't answered a single question - is gaffe free.

For awhile during the campaign I understood. But then eventually it became a joke, and they still didn't air it. And barely did so right up to the election. Now he's doing the same, but as president of the US.

THAT is the gaffe. He made his biggest mistake yet IMO, and that was making the decision to run when he is declining. Now I don't know how it's handled. Whether he just ran as a figure face and him and Kamala figured he would get a ton of help. Or if others are/were involved. Or if there is any plan for him to eventually resign and turn things over. I really don't know and that stuff IS a conspiracy theory, but one I believe. Either that, or a man in seriously declining cognitive abilities, ran a campaign with barely speaking to anyone and barely leaving home, and won with the largest vote in history... and also is now in office, and is avoiding press conferences and questions. And other noted speaking engagements. Why?


Far-Left Politico Claims Biden to Date is “Largely Gaffe-Free” – This is Today’s Big Media – Sick, Dishonest and a Horrible Joke Like in a Garbage Regime

More lies from the media. What a surprise.
Politico and the rest of the media are just on time. They colluded during the Trump years and pushed make-believe stories of Russia collusion for the corrupt Washington DC Deep State. The media knew this was all an effort to remove President Trump from office using lies but they didn’t care. They hated an America-loving President. They almost never reported the truth about the coup that was on-going.

Next, the media pushed more lies in their effort to oust President Trump in two unconstitutional and disgustingly dishonest impeachment efforts. The President was innocent but that didn’t matter.

But the biggest lies from the Democrat-led Pravda that we have in the US are what they don’t tell you. The record-setting stock market increases, the record low unemployment numbers, the Middle East peace agreements, the destruction of ISIS and the boxing-in of Iran, and the total destruction of the China economy with tariffs and other actions were never told.

But the whopper was the media ignoring the 2020 Presidential election scam. Day after day we reported on the election steal and day after day the Mainstream Media (Big Media) ignored it. They were happy to see a stolen US election as long as an America-loving President was removed. We published more than 1,700 articles on the 2020 Election steal between November 3rd, 2020, and January 20, 2021, alone. The entire Big Media complex – close to zero.

So it comes as no surprise that Politico is now praising senile and inept Biden as having a “largely gaffe-free debut”. It’s sickening really. FOX News reported:

Politico raised eyebrows late Monday after publishing an article praising President Biden for a “largely gaffe-free” debut as commander-in-chief, despite the president’s extremely limited availability to the press.

The evening edition of Politico’s Transition Playbook, which bills itself as a “guide to the first 100 days of the Biden administration,” questioned whether the new president, who has a reputation as a “gaffe machine,” has become a “disciplined messenger.”

“Two and a half months in, that’s undoubtedly the case,” Politico answered its own question. “The president so far has surprised some of his former colleagues and allies with a largely gaffe-free White House debut after a lifetime of verbal stumbles.”

As the article itself noted, Biden hasn’t held a formal press conference since taking office and Wednesday’s sitdown on ABC’s “Good Morning America” will only be his second television interview as president.

Biden isn’t gaffe-free. The evil old man stole an election! He’s bringing monsters into his Administration. He hasn’t held a presser and wouldn’t hold a State of the Union speech because he physically and mentally can’t. He is never around and when he is, he is out to lunch. No one really knows who’s running the show and this is absolutely frightening. Biden isn’t leading anyone. He has to be told where to go and how to carry his ridiculous folder.

Big Media is beyond a joke. They are corrupt, dishonest, and ultimately evil. This is why their numbers continue to go down and ‘New Media’ outlets like The Gateway Pundit flourish despite numerous headwinds from Big Tech and Democrat policies.

Americans and the world want the truth and hate lies. Big Media has nothing to provide here.


03-16-2021, 04:10 PM
And Trump wasn't a mistake prone gaffe machine who lied more times than not? Mr. Pundit rakes in the big bucks portraying him as a saint. :rolleyes:

03-16-2021, 05:07 PM
And Trump wasn't a mistake prone gaffe machine who lied more times than not? Mr. Pundit rakes in the big bucks portraying him as a saint. :rolleyes:

You're missing the point - and I know you're doing so on purpose.

Yes, Trump made many gaffes as well. And they WERE discussed, ad nauseum, on the MSM. He was hardly portrayed as a "saint" of any kind on GP, just the way they lean to the right - but unlike what places you read - the facts are in there - and there is a lack of lies, which is important. And also something even yourself won't bet a nickel on. :) So you guys can point at GP, Daily Caller or any other site I may post a story from, even CNN from time to time. As I have always said - what matters are the facts within. So if I'm posting a story on any of the above, the facts contained within that matter are simply that - facts. And not lying about them like the MSM, or you would not only bet that nickel, you would take my other offers. You don't need to like the surrounding rhetoric or the writers, you just need to know that the facts are legit and/or they aren't lying to you.

And odd that you replied about GP when my post was about a left leaning media agency, one who is writing a story that is a lie, and you ignore that in order to poke at an agency that you don't care for. Each time, which is quite often, that you guys keep questioning sources rather than content shows a pattern. And one that always seemingly avoids those pesky facts and discussing them somehow. :)