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View Full Version : Another white male, another mass shooting

03-22-2021, 08:48 PM
This time at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. What is it about you guys and your need to shoot up places? It's no wonder why sane people want to keep guys away from white males. You are all ticking time bombs! Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something. Of course, gun rights enthusiasts are usually white males as well. You all know what is coming. Get those talking points fired up and ready to go. ------------> https://www.dailycamera.com/2021/03/22/boulder-police-responding-to-active-shooter-at-king-soopers/

03-22-2021, 09:00 PM
To early to comment on ignorant liberal.. wishful thinking post above...^^^

But I can say...another Black male another hate crime...

`A 68-year-old man Asian man has been violently assaulted on the New York City (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/new_york/index.html) subway by an assailant shouting racial insults, in the latest shocking incident of anti-Asian hate.`
Suspect Marc Mathieu, 36, of the Bronx was arrested on Sunday and charged with assault after NYPD Transit cops recognized his image on a wanted poster. Mathieu has nine prior arrests, a police source told DailyMail.com.


Good news...
Thanks to an exhaustive video canvass by @NYPDTransit Detectives, cops recognized

this man from his image on a wanted poster. Tonight, he’s in custody & being charged

with felony assault in the brutal attack of a 68 y/o man.


Carry on lefty....

03-22-2021, 10:54 PM
Seung-Hui Cho


John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo


Nidal Hassan


Omar Mateen



03-22-2021, 11:24 PM
Don’t forget about this wonder couple.


03-23-2021, 12:52 AM
this time at a supermarket in boulder, colorado. What is it about you guys and your need to shoot up places? It's no wonder why sane people want to keep guys away from white males. You are all ticking time bombs! Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something. Of course, gun rights enthusiasts are usually white males as well. You all know what is coming. Get those talking points fired up and ready to go. ------------> https://www.dailycamera.com/2021/03/22/boulder-police-responding-to-active-shooter-at-king-soopers/

your racist stupidity is shining through gabby. Get somebody to flush and save us.

03-23-2021, 04:09 AM

You don't want to go there. Whites are not the problem, blacks are.

Blacks commit most of the murders in this country. Blacks kill other blacks over 90 % of the time. I don't say this, the FBI does.


I know that you attend the church of Our Lady of Perpetual Blame White People, so it's not likely you'll be swayed by facts.

If you don't like being white, why don't you give your white privilege, move to Watts and change your skin color.

Mr. P
03-23-2021, 10:40 AM
Shooters name...Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. Sounds Lilly white to me.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-23-2021, 01:07 PM
Shooters name...Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. Sounds Lilly white to me.
Another practitioner of peace with a prayer rug. What idiot cites that murdering religious terrorist as a white man. The description of murdering terrorist would very likely be a much better fit .

03-23-2021, 01:45 PM
This time at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. What is it about you guys and your need to shoot up places? It's no wonder why sane people want to keep guys away from white males. You are all ticking time bombs! Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something. Of course, gun rights enthusiasts are usually white males as well. You all know what is coming. Get those talking points fired up and ready to go. ------------> https://www.dailycamera.com/2021/03/22/boulder-police-responding-to-active-shooter-at-king-soopers/

You might be onto something. Maybe it's the result of the anti-male narrative seen in government schools, like the one you say that you work for. Add to this the anti-male tone of ads and programs seen in public, and that could be a contributing factor. Yours truly would rather face the danger of being in the wrong place at the wrong time in drug cartel country than to be bothered with a feminist environment. Nice job: Enjoy your handiwork.

03-23-2021, 02:21 PM
This time at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. What is it about you guys and your need to shoot up places? It's no wonder why sane people want to keep guys away from white males. You are all ticking time bombs! Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something. Of course, gun rights enthusiasts are usually white males as well. You all know what is coming. Get those talking points fired up and ready to go. ------------> https://www.dailycamera.com/2021/03/22/boulder-police-responding-to-active-shooter-at-king-soopers/

Ahmad was born in Syria in 1999 and came to USA in 2002.

He also wrote on Facebook that “racist Islamophobic people” were "hacking my phone” and stopping him from having a "normal life.”


Yeah, looks like you're 100% wrong, as you always are. You have to be the shittiest troll on the internet and have the IQ of an overripe grape.


Abbey Marie
03-23-2021, 02:21 PM
He’s a Syrian immigrant.

All of a sudden, crickets in the media about his race/nationality.

03-23-2021, 03:20 PM
He’s a Syrian immigrant.

All of a sudden, crickets in the media about his race/nationality.

She's so good at defending her lack of mentality, human character, and vacuum sealed brain matter created from the left-over slime of liberal swamp squeeze they call Tolerance.

03-23-2021, 03:29 PM
This spreadsheet, courtesy of Mother Jones:


Lists mass shootings going back to 1982, I don't think it includes gang related shootings, but I could be wrong. It lists the race, sex, and weapons used, among other things.

The really interesting part is just how few of these shootings involve and AR15 or similar weapon. The majority of mass shootings are done with handguns. But by all means, let us infringe on the rights of the many because of the actions of the very few...

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2021: Data From Mother Jones’ Investigation (https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/)

03-23-2021, 03:49 PM
This time at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. What is it about you guys and your need to shoot up places? It's no wonder why sane people want to keep guys away from white males. You are all ticking time bombs! Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something. Of course, gun rights enthusiasts are usually white males as well. You all know what is coming. Get those talking points fired up and ready to go. ------------> https://www.dailycamera.com/2021/03/22/boulder-police-responding-to-active-shooter-at-king-soopers/More one-sided bullshit. We white males shoot up supermarkets and such because we aren't black males shooting up babies and old people in our own neighborhoods.

