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03-22-2021, 02:12 PM
Without knowing for sure, we can't say if his condition is related to dementia or not. He certainly isn't coming to the microphone to deny this rumor of the past year either.

But I do have little doubt that he's declining, whether that be cognitive skills from old age or dementia or alzheimers.... something is causing him to not be up to par - and America needs someone up for the job, not a replacement or puppet.


“The Way Biden Is Hiding from the Public Right Now is a MAJOR Red Flag” – White House Physician for Three US Presidents Breaks His Silence on Joe Biden’s Failing Mental Health

Former White House physician for Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and current Texas Representative Ronnie Jackson posted an honest assessment on Joe Biden’s physical and mental condition today on Twitter.

Rep. Ronnie Jackson: I served as White House physician under THREE Presidents. I’ve seen what it takes physically AND mentally to do the job. I can tell you right now that the way Biden is hiding from the public is a MAJOR red flag. Something’s not right!


Joe is suffering from dementia and Joe is missing in action.

After his triple-fall on Friday trying to climb the stairs to Air Force One, Joe Biden took the weekend off.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/way-biden-hiding-public-right-now-major-red-flag-white-house-physician-three-us-presidents-breaks-silence-joe-bidens-dementia/

Mr. P
03-22-2021, 03:20 PM
I think you gotta have your eyes wide shut to NOT see this... Just sayin

03-22-2021, 05:46 PM
Joe doesnt know ....What`s going on moment to moment in time...

...His Handlers are hiding him.

This "Press Conference" Joe is supposed to have this Thursday should be interesting...His first one....
