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View Full Version : Now I've seen it all - Biden photochopping video

03-17-2021, 03:32 PM
Being the nutjob on surfing the internet, and also watching endless footage of people being outed for photoshopped pictures, and also the editing of videos.

And this video is so so so so easily noticeable that it's video has been edited.

Watch as Biden approaches the reporters and you see the pieces of the microphones. You see Biden's hand go over the edited video of the microphones and see it's been superimposed. And then he gently walks away to Marine One when done.

What in the hell was the point of this video? Did the really think no one would notice? All this does is solidify that much more the knowledge that something is up with 'ol Joe.

And twice for your money!! The 2nd video - shot from an alternate angle, also shows the same edit.

*It's being reported to have been from such agencies, but I haven't verified it personally. Appears legit according to all stories.


Did Joe Biden Just Fake Taking a Question from the Press?

Insanity Wrap needs to know: Is Presidentish Joe Biden capable of bending time and space, or are we just losing our minds?

Answer: Embrace the healing power of “and.”

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

More insurrection video — from the real one in Portland, not from that fake one in Washington
CNN tries to put the brakes on Gov. Ron DeSantis, steps on rakes instead
Joe’s mouth says No but his EOs say Yes

And so much more.

Shall we begin?

This Is Not a Sane World, Exhibit #1,000,006


Is this actually a faked Biden video?

Insanity Wrap’s Twitter feed blew up this morning with questionable-looking accounts making questionable claims about the veracity of this short clip of Presidentish Joe Biden taking a quick question from the press.

But after looking into it, it’s the video itself that’s questionable.

Watch President Porchlight’s plugs as he approaches the microphones. If that’s not a poorly-done greenscreen, then Insanity Wrap doesn’t have a clue what might be going on up there.

But then it gets worse.

Watch Biden’s right hand pass in front of both microphones in defiance of perspective. Look at the mics again, and they have that not-quite-there appearance of objects green-screened into a video without the proper lighting.

You might wonder — just as Insanity Wrap did — if the clip had been doctored by the weaponized autists at 4chan or some other internet prankster.

But the clip was run by both Bloomberg and The Hill, two publications that, whatever their actual merits, pass for reputable.


Here is the same moment, captured — or perhaps Insanity Wrap should have said “created” — from a different angle.

Same fake look to the mics, although the extended edit of his walking to Marine One appears genuine enough.

Insanity Wrap feels like we’re stuck in some fresh hell where we’re forced to spend eternity analyzing some lame ripoff of the Zupruder film like a demented version of Kevin Costner in JFK.

While we can’t say definitively if the clip is fake or merely weird, what does worry us is Biden’s Old Man Shuffle. Insanity Wrap noticed during the presidential debates last fall that Biden had lost a spring or two in his step to match the missing marbles in his skull.

Once begun, the process only gets worse.

POTUS-in-Waiting smiles her ghastly smile.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2021/03/17/insanity-wrap-167-did-joe-biden-just-fake-taking-a-question-from-the-press-n1433098

03-17-2021, 03:47 PM
The World is laughing at that IGNORAMUS but he's more concerned with playing MARIO and having a nice cup of hot chocolate in his BASEMENT where nobody can see his DEPENDS Leaking before KAMALA comes to change him, and wipe up the floor.