Get a fucking grip.

03-23-2021, 03:57 PM
He’s a Syrian immigrant. All of a sudden, crickets in the media about his race/nationality. It's all over the media. Looks like a white guy to me, though. Perhaps he was working for anti gun forces. Time to go out and buy more weapons and ammo. Shit + fan = uh oh.

03-23-2021, 04:00 PM
You might be onto something. Maybe it's the result of the anti-male narrative seen in government schools, like the one you say that you work for. Add to this the anti-male tone of ads and programs seen in public, and that could be a contributing factor. Yours truly would rather face the danger of being in the wrong place at the wrong time in drug cartel country than to be bothered with a feminist environment. Nice job: Enjoy your handiwork. Anti-male narrative? Have you ever been in a real school? You MGTOW guys are really over the top sometimes. I feel sorry for your "wife" being kept in the closet all day.

03-23-2021, 04:02 PM
It's all over the media. Looks like a white guy to me, though. Perhaps he was working for anti gun forces. Time to go out and buy more weapons and ammo. Shit + fan = uh oh.
#rd grade: Syrians are Arabs. Arabs are not white. Feel free to go call one white though. Fatwah calling for your dumbass head to follow.

03-23-2021, 04:02 PM
Anti-male narrative? Have you ever been in a real school? You MGTOW guys are really over the top sometimes. I feel sorry for your "wife" being kept in the closet all day.

She's more militant than I am. She damn near got us arrested in Havana. She's an enigma to the American right. One of her favorite expressions is "Why would I want to assimilate into cultural Marxism?" We observed a BLM protest in downtown Austin just for fun. My wife's reaction was "What a bunch of white momma's boys and purple haired cows." Even I have to hand it to her: Referring to feminists as fat cows (vacas feministas).

She even said if those BLM communists did that in Brazil, they would get a well deserved thumpin' with a night stick. I proceeded to explain to her the concept of "wood shampoo". She thought that was hilarious.

03-23-2021, 04:07 PM
She's more militant than I am. She damn near got us arrested in Havana. She's an enigma to the American right. One of her favorite expressions is "Why would I want to assimilated into cultural Marxism?" We observed a BLM protest in downtown Austin just for fun. My wife's reactions was "What a bunch of white momma's boys and purple haired cows." https://i.imgflip.com/29e56h.jpg

03-23-2021, 04:24 PM

"Stupid infidel female think he white american...she think his name from Kansas usa"

03-23-2021, 05:48 PM
Anti-male narrative? Have you ever been in a real school? You MGTOW guys are really over the top sometimes. I feel sorry for your "wife" being kept in the closet all day.

Things must be right up your alley living on the streets, takin' a crap wherever you want, leaving stains on the sidewalks and trying to write your name until somebody else comes and invades your Liberal Space on the curb.
Bet your hero is that other guy like you...Rachel Madcow from PMSNBC where Title 9 never existed since your muscles grew, and you tried out for the Boys Rowing Team. Until you found Gov. Cuomo of N.Y. out on the River with his brother FREDO, waiting for you to throw them some Dental Floss that would save your 100 Gender assignments from exposing your Democrat, Pelosi ICE CREAM made of DNC swamp puke.

03-23-2021, 06:53 PM
This time at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. What is it about you guys and your need to shoot up places? It's no wonder why sane people want to keep guys away from white males. You are all ticking time bombs! Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something. Of course, gun rights enthusiasts are usually white males as well. You all know what is coming. Get those talking points fired up and ready to go. ------------> https://www.dailycamera.com/2021/03/22/boulder-police-responding-to-active-shooter-at-king-soopers/

I see someone decided to come on as asshole troll mode again! This should be interesting to red the rest! :laugh:

03-23-2021, 06:57 PM
Sometimes folks disappear for a tad, then come back acting like sweet as pie, as if that's who they are. But such folks can never, ever, hide their true colors for wrong.

Oh joy, let me go purposely act like a twit in order to get a rise of out people on the right. Kinda childish how you rock back and forth between fake nice person and then troll. Why I stopped falling for the BS.

03-23-2021, 07:21 PM
......All ten people killed in Boulder were white.

Will the media call it a hate crime????

...I'm going out on a limb here. But perhaps it's time to stop letting people into our country

who hate America.

Just in...

The Colorado murderer was a Syrian refugee under the Obama refugee program He was also a Trump hater. The media narrative is falling apart every minute.

03-23-2021, 07:50 PM
Just in...

The Colorado murderer was a Syrian refugee under the Obama refugee program He was also a Trump hater.

So this guy is a Syrian "refugee" admitted into the US by the policies of Joe Biden - Vice President? Wow, should Slimy Joe go on television to apologize for creating this situation?

03-23-2021, 08:19 PM
So this guy is a Syrian "refugee" admitted into the US by the policies of Joe Biden - Vice President? Wow, should Slimy Joe go on television to apologize for creating this situation?

No Vetting of Syrian “Refugees” in Obama’s “Resettlement” Invasion



03-23-2021, 08:23 PM
Hey Liberals...Gun-free zones aren’t safe spaces; they’re killing fields. Change my mind!!!

