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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2021, 01:21 PM

Biden -gives free hotel rooms to illegals !!!!!

National Review
National Review
ICE Books Hotel Rooms for Six Months to House Migrant Families at Border
Zachary Evans - Yesterday 12:02 PM

ICE Books Hotel Rooms for Six Months to House Migrant Families at Border

The Biden administration has entered an $86 million contract to house members of migrant families in hotel rooms at the U.S.-Mexico border, Axios reported on Saturday.

The contract was awarded to Texas non-profit Endeavors for a period of six months, although it may be extended if the immigration crisis continues. The terms will allow U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to find hotels near the southern border to hold up to 1,200 migrant family members, officials at the Department of Homeland Security confirmed to Axios.

ICE holds custody over migrant families and adults who enter the U.S. illegally and are allowed to remain following processing by Border Patrol agents. Almost 19,000 migrant family members made the crossing in February, up from 7,000 in January, according to the agency’s most recent data.

Around 13,000 family members have been allowed to remain in the U.S. since the beginning of January. Meanwhile, 42 percent of migrant families were expelled directly to Mexico in February, down from 64 percent in January.

Unaccompanied minors who cross the border illegally are required to be transferred to facilities run by the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Biden administration has refused to expel migrant children. A record number of over 4,500 migrant children are currently detained at Border Patrol facilities due to a backlog in processing, while an additional 9,500 are housed by HHS.

The Biden administration is struggling to contend with the influx of migrants at the border, with DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas predicting the current surge will break a 20-year record of illegal crossings. Earlier this month, Mayorkas ordered the Federal Emergency Management Agency to work in conjunction with HHS to provide shelter for migrant children.

Following an influx of over 2,000 migrants into a region of South Texas through Thursday night and Friday morning, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials reportedly requested planes to fly some of the migrants to states on the Canadian border for processing.

Goooooooooooooooood 'ole stumbling , bumbling, worm Joe Biden gifts free hotel rooms to illegals!
While American families struggle to kept a roof over their heads , struggle to buy food, struggle to keep their jobs-
the mighty dems gift free hotel rooms to illegal families!
Think about it-
I pay my damn taxes - worked 44 years paying those taxes but illegals get free hotel rooms.
If I ask for free hotel rooms the answer would be - "get fkked"..
And that is the dem party with its new dictatorship ruling our nation..-Tyr

03-20-2021, 02:18 PM
Goooooooooooooooood 'ole stumbling , bumbling, worm Joe Biden gifts free hotel rooms to illegals!
While American families struggle to kept a roof over their heads , struggle to buy food, struggle to keep their jobs-
the mighty dems gift free hotel rooms to illegal families!
Think about it-
I pay my damn taxes - worked 44 years paying those taxes but illegals get free hotel rooms.
If I ask for free hotel rooms the answer would be - "get fkked"..
And that is the dem party with its new dictatorship ruling our nation..-Tyr

Never understood that.

We have veterans, literally, who have fought for our nation and did what was asked of them. Some have also been harmed in ways that will never go away. And yet many of them are homeless. Why not go out of their way to help these people? Never. :rolleyes:

Or even just folks that are homeless Americans?

So, what DO illegals actually cost us every year?


The real cost of illegal immigration, and it's not avocados

Americans pay $200 billion annually in illegal immigration costs

Broken down here - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/jun/5/the-real-cost-of-illegal-immigration-and-its-not-a/

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds

The cost of harboring illegal immigrants in the United States is a staggering $113 billion a year -- an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed” household in America -- according to a study conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/us/illegal-immigration-costs-u-s-113-billion-a-year-study-finds

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers

Key Highlights

In 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion.

FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – about $19 billion – from the total economic impact of illegal migration, $134.9 billion.

In 2013, the estimated total cost of illegal migration was approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion.

Evidence shows that the tax payments made by illegal aliens fail to cover the costs of the many services they consume.

A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all.
Many illegal aliens actually receive a net cash profit through refundable tax credit programs.

Rest - https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers

Fact Check: Does illegal immigration cost the US more than $100 billion a year?

President Donald Trump claimed during a rally in Cleveland, Ohio, that illegal immigration costs the U.S. more than $100 billion a year.

“Illegal immigration costs our country more than $100 billion every single year,” he said.

Verdict: Unsubstantiated

Estimates of the cost of illegal immigration vary widely. Trump likely based his claim on an estimate from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which has received criticism for its methodology.

