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View Full Version : As a few of you know my Mom has Alzheimers......

03-26-2021, 04:03 PM
Its getting worse...its been over 5 years or so when it started....Been helping stepdad take care of her..Im her only "child"...

Her eyes wont open now or just a little at times..I still message her feet...back and hands...feed her and talk to her...I used to get a small smile out of her........just a matter of time now..

Just wanted you guys and gals to know.....any advice would be helpful.

Thanks for reading...


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-26-2021, 04:19 PM
Its getting worse...its been over 5 years or so when it started....Been helping stepdad take care of her..Im her only "child"...

Her eyes wont open now or just a little at times..I still message her feet...back and hands...feed her and talk to her...I used to get a small smile out of her........just a matter of time now..

Just wanted you guys and gals to know.....any advice would be helpful.

Thanks for reading...

My friend, I am very sorry to read of that very dread and most terrible disease affecting you, your mom and your family.
My sister, 2 years younger than I, is currently either beset my ALZ or else some form of dementia.
All of it seems to to have rapidly advanced these last 14/16 months. She is being treated in Florida now at a care facility.
My two younger sisters are there overseeing her treatment and care.
I am myself, taking care of my wife who had breast cancer surgery Wednesday the March 24th...
Her surgery went very well. Now it is a matter of her healing over the next weeks/months.
May God bless your family and you in the need for the strength to endure this immense hardship and family sadness my friend....

03-26-2021, 05:06 PM
Its getting worse...its been over 5 years or so when it started....Been helping stepdad take care of her..Im her only "child"...

Her eyes wont open now or just a little at times..I still message her feet...back and hands...feed her and talk to her...I used to get a small smile out of her........just a matter of time now..

Just wanted you guys and gals to know.....any advice would be helpful.

Thanks for reading...


There's really no sound advice anyone can offer IMO. Little more than a year ago. My Mother-in-Law passed after she slowly experienced what you have described following about five years of her slowly going down hill.
There's really no nice way to share this except that All you can give them is the Love you have for them, even if they don't understand...or as we both learned...even after they no longer remember your name, or those of your family.
Every day is a challenge...more for You and those who Love her, than for her. It's sort of God's way of making it easier for them to cope by just getting along...day after day.
My Mother in Law made it to her 99th Birthday. As the whole family agreed...Because she was a Stubborn, Irish Girl from Donegal, Irland who...was still convinced she was that Young woman, going to school, church, and surviving the German Blitz. Before meeting my father in law. He was in London before getting out of the Army Air Force. She worked there during the bombings. And what stories she could tell....even to her last visit with us.
Just keep Loving her. Enjoy every last minute as best you can. Robin Williams said it best:
“Life is fleeting.
And if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky
when the stars are strung across the velvety night.
And when a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day,
Make a wish and think of me.
Make your life spectacular.
I know I did.”
— Robin Williams, The Most Inspiring Robin Williams Speech- Make Your Life Spectacular


03-26-2021, 08:22 PM
Jack, so sorry to hear that, It's a brutal disease. I began to live with and care for my grandmother after we discovered she had Alzheimer's. We kept her at her home as long as we could care for her, then my uncle moved her out to Arizona to live with him for a while then into a nursing facility for her last year.

Patience and vigilance are the main 2 things I learned that helped her the most.
I've read since then that Coconut oil is extremely effective in some cases slowing and even reversing some aspects of the disease.
A Nurse gave her husband a few table spoons a day in his oatmeal and after a few months he was speaking again and performed far better on cognition test and was able to function... on child like level... in the home again. Researchers discovered that it has something to do with the type of fats in the oil. If memory serves they are called Ketones, they are similar to the fat our brain uses most.
No silver bullets, but I pray the best for you and your family.

03-26-2021, 09:43 PM
Thank you guys for the informative replys thus far...Just got back home to my house after "helping" step-dad with mom ...now she is resting in a special bed where her head is arched up a bit...she is still with us and resting..will see mom tomorrow...again (God Willing)..

Abbey Marie
03-26-2021, 10:40 PM
I’m sorry to hear this. We lost Russ’ mom to Alzheimer’s a couple of years ago.

I am tagging him. He can share his experiences as a son in the same situation.

03-26-2021, 10:51 PM
I'm sorry, it's so hard.

03-27-2021, 11:59 AM
Its getting worse...its been over 5 years or so when it started....Been helping stepdad take care of her..Im her only "child"...

Her eyes wont open now or just a little at times..I still message her feet...back and hands...feed her and talk to her...I used to get a small smile out of her........just a matter of time now..

Just wanted you guys and gals to know.....any advice would be helpful.

Thanks for reading...


Quite sorry to hear about this. I can only imagine how tough it is. And sounds like you're an awesome son, helping her and being there for her. I wish I could offer advice that would help but this is above my pay grade. But I know she's blessed to have a son take such great care in her time of need. She knows you're there, she feels your touch. Stay strong my friend, for her, and for yourself. You will both be in my thoughts and prayers.

03-27-2021, 04:00 PM
Jack, very sorry for difficult situation with your mother, this is very tough. It sounds like you are doing exactly what is needed. You are there for her, talking with her and caring for her as well as helping your step dad. Just being around you, hearing you and feeling your love is a great benefit for your mom. Stay strong, bless you.

I’ll say a prayer for you and your family.

03-28-2021, 12:25 PM

I am so sorry to hear about this, LTG, I know it is a very difficult thing to deal with. My mother went through Alzheimer's for several years. I always felt so bad for what she was going through; my biggest consolation was knowing that at least there is no pain that is part of it. Her memory and and thoughts were restricted, but were not gone, and there were no physical ailments.

I like Rev's information about the coconut oil. It certainly sounds doable to add some of it to your mother's food once a day and see if it helps.

I also really like Mountain Biker's post. I will keep you and your mother in my prayers.


03-29-2021, 08:14 PM
My heart goes out to you, I can only send you prayers.
When I worked at the pioneer home we used to have "time to get lost in a memory". I would put on an era appropriate record and we would dance in our seats and they could tell me stories, which was like real time for them. It was a wonderful way to help not feel so lost in time.
Don't forget self care you can't help as well if you are too worn down
Hugs to you all

03-31-2021, 12:33 AM
Glad you're able to spend time with your mom, Jack. Treasure each one.

I agree with Rev about the oil. I use MCT oil.

Here's an article that explains why it works.