03-23-2021, 08:29 PM
Gabby keeps coming back with the stupid Trolling, but not once has she mentioned.....

SLEEPY JOE...the idiot she voted for, and is now praying for with Gavin Newsome????

How bout it Gabby? Wanna tell us how happy, and proud you are to be a liberal who just loves JOE???

03-23-2021, 09:54 PM
I see someone decided to come on as asshole troll mode again! This should be interesting to red the rest! :laugh: Why is it that, whenever I post something contrary to the board's prevailing opinion, I am accused of "trolling?" This is what always happened in the past. If I disagree with you, then I am "trolling."
Sometimes folks disappear for a tad, then come back acting like sweet as pie, as if that's who they are. But such folks can never, ever, hide their true colors for wrong. Oh joy, let me go purposely act like a twit in order to get a rise of out people on the right. Kinda childish how you rock back and forth between fake nice person and then troll. Why I stopped falling for the BS. "Fake nice person?" I haven't attacked anyone since I came back. I have been on my best behavior. Just because I post something that you disagree with doesn't make me a "twit" or a "troll." It just proves that some of you have very thin skin and do not handle opposing opinions well. There are some posters on here that don't bother answering my comments. They would rather resort to personal attacks. In every response. I consider it personal opinions. Or, in a few cases, ongoing senility.

03-23-2021, 11:29 PM
Why is it that, whenever I post something contrary to the board's prevailing opinion, I am accused of "trolling?" This is what always happened in the past. If I disagree with you, then I am "trolling." "Fake nice person?" I haven't attacked anyone since I came back. I have been on my best behavior. Just because I post something that you disagree with doesn't make me a "twit" or a "troll." It just proves that some of you have very thin skin and do not handle opposing opinions well. There are some posters on here that don't bother answering my comments. They would rather resort to personal attacks. In every response. I consider it personal opinions. Or, in a few cases, ongoing senility.

We are all well aware of how much the TRUTH really bothers you, and makes you troll even harder. But we like it. (At least I do) It's always easy, and fun to make the believers of Lies look dumb.
IF you think speaking about senility is offensive. Naw...just think about your Champion JOE Biden...The jokes on you.

03-24-2021, 10:11 AM
This time at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. What is it about you guys and your need to shoot up places? It's no wonder why sane people want to keep guys away from white males. You are all ticking time bombs! Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something. Of course, gun rights enthusiasts are usually white males as well. You all know what is coming. Get those talking points fired up and ready to go. ------------> https://www.dailycamera.com/2021/03/22/boulder-police-responding-to-active-shooter-at-king-soopers/

Why is it that, whenever I post something contrary to the board's prevailing opinion, I am accused of "trolling?" This is what always happened in the past. If I disagree with you, then I am "trolling." "Fake nice person?" I haven't attacked anyone since I came back. I have been on my best behavior. Just because I post something that you disagree with doesn't make me a "twit" or a "troll." It just proves that some of you have very thin skin and do not handle opposing opinions well. There are some posters on here that don't bother answering my comments. They would rather resort to personal attacks. In every response. I consider it personal opinions. Or, in a few cases, ongoing senility.

Sure. YOU guys, YOU are all time bombs...

You know exactly what you're doing, then try to turn things around as if you aren't trolling. Sure. Sell that shit somewhere else, I ain't buying.

03-24-2021, 10:37 AM
While some prominent nitwits, and then twitnits and more run around with a fake story about a white man involved in this shooting. When found to be wrong, most delete and go quiet or make excuses.

But another thing we aren't hearing from them.


Why Is No One Talking About the RACE of All 10 Shooting Victims By Muslim Gunman Ahmad al-Issa?


Tragedy struck on March 18, when eight people were killed in a mass shooting in Atlanta, six of the victims being women who were of Asian descent. The Democrat Party mainstream media almost immediately turned the shooting into a racial issue. In a press conference following the mass shooting, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki does what Democrats do best; she attributed the murders of the victims to the rhetoric by President Trump.

100 Percent Fed Up – The suspect, in the Atlanta spa shootings, 21-yr-old Robert Alan Long, said he was motivated by a sex addiction, not race. Although there has been no evidence that race played a role in the attack, it hasn’t stopped liberals and the mainstream media from using the tragic incident to add Asian-Americans to their long list of victims in their efforts to further segment and divide Americans.

In a classic attempt to divide and conquer society, the media and globalist politicians have been throwing accelerant on racial divisions that were largely nonexistent less than ten years ago.

Recent Google analytical data strongly suggest that certain ideas, including Black Lives Matter and numerous other globalist far-left ideas like Critical Race Theory, are interjected into the media over time in order to create divisions and affect the outcome of elections. They are often then removed from the discussion once division among selected groups of people has produced the desired outcome.

On March 22, a 21-yr-old Muslim male who immigrated from Syria opened fire in a Boulder, CO grocery store, killing 10 white people. After the shooting, the mainstream media outlets quickly concluded, without evidence, that the shooter must be a white male Trump supporter. Well, as is usually the case when globalist media outlets take a stance on something, nothing could be further from the truth.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/no-one-talking-race-10-shooting-victims-muslim-gunman-ahmad-al-issa/

03-24-2021, 11:21 AM
Saw this yesterday, if you have a chance go down this 'Caleb Hull' twitter feed as he did screengrabs of tons and tons of idiots!