Fact Check:

Trump was in Cleveland Nov. 5 campaigning for Ohio Republicans ahead of the 2018 midterm elections when he made the claim. He was likely referencing a report from FAIR, an organization that supports more limited immigration.

The report, released in September 2017, concluded that illegal immigration costs the U.S. $135 billion per year. FAIR estimated that 12.5 million illegal immigrants, as well as their 4.2 million U.S. citizen children, cost the federal government almost $46 billion and cost about $89 billion at the state and local levels annually.

The majority of this expense comes in the form of medical care and public schooling expenditures. FAIR estimated that illegal immigrants generate about $19 billion in taxes each year, bringing the net cost down to $116 billion annually.

Rest - https://checkyourfact.com/2018/11/11/fact-check-illegal-immigration-cost-100-billion/

Dang, just look at California...

Illegal Immigration Costs California $30.3 Billion A Year—17.7 Percent Of State Budget

Illegal Immigrants Cost the State of California $30.29 Billion Annually

Illegal immigrants and their children cost the State of California a net $30.29 billion per year. This equates to $7,352 per illegal alien, or roughly 17.7 percent of California’s state budget.

Rest - https://nationaleconomicseditorial.com/2017/02/21/costs-illegal-immigration-california/

What about the health care for illegals?

Health care for undocumented immigrants could cost $23B: study

WASHINGTON – Giving undocumented immigrants access to federally funded health care in the United States could cost up to $23 billion per year, according to a new study published this week.

The Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based think tank that wants to reduce immigration, estimated there are 4.9 million uninsured undocumented immigrants in the US with incomes low enough to qualify for federal assistance.

Providing a subsidy to help them buy private health insurance on the Obamacare marketplace would cost on average $4,600. If all of them enrolled, taxpayers would be on the hook for $22.6 billion annually, the study found. Assuming a more realistic enrollment rate, the cost would be $10.4 billion.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2019/10/11/healthcare-for-undocumented-immigrants-could-cost-23b-study/

Forbes Mag: Illegal Immigrants Cost Taxpayers $18.5 Billion/Yr. In Health Care Costs

Illegal immigrants cost the U.S. billions a year in health care costs that the illegals never pay for, a Forbes Mag. report says. And that is even though federal law supposedly prohibits this spending.

Federal law claims that no federal dollars can go to pay for health care for illegals. Unfortunately, this is a smoke screen because literally BILLIONS of our tax dollars go to fund medical care for illegals anyway.

Forbes magazine’s Chris Conover recent ran the numbers and came up with at least $18.5 billion of our tax dollars wasted on health care for illegal immigrants.

Rest - https://lidblog.com/illegal-immigrants-health-care/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-20-2021, 07:00 PM
Never understood that.

We have veterans, literally, who have fought for our nation and did what was asked of them. Some have also been harmed in ways that will never go away. And yet many of them are homeless. Why not go out of their way to help these people? Never. :rolleyes:

Or even just folks that are homeless Americans?

So, what DO illegals actually cost us every year?


The real cost of illegal immigration, and it's not avocados

Americans pay $200 billion annually in illegal immigration costs

Broken down here - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/jun/5/the-real-cost-of-illegal-immigration-and-its-not-a/

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds

The cost of harboring illegal immigrants in the United States is a staggering $113 billion a year -- an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed” household in America -- according to a study conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Rest - https://www.foxnews.com/us/illegal-immigration-costs-u-s-113-billion-a-year-study-finds

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers

Key Highlights

In 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion.

FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – about $19 billion – from the total economic impact of illegal migration, $134.9 billion.

In 2013, the estimated total cost of illegal migration was approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion.

Evidence shows that the tax payments made by illegal aliens fail to cover the costs of the many services they consume.

A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all.
Many illegal aliens actually receive a net cash profit through refundable tax credit programs.

Rest - https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers

Fact Check: Does illegal immigration cost the US more than $100 billion a year?

President Donald Trump claimed during a rally in Cleveland, Ohio, that illegal immigration costs the U.S. more than $100 billion a year.

“Illegal immigration costs our country more than $100 billion every single year,” he said.

Verdict: Unsubstantiated

Estimates of the cost of illegal immigration vary widely. Trump likely based his claim on an estimate from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which has received criticism for its methodology.

Fact Check:

Trump was in Cleveland Nov. 5 campaigning for Ohio Republicans ahead of the 2018 midterm elections when he made the claim. He was likely referencing a report from FAIR, an organization that supports more limited immigration.

