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View Full Version : I would like too see....

09-21-2007, 07:12 AM
free trade substituded for fair trade, so american jobs arent lost overseas, and american companies not allowed to bring in foreigners just to pay them less to do a job an american actually wants to do

also I would like tax payer funded elections, so corporations, and wealthy individuals are no longer able to buy politicians and elections.

i would like an equal playing field, so the mike huckabees, and hillary clinton both get a fair shake.

09-21-2007, 08:41 AM
free trade substituded for fair trade, so american jobs arent lost overseas, and american companies not allowed to bring in foreigners just to pay them less to do a job an american actually wants to do

I hope you'd also like to see outrageously higher prices, higher unemployment, and fewer businesses in America, because that's what "fair trade" does. It's an unnecessary interference in the marketplace by government to rectify a perceived inefficiency when, in fact, the marketplace is doing what it always does - work towards the greatest efficiency.

also I would like tax payer funded elections, so corporations, and wealthy individuals are no longer able to buy politicians and elections.

i would like an equal playing field, so the mike huckabees, and hillary clinton both get a fair shake.

Taxpayer funded elections would be ridiculous. It would essentially make the cost of running a campaign zero, and so everyone and their cousin would start running for office. There would be so many candidates that most voters wouldn't be able to choose the best one. Political donations by individuals are a market signal that shows how well a candidate's views match up with the donors' views.

09-23-2007, 06:23 AM
I appreciate the response, id like to ask you a few follow up questions

why are so many jobs going over seas, why are we letting it ?

is walmart what we really want?. slave labor so you can have those low prices

how do you know, im not questioning you, im just asking for your to explain to an idiot novice like me, why there would be higher unemployment, and ther other things you said, please :) clue me in.

also, if not publicly funded, how do we stop good candidates from getting barried because of money

thank you in advance for your reply, you are solid on the facts, and very helpful, when i have questions

thank you :)