And the familiarity to this... funny how liberals all have the same message, or mistake, at the same time. :rolleyes:


Blue-Check Marks Assume CO Shooter Was ‘White Domestic Terrorist,' Facts Intervene

The media is just chomping at the bit all the time to blame pro-gun conservatives – who they love referring to as “white supremacists” – for the mass shootings in America. They get so overexcited about the notion, they tweet before they get the facts.

Case in point: immediately after a tragic mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado on Monday, several Twitter-verified media members rushed to put the blame on “violent white men." Too bad only hours later it was revealed that the shooter was a Syrian Muslim named Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa. This would put him squarely in the social justice warriors' "person of color" category.

Ouch. People including Deadspin editor Julie DiCaro, USA Today editor Hemal Jhaveri, feminist author Amy Siskind and even Vice President Kamala Harris’s niece, Meena Harris, posted tweets assuming another murderous white male took out his frustration on innocent people with his high powered murder rifle. Isn’t it just so amazing how committed these people are to certain narratives?

They don’t even wait for the facts, anymore.

Conservative social media influencer Caleb Hull rounded up many of the tweets from media people who assumed white racist intent by the Colorado grocery store shooter. On March 23, Hull took screenshots of the embarrassing tweets, many of which he saved before they were deleted, and strung them all together in a viral Twitter thread. Having them all together in one place really showed how willing these mainstream media personalities were to spin a tragedy for political gain.

Several consequential journalists, authors, and other people ended up with their feet in their mouths over the tragedy. The first one on Hull’s list was Deadspin editor Julie DiCaro. On the day of the shooting, DiCaro tweeted, “Extremely tired of people’s lives depending on whether a white man with an AR is having a good day or not.” Oopsie, Ms. DiCaro.

And USA Today “race and inclusion” editor Hemal Jhaveri responded to DiCaro’s post, tweeting, “it’s always an angry white man. Always.” Yeah, always, but not this time.

Feminist author Amy Siskind fell into the trap, tweeting that the shooter was “almost certainly a white man (again)” because he was “taken into custody,” and “if he were black and brown he would be dead.” Oh, well, isn’t that a nice generalization in and of itself?

Hull caught TV screenwriter and music video director Dylan Park tweeting that “a white man walked into a grocery store in Boulder, killed 10 people, and was apprehended by police and walked out of the building completely unharmed.” He then mentioned an African American named Elijah McClain – who allegedly died by police brutality in 2019 – to demonstrate how there are “two Americas” when it comes to treatment of white and black criminals. Again, too bad Al-Issa wasn’t what he thought.

Global Correspondent for the Byline Times CJ Werleman was added to the thread for tweeting, “The suspected gunman in the Boulder, Colorado mass shooting is a white guy! Seven reported dead.” The journalist also declared that the shooter is a “white domestic terrorist.”

The lengthy list included the niece of Vice President Harris, Meena Harris. The children’s book author tweeted, “The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terror threat to our country.” Wow, that’s one way to be really wrong. And it's safe to assume she'd never tweet about a "violent Syrian immigrant" being a "terror threat."

The rest of Hull’s thread included racist blunders from John Pavlovitz, Jared Yates Sexton, and Michael Harriot, among others who declared this the work of evil “white men.” Will any of these tweets get any of these folks, cancelled?


03-25-2021, 08:07 PM

09-25-2021, 12:12 PM
Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something.

Another reminder your narratives are shit!

Uk Thang Identified as the Kroger Gunman in Tennessee


September 24, 2021
COLLIERVILLE, Tennessee—The Kroger supermarket mass-shooter has been identified as 29-year-old Uk Thang, according to CBS3 Memphis (https://www.wreg.com/news/local/watch-live-press-conference-on-kroger-shooting-in-collierville/).
The attack occurred at the Kroger located on 240 New Byhalia Road in Collierville on September 23, 2021, around 1:29 p.m.
The number of victims shot is now 15, one fatally—Olivia King. Ten of the victims were Kroger employees and five were customers, reports CBS3 (https://www.wreg.com/news/local/watch-live-press-conference-on-kroger-shooting-in-collierville/).
Thang shot and killed himself at the scene, he was found in the rear of the store. Police initially declined to give his name during a press conference, however, authorities later released his name to the media after the initial press conference.


09-25-2021, 04:08 PM
This time at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. What is it about you guys and your need to shoot up places? It's no wonder why sane people want to keep guys away from white males. You are all ticking time bombs! Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something. Of course, gun rights enthusiasts are usually white males as well. You all know what is coming. Get those talking points fired up and ready to go. ------------> https://www.dailycamera.com/2021/03/22/boulder-police-responding-to-active-shooter-at-king-soopers/"You guys"? Please identify any white males on this board that have shot up "places".

It has nothing to do with being white, nor their choice of weapon.

What is it with you WHITE leftwingnuts that you can go apeshit every time a white male shoots up "some place", yet crickets chirping when blacks are shooting up blacks and everything else in every major inner city in the US?

09-25-2021, 04:19 PM
Another reminder your narratives are shit!