The report, released in September 2017, concluded that illegal immigration costs the U.S. $135 billion per year. FAIR estimated that 12.5 million illegal immigrants, as well as their 4.2 million U.S. citizen children, cost the federal government almost $46 billion and cost about $89 billion at the state and local levels annually.

The majority of this expense comes in the form of medical care and public schooling expenditures. FAIR estimated that illegal immigrants generate about $19 billion in taxes each year, bringing the net cost down to $116 billion annually.

Rest - https://checkyourfact.com/2018/11/11/fact-check-illegal-immigration-cost-100-billion/

Dang, just look at California...

Illegal Immigration Costs California $30.3 Billion A Year—17.7 Percent Of State Budget

Illegal Immigrants Cost the State of California $30.29 Billion Annually

Illegal immigrants and their children cost the State of California a net $30.29 billion per year. This equates to $7,352 per illegal alien, or roughly 17.7 percent of California’s state budget.

Rest - https://nationaleconomicseditorial.com/2017/02/21/costs-illegal-immigration-california/

What about the health care for illegals?

Health care for undocumented immigrants could cost $23B: study

WASHINGTON – Giving undocumented immigrants access to federally funded health care in the United States could cost up to $23 billion per year, according to a new study published this week.

The Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based think tank that wants to reduce immigration, estimated there are 4.9 million uninsured undocumented immigrants in the US with incomes low enough to qualify for federal assistance.

Providing a subsidy to help them buy private health insurance on the Obamacare marketplace would cost on average $4,600. If all of them enrolled, taxpayers would be on the hook for $22.6 billion annually, the study found. Assuming a more realistic enrollment rate, the cost would be $10.4 billion.

Rest - https://nypost.com/2019/10/11/healthcare-for-undocumented-immigrants-could-cost-23b-study/

Forbes Mag: Illegal Immigrants Cost Taxpayers $18.5 Billion/Yr. In Health Care Costs

Illegal immigrants cost the U.S. billions a year in health care costs that the illegals never pay for, a Forbes Mag. report says. And that is even though federal law supposedly prohibits this spending.

Federal law claims that no federal dollars can go to pay for health care for illegals. Unfortunately, this is a smoke screen because literally BILLIONS of our tax dollars go to fund medical care for illegals anyway.

Forbes magazine’s Chris Conover recent ran the numbers and came up with at least $18.5 billion of our tax dollars wasted on health care for illegal immigrants.

Rest - https://lidblog.com/illegal-immigrants-health-care/

200 billion dollars a year is huge but in a way it is not even the biggest cost to we citizens.
That place is reserved to the jobs they steal from American citizens needing those jobs!
And the crowding of inner cities while so vastly increasing crime and bringing in of serious and fatal diseases.

Add all that together with the 200 billion and one sees the true costs and must ask why the damn dems promote, sponsor and demand these people be treated special- given our tax dollars, free medicine, free doctor care, oft free daycare, free schooling etc.
Wake up America-- the totally corrupt-anti-American dems are selling all of us down the river. A fact..-Tyr

03-21-2021, 01:58 PM
200 billion dollars a year is huge but in a way it is not even the biggest cost to we citizens.
That place is reserved to the jobs they steal from American citizens needing those jobs!
And the crowding of inner cities while so vastly increasing crime and bringing in of serious and fatal diseases.

Add all that together with the 200 billion and one sees the true costs and must ask why the damn dems promote, sponsor and demand these people be treated special- given our tax dollars, free medicine, free doctor care, oft free daycare, free schooling etc.
Wake up America-- the totally corrupt-anti-American dems are selling all of us down the river. A fact..-Tyr

Probably more like $125-$150 billion, but who the hell knows when you literally can't count or account for properly?

And if it's been that much up until a few years ago, then can you imagine how much the costs are going to increase this year and the 3 to follow? :rolleyes: Reead how much each individual costs, and then look at approximately how many are illegally entering our country. It's a lot!

And absolutely, and then many work, and that opens it's own can of worms. Some will mention how some others do in fact pay into our tax system, but many others do not. And then they have to account for the jobs, and would an unemployed American possibly have a job if they didn't? And no doubt that large numbers will eventually add into the criminal statistics & also health concerns.

And yupperoonies, then some will get drivers licenses. Some will get welfare of various forms; some forms of medicaid, emergency treatment in hospitals (which becomes their regular doctors), many collect benefits from state level, education system for bratty kids, housing assistance... and goes on and on.

And now they will fight for their right to vote. And how do you think the majority will vote? :rolleyes: