View Full Version : A common sense plan to stop illegal immigration and ensure our national security

09-21-2007, 05:11 AM
#1 A national Id card, so we know who is an american, and who is an illegal alien. This will stop illegals from getting fake social security cards

#2 Every criminal illegal (who has committed rape, murder, a.k.a. a felony, in their country, living here illegally, automatically gets 5 years in jail, because their a higher risk of threat to our society, because of their previous criminal background, then deported, and never allowed back

#3 massive reforms: im talking, the national gaurd, enough border patrl finally hired now, or over 2-5 years, and a wall, and other high tech sexurity as well. Massive fines, and jail time, for any american citizen, giving aid or comfort to an illegal, even more so for employers.

#4 Penalize every country an illegal comes from, with sanctios of some kind, whether they over stay their visa, or hop the fence.

#5 Make sure the fences are like the israeli security fences which stopped 85-90% or more of terrorists sneaking in, with rubber bullets, or some kind of painful, but not deadly deterant.

#6 Make english the official language, stop letting other language be allowed for voting and hospitals or any other service. You want to vote or get a government service, you must speak english.

#7 No more services for illegals, not 1 penny spent on them, no housing for illegals, no education of any kind for their kids, no food stamps, no nothing. Illegal means against the law, and we should not reward bad behavior.

09-21-2007, 08:23 AM
I'll take 3,5,6,and 7. 1 is both overbearing and unnecessary. 2 ought ot be unnecessary because every illegal in America is automatically a criminal and should be immediately deported. 4 won't do anything.

Hugh Lincoln
09-23-2007, 10:35 PM
Some I like, others I don't.

I think we need more vigorous deportation, more serious enforcement and penalties against employers, and yes, as you suggest, NO services for illegals. Not excited about a national ID card.

Truth is that some enforcement will cause other illegals to self-deport... and potentials to Stop Coming.

09-23-2007, 11:47 PM
#1 A national Id card, so we know who is an american, and who is an illegal alien. This will stop illegals from getting fake social security cards

#2 Every criminal illegal (who has committed rape, murder, a.k.a. a felony, in their country, living here illegally, automatically gets 5 years in jail, because their a higher risk of threat to our society, because of their previous criminal background, then deported, and never allowed back

#3 massive reforms: im talking, the national gaurd, enough border patrl finally hired now, or over 2-5 years, and a wall, and other high tech sexurity as well. Massive fines, and jail time, for any american citizen, giving aid or comfort to an illegal, even more so for employers.

#4 Penalize every country an illegal comes from, with sanctios of some kind, whether they over stay their visa, or hop the fence.

#5 Make sure the fences are like the israeli security fences which stopped 85-90% or more of terrorists sneaking in, with rubber bullets, or some kind of painful, but not deadly deterant.

#6 Make english the official language, stop letting other language be allowed for voting and hospitals or any other service. You want to vote or get a government service, you must speak english.

#7 No more services for illegals, not 1 penny spent on them, no housing for illegals, no education of any kind for their kids, no food stamps, no nothing. Illegal means against the law, and we should not reward bad behavior.

People have agreed with you. They're called Nazis.