Tell us how white this former Army Officer who killed several at FORT HOOD TEXAS really is GABBY-NO-BRAIN???https://s.abcnews.com/images/GMA/GMA_HASAN_ISIS_140829_16x9_992.jpg

09-27-2021, 02:43 AM
overwhelmingly white and male


09-27-2021, 02:45 AM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-27-2021, 05:31 AM
One of you best posts.....:laugh:

09-27-2021, 09:58 AM
Police say that 445 homicides have been recorded so far in 2021

Wonder how many "white males" were involved :thumb:

09-27-2021, 10:35 AM
overwhelmingly white and male

https://massshootingswiki.wordpress.com/2018/03/05/race/Balck on black/Hispanic on Hispanic/gang shooting are overwhelmingly ... ? (not white males). What's the ratio of the occasional nutcase, white guy mass shooter deaths to gang-related shooting deaths? Of those, how many white guy mass shooters legally own their firearms compared to the number of legally owned firearms used in gang related murders?

Seems only one side of the story is continually presented.

09-27-2021, 11:19 AM
The numbers are about 60% white, which if whites are just about and above 50% now, that means about 16% disparity

09-27-2021, 11:32 AM
The numbers are about 60% white, which if whites are just about and above 50% now, that means about 16% disparityI don
t know what that 50% is about but it certainly doesn't address the questions I asked. 5% would be stretching it. One weekend in Chicago more than covers all white mass shooters for a year.

Guns are not the underlying cause of violence. People are. Ignoring the herd of brown cows to point a finger at the white one isn't addressing any problem. It DOES however put a spotlight on the first problem in troubleshooting: identifying the actual problem.

Black Diamond
09-27-2021, 11:39 AM
I don
t know what that 50% is about but it certainly doesn't address the questions I asked. 5% would be stretching it. One weekend in Chicago more than covers all white mass shooters for a year.

Guns are not the underlying cause of violence. People are. Ignoring the herd of brown cows to point a finger at the white one isn't addressing any problem. It DOES however put a spotlight on the first problem in troubleshooting: identifying the actual problem.

Maybe gabo misspelled "another raghead, another act of terror".

09-27-2021, 11:56 AM
The fact remains that most mass shooters are white males.

Surf Fishing Guru
09-27-2021, 04:11 PM
I dont know what that 50% is about . . .

Don't even try to understand what he's saying, you can be certain he doesn't know what he's talking about. He Googled "race of mass shooters" and he came and posted a link to some jackoff's blog; that is the extent of his scholarship.

This is a great example that shows that gun rights people really need to pay very close attention to the terminology anti-gunners use and which datasets they are using to arrive at the duplicitous conclusion they are advancing at the moment.

Here we have a guy using a source that uses a definition of "mass shooter / shooting" that reduces the number of incidents to 125 cherry-picked cases over 39 years. This comes from Mother Jones and they admit it is has very selective criteria to be included. (https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/)

Understand, that dataset is chosen just so the "WHITEY ON A RAMPAGE" narrative can be advanced. His source uses the term "mass shooter" but is really using criteria that is even more narrow than the FBI uses for "mass murder".

This is where is gets confusing because the vast majority of media and politicians, when they are discussing "mass shooters / mass shootings" use the Gun Violence Archive definition of mass shooter (https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/methodology). GVA uses the criteria of, "4+ shot in one incident, excluding the perpetrator(s), at one location, at roughly the same time".

NOTE, unlike Mother Jones, the GVA number does not require any person to die.

DEMedia and leftist anti-gun politicians love the GVA tally because GVA gives a histrionic, geared for emotional reaction number of "mass shootings" that is geared to shock -- as of today, Sept 27, 2021, the GVA says there have been 527 mass shootings this year (https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/).

So obviously, Jake's number doesn't have any relationship with what "mass shootings" are in today's discourse and his racial percentages are BS.


09-27-2021, 04:25 PM
The documentation is obvious above.

Surf above is a goof ball, period.

The documented stat below puts whites as mass shooters about 58% of the time, a solid majority.


09-27-2021, 04:45 PM
Maybe gabo misspelled "another raghead, another act of terror".Sure looks like I had an issue with the "return" :)

Nope. Typical lefty. Throws out BS she knows will piss off some people. She doesn't care about the topic. Just getting an emotional response.

09-27-2021, 06:36 PM
The fact remains that most mass shooters are white males.

Sounds like you'd be angry, or jealous for not being included as a Mass Shooter since we all know...

You're really pretty good at shootin your mouth off here...Even if they ARE all BLANKS.
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWadPv0Pf7KFNrLtxXa_7QY9wwFOVTZ Idh2Ee-r7kfCO5z-CP9ayumFmEnIq8qg3fMTXk&usqp=CAU

09-27-2021, 06:40 PM
The fact remains that most mass shooters are white males.That's because we can shoot. And don't fuck with us then nobody gets shot. See how easy that is?

Surf Fishing Guru
09-27-2021, 07:38 PM
The documentation is obvious above.

Surf above is a goof ball, period.

The documented stat below puts whites as mass shooters about 58% of the time, a solid majority.


What's obvious is you are using cherry-picked stats to make a spurious claim.

So I'll ask, a solid majority of what?

What you claim is a majority is a majority of what Mother Jones calls a mass shooting.

It isn't a majority of the incidents Gun Violence Archive calls a mass shooting, which is also the definition the vast majority of news people and politicians have used for years and continue to use.

It's funny, one of the links you provided earlier -- in a segment of its series on mass shootings (https://centerforinquiry.org/blog/how-common-are-mass-shootings-the-nature-and-frequency-of-mass-shootings/) -- speaks to your problem:

"The Washington Post’s Christopher Ingraham, who had reported in 2015 that mass shootings were happening about once a day, revisited the subject the following year, taking a closer look at the numbers. He offered an insightful analysis:

On Thursday, a gunman shot and killed three people and injured 14 more in Hesston, Kan., before he was killed by police.

