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03-24-2021, 03:48 PM
http://www.politicalwrinkles.com/images/icons/icon1.gif Ex-CIA Agent Reveals His work fight Human Trafficking

"Patrick Bet-David has a virtual sit-down with Nic Mckinley who is the Founder and Executive Director at DeliverFund.
In this interview they cover his career in the CIA and the work he does with stopping human trafficking.

Connect with Nic on Twitter: https://bit.ly/3uUth2M (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG50Sy1oeG5tUHZHR2NicjlTQWlrcW Itb1dxZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsYWI2MWZjLWlrUjl2WkxDUVZvYzBTVFBG aFI4WUt3VW1kYl84X1FkNG13LU9GR3prZjdGX3BvOFZ1QktJUn ZzNUtGWVE1TU16N1M2WjhrZEtqZDI1bWFkQW9FZnQ5VmQ3VWU1 VHpsUGx6WWFPTVh1bw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3uUth2M)​ Learn more about DeliverFund here: http://bit.ly/3kO8ZUc (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGlsRGVxaDNKTXd1YU5yRWNQM3pTVz JEWUp0Z3xBQ3Jtc0ttUHRaSVY5Y09ubGdhQk4tU0RnMTgwbXZV bUU3a0J5RF9uNmU5cTRUaEFDN01veHNERnRvNFM4MDZDUzJkZl B0V3YyY21zZUp4UERDZVBQVlcyYnM2b0RfSnlzRkEybjk0TkV3 cURDcHg5dW5veUh6aw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3kO8ZUc)​ About the Guest: Nic was a USAF Pararescueman (PJ) for 10 years before working as a consultant for fortune 10 investment banks in New York and Boston. His work in New York, combined with his military special operations background, got him recruited to the CIA as a Special Agent responsible for executing full-spectrum intelligence operations in high threat countries. Nic's penchant for crafting solutions to hard problems, combined with the injustice of human trafficking, motivated him to leave the CIA to found DeliverFund in direct response to the human trafficking epidemic he witnesses overseas and at home. Nic attended Harvard University."

more there but a few bullet points:
• Fed gov spends less than apx50 million on human trafficking.
• Overseas there's basically nothing done when human trafficking is discovered by U.S. intel, special forces, drug enforcement, or anti-terror ops. and no agency to report it to. (that's how he got into doing the work himself)
• US state and local law enforcement are front/main line of work, often under funded, always understaffed.
• Trafficking Perp gets federal 15 year minimum sentence Federal level. Often with 1-2 years house arrest pre-trial (included) then parole after 5 years. A few states have life sentences.
• Parents need to know who their kids are talking to on phone or via games and the internet.


03-25-2021, 01:25 PM
Ex-CIA Agent Reveals His work fight Human Trafficking

more there but a few bullet points:
• Fed gov spends less than apx50 million on human trafficking.
• Overseas there's basically nothing done when human trafficking is discovered by U.S. intel, special forces, drug enforcement, or anti-terror ops. and no agency to report it to. (that's how he got into doing the work himself)
• US state and local law enforcement are front/main line of work, often under funded, always understaffed.
• Trafficking Perp gets federal 15 year minimum sentence Federal level. Often with 1-2 years house arrest pre-trial (included) then parole after 5 years. A few states have life sentences.
• Parents need to know who their kids are talking to on phone or via games and the internet.

And as of late, so so many parents around the world are letting their kids just roam the world to try and end up in the USA. Traveling through Mexico and trying to enter our southern border. Fees galore and trafficking galore. And then down to the last step, paying again to have people bring them across the river.

I know that's different, but it gives you an idea of how easy it starts, and also how much is just ignored.

And then the worst and saddest of course are the girls that are kidnapped or sold at very young ages and may end up trafficked around the world. And amazing what you point out, the penalties. They should be much stiffer across the board, IMO.

And when they are overworked and understaffed and underfunded - and the amount of money invested - it's no wonder the problem never goes away.