It was the 49th mass shooting of 2016.

No scratch that, it was the 33rd mass shooting.

Actually, wait: It was only the second mass shooting this year, and it barely made the cut.

It’s said that the Inuit people have 50 words for snow. Sometimes it seems like Americans have nearly as many definitions for “mass shooting.” Which definition is correct? They all are—it just depends on what you want to measure.

Limiting mass shootings in this way is useful because it tends to filter out all but the big, headline-grabbing incidents that most people think of when they think “mass shooting”: Kalamazoo, Charleston, Umpqua.

But the definition omits a number of shootings that many reasonable people would consider a mass shooting. The man who shot up a theater in Lafayette, La., last summer killed only two people and wounded nine others—not a mass shooting, per Mother Jones’ definition.

The killing of three people and shooting of 16 others at Fort Hood in 2014 isn’t included because not enough people died. Ditto the rampage at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic last year."

Do you see your problem?

Do you understand that, according to you, the recent shooting at the Krogers in Tennessee (https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/kroger-shooting-collierville-tennessee-gunman-identified-store-vendor/), with 14 shot and injured and one dead, was not a mass shooting; even though CBS News, in that link, says it was a mass shooting, as do dozens of other news organizations.

According to you, those news organizations are lying.

Why are they misrepresenting what a mass shooting is?


09-27-2021, 07:42 PM
The fact that remains that SurfnTurf can't get over is that most mass shootings are by whites.

09-27-2021, 07:47 PM
The fact that remains that SurfnTurf can't get over is that most mass shootings are by whites.

"mass shootings"? I don't think so.

Surf Fishing Guru
09-27-2021, 08:13 PM
The fact that remains that SurfnTurf can't get over is that most mass shootings are by whites.

What I "can't get over" is your position that the shooting last Thursday at the Krogers with 1 dead, 14 injured, was not a mass shooting.

Can you explain?

09-27-2021, 08:23 PM
The fact that remains that SurfnTurf can't get over is that most mass shootings are by whites.

Your need to constantly talk about shootings by whites, and always calling them mass shootings while you intentionally NEVER want to talk about those SIXTY....That's 60 shootings that took place over the last weekend in LIGHTFOOTS REALLY SAFE CHICAGO.

You idiots refuse to talk about problems YOU CREATE by hiding behind other stories to keep you from ever being pushed into any corner that would expose your endless lies.
SO, like the good little goat chaser you are. https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.737743900.6993/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg

You and Biden want to CONTROL what we talk about to protect your melting little ignorant snowflake hearts of mush.

So, it gives me great pleasure to constantly wish you...A NICE URINE SMELLING PISSOFF.

09-27-2021, 08:32 PM
Most white males are white males. Can't count the ones that want to be on the girl's track team :rolleyes:

09-27-2021, 09:05 PM
Most white males are white males. Can't count the ones that want to be on the girl's track team :rolleyes:
Or an Olympic wrestler

Surf Fishing Guru
09-28-2021, 01:22 AM
Your need to constantly talk about shootings by whites, and always calling them mass shootings while you intentionally NEVER want to talk about those SIXTY....That's 60 shootings that took place over the last weekend in LIGHTFOOTS REALLY SAFE CHICAGO.

See ol' Jake is in a real dilemma. He so desperately wants to parrot this BS that most "mass shooters" are White, but that demands he rest his argument on an extremely narrow, cherry-picked set of incidents.

He is forced to exclude from his examples of "mass shootings", incidents that everyone in the conversation includes as being "mass shootings".

He wants to use the term "mass shooting" for all the emotional response it receives, but not employ the criteria that everyone else uses, because if he did that it that will destroy his BS claim that most "mass shooters" are White.

As I said earlier, everyone uses the Gun Violence Archive's criteria to assign the moniker "mass shooting" to a particular crime.

The criteria used, "4+ shot in one incident, excluding the perpetrator(s), at one location, at roughly the same time" is a big net that catches a lot of incidents that are just the everyday violence that happens a few times a week where most shootings happen and are the kind of shootings one doesn't really pay much attention to, except for the couple minutes they lead the local news in just about any large city.

They are the drug corner drive-by's, the drug house rip squads, retaliation shootings at candlelight vigils for other shooting victims and just general mayhem of thug life.

In other words, the "4+ shot in one incident" is great for the DEMedia to throw out histrionic numbers but a close examination destroys the "Whitey on a rampage" narrative.

These "mass shootings" are what so many regular, everyday shootings are, inner-city young guys shooting at other inner-city young guys over stupid crap that nobody but inner-city young guys care about.

So Jake has a decision to make, stay attached to his "mostly White guys" BS but lose making arguments about the larger body of "mass shootings" or accept the definition everyone else uses and accept that most mass shooters are POC's.

I told him I knew he didn't know what he was talking about; he should have just shut up . . .


09-28-2021, 04:30 AM
It seems what Jake is attempting to say is that white males are bad.

In actuality when it comes to mass shootings that are planned and the murderer is attempting to make a statement or garner media/law enforcement attention by completing said plan to a significant degree the murderer is more likely to be a white male.

09-28-2021, 06:21 AM
Why the conservatrians would deny the fact that 58 to 60% are by white males reveals an inability to accept truth and transparency,

09-28-2021, 09:57 AM
Why the conservatrians would deny the fact that 58 to 60% are by white males reveals an inability to accept truth and transparency,
Who's trying to deny anything Jake? It's more like putting context to your comment. In the big scheme of things, it doesn't mean shit.

Most serial killers are white males as well. Who cares? Are you being racist? Bet if I say blacks love chicken and watermelon you'd call me racist when the fact is, blacks love fried chicken and watermelon. Ask one.

Bet you would like to believe these "mass shooters" are all conservatives too, huh? Nope. There's never a pile of dead Dem bodies is there? Guess who us white guys with guns consider the enemy. It's not other white guys with guns, school children nor church congregations.

Perhaps these guys are just nuts, regardless politics/race? Perhaps it's as kathianne states. Guy's out to make a statement.

I can do this all day :)

The topic is not as simple as a one line dismissal from Jake.

09-28-2021, 10:04 AM
As long as we accept that the figure is 58 to 60%, I don't care what anyone thinks what that means.

09-28-2021, 10:33 AM
As long as we accept that the figure is 58 to 60%, I don't care what anyone thinks what that means.I don't accept cherry picking to advance a statistical lie.

09-28-2021, 10:49 AM
The overall point should be...

Between 1982 and May 2021, 66 out of the 124 mass shootings in the United States were carried out by white shooters. By comparison, the perpetrator was African American in 21 mass shootings, and Latino in 10. When calculated as percentages, this amounts to 53 percent, 17 percent and eight percent respectively.

Race of mass shooters reflects the U.S. populationBroadly speaking, the racial distribution of mass shootings mirrors the racial distribution of the U.S. population (https://www.statista.com/statistics/270272/percentage-of-us-population-by-ethnicities/) as a whole. While a superficial comparison of the statistics seems to suggest African American shooters are over-represented and Latino shooters underrepresented, the fact that the shooter’s race is unclear in around five percent of cases, along with the different time frames over which these statistics are calculated means no such conclusions should be drawn. Conversely, looking at the mass shootings in the United States by gender (https://www.statista.com/statistics/476445/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-gender/) clearly demonstrates that the majority of mass shootings are carried out by men.

So the title of this thread and headlines that imply the same are sensationalizing.

09-28-2021, 11:08 AM
A % is a fact not cherry picking.

Trying to argue with it is cherry picking.

09-28-2021, 11:16 AM
A % is a fact not cherry picking.

Trying to argue with it is cherry picking.

It's not the percentage that would be cherry picked. One can easily choose which data to include and which data to exclude; that is the cherry picking that could be employed. I think that's what Volokh was going with in part.

09-28-2021, 11:22 AM
It's not the percentage that would be cherry picked. One can easily choose which data to include and which data to exclude; that is the cherry picking that could be employed. I think that's what Volokh was going with in part.

Well, that can be cherry picked.:laugh:

Surf Fishing Guru
09-28-2021, 12:03 PM
As long as we accept that the figure is 58 to 60%, I don't care what anyone thinks what that means.

I can say I accept that White shooters represent 58%-60% of a select tiny, tiny, tiny percentage of the incidents that are widely accepted by media, politicians and the public as being "mass shootings".

Mother Jones (https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/) considers 125 incidents in the last 39 years to be "mass shootings"; that is the dataset Jake is drawing his 58% from.

Meanwhile, the accounting that everyone considers the official tally, the authority on the number of "mass shootings" in the USA, the Gun Violence Archive (https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/), shows that the number of "mass shootings" so far this year, as of Sept. 28, 2021, is 528.

So, with 25% of 2021 still remaining, GVA puts "mass shootings" for the year at 422% of Jake's tally for 39 years.

Jake, what you are doing is like making an unequivocal statement that -- it is mostly rich guys that are killed in car accidents . . . but you are only allowing car accidents that the driver was going over 150 mph in your dataset you are pulling your percentage from, and representing that it represents all car accidents.

09-28-2021, 12:38 PM
Jake is playing games. He's denying things purposely and then tossing out made up shit. When someone responds, he repeats his BS just to keep his BS going.

09-28-2021, 02:50 PM
This time at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado. What is it about you guys and your need to shoot up places? It's no wonder why sane people want to keep guys away from white males. You are all ticking time bombs! Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something. Of course, gun rights enthusiasts are usually white males as well.

Review, https://www.dictionary.com/browse/always#

every time; on every occasion; without exception:He always works on Saturday.
all the time; continuously (https://www.dictionary.com/browse/continuously); uninterruptedly:There is always some pollution in the air.
forever:Will you always love me?
in any event; at any time; if necessary:She can always move back with her parents.

So, of course shootings are done by all races and demographics. In the OP of the thread it was stated that mass shooters are always white males. It is the leftist promoted narrative that shooting are always by white males that is false.

Surf Fishing Guru
09-28-2021, 07:36 PM
I've been waiting to post this information, toying with Jake has been fun but it is time to put his "most mass shooters are White" idiocy to rest.

My next post will be a mural, photographs of every person convicted, charged or wanted in connection with a mass shooting crime that meets Wikipedia's page that lists the mass shootings in the United States in 2020 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_202 0).

That Wiki page compiles all the various criteria used by nine entities in government, academia and media for assigning the moniker "mass shooting" and includes in its list, incidents that meet any two of these criteria.

Those criteria are (internal links and footnotes removed):

Stanford University MSA Data Project: three or more persons shot in one incident, excluding the perpetrator(s), at one location, at roughly the same time. Excluded are shootings associated with organized crime, gangs or drug wars.
Mass Shooting Tracker: four or more persons shot in one incident, at one location, at roughly the same time.
Gun Violence Archive/Vox: four or more shot in one incident, excluding the perpetrators, at one location, at roughly the same time.
Mother Jones: three or more shot and killed in one incident at a public place, excluding the perpetrators.
The Washington Post: four or more shot and killed in one incident at a public place, excluding the perpetrators.
ABC News/FBI: four or more shot and killed in one incident, excluding the perpetrators, at one location, at roughly the same time.
Congressional Research Service: four or more shot and killed in one incident, excluding the perpetrators, at a public place, excluding gang-related killings and those done with a profit-motive.

The Wiki page arrives at a total of 614 mass shootings in 2020. For Jake to pick one of the most restrictive criteria (Mother Jones with 125 incidents over 39 years) and make a definitive statement about the make-up of the perpetrators of all mass shootings, is as I said, IDIOTIC.

The mural in my next post shows those persons convicted, charged or wanted in connection with the shooting of 4+ people, or who died before they could be charged (suicide or killed by citizens or police during the commission of their crime).

For 2020, as of March 17, 2021, 75% of the 612 mass shootings have no suspect . . .

Are we ready??????


Surf Fishing Guru
09-28-2021, 07:36 PM

Link to page with clickable info for each shooter's portrait: https://mass-shootings.info/index.php

Bonus graphs (https://mass-shootings.info/statistics.php):


Whites comprise 14% of known mass shooting perpetrators in 2020. . . . Can we be done with Jake's stupid "it's Whitey" crap?


09-28-2021, 08:37 PM
I've been waiting to post this information, toying with Jake has been fun but it is time to put his "most mass shooters are White" idiocy to rest.

My next post will be a mural, photographs of every person convicted, charged or wanted in connection with a mass shooting crime that meets Wikipedia's page that lists the mass shootings in the United States in 2020 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_202 0).

That Wiki page compiles all the various criteria used by nine entities in government, academia and media for assigning the moniker "mass shooting" and includes in its list, incidents that meet any two of these criteria.

Those criteria are (internal links and footnotes removed):

Stanford University MSA Data Project: three or more persons shot in one incident, excluding the perpetrator(s), at one location, at roughly the same time. Excluded are shootings associated with organized crime, gangs or drug wars.
Mass Shooting Tracker: four or more persons shot in one incident, at one location, at roughly the same time.
Gun Violence Archive/Vox: four or more shot in one incident, excluding the perpetrators, at one location, at roughly the same time.
Mother Jones: three or more shot and killed in one incident at a public place, excluding the perpetrators.
The Washington Post: four or more shot and killed in one incident at a public place, excluding the perpetrators.
ABC News/FBI: four or more shot and killed in one incident, excluding the perpetrators, at one location, at roughly the same time.
Congressional Research Service: four or more shot and killed in one incident, excluding the perpetrators, at a public place, excluding gang-related killings and those done with a profit-motive.

The Wiki page arrives at a total of 614 mass shootings in 2020. For Jake to pick one of the most restrictive criteria (Mother Jones with 125 incidents over 39 years) and make a definitive statement about the make-up of the perpetrators of all mass shootings, is as I said, IDIOTIC.

The mural in my next post shows those persons convicted, charged or wanted in connection with the shooting of 4+ people, or who died before they could be charged (suicide or killed by citizens or police during the commission of their crime).

For 2020, as of March 17, 2021, 75% of the 612 mass shootings have no suspect . . .

Are we ready??????

.I must be a mass shooting snob :laugh:

If you can't bag 20 minimum, stay home. Amateurs:rolleyes:

10-22-2021, 08:41 PM
Mass shooters are always white males


Well, she was actually right about this one.

10-23-2021, 11:56 AM

Well, she was actually right about this one.Ouch. That's kind of a low blow even if it is him.

Does bring up something I've always wondered about, or considered kind of stupid. All these Hollyweirdo, Dem Party, anti-gun loyalists sure make a LOT of money in shoot 'em ups. hey romanticize and glorify the violence, gangs, etc, then start waving signs around and screeching spittle when the people that watch their movies emulate the examples they set.

Alec Baldwin is one of the most vocal. Karma's a bitch.

10-23-2021, 03:14 PM
Of all of the photos below...Which one is GABBY related to, or is GABBY??


Link to page with clickable info for each shooter's portrait: https://mass-shootings.info/index.php

Bonus graphs (https://mass-shootings.info/statistics.php):


Whites comprise 14% of known mass shooting perpetrators in 2020. . . . Can we be done with Jake's stupid "it's Whitey" crap?


04-06-2022, 10:21 AM
Mass shooters are always white males who have flipped out about something. Of course, gun rights enthusiasts are usually white males as well.

And yet another example of the liberal false narrative.


04-06-2022, 01:27 PM

Link to page with clickable info for each shooter's portrait: https://mass-shootings.info/index.php

Bonus graphs (https://mass-shootings.info/statistics.php):


Whites comprise 14% of known mass shooting perpetrators in 2020. . . . Can we be done with Jake's stupid "it's Whitey" crap?


GABBY HAD TO BRAG ABOUT HER HUGE FAMILY since nobody's paid attention to GABBY.