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View Full Version : Digital Passports start...

03-27-2021, 04:57 PM
And wouldn't you know it, the 1st to go this route - New York. And I guarantee you that this picks up steam. Not just NY's digital passport, but many other states as well. Then what else is going to require them?

Already they are talking of large events, and not just 'like' boarding passes when flying, but will be side by side with them and required.

No requirements, but I have seen talk of this possible with grocery stores, restaurants... Actually, any business will be able to employ them, but will they do so if it may push away business? But I can also see it with courts and other government buildings, I've read of bars/pubs....

Where else might they require proof?


New York Rolls Out Vaccine Passport

New York is the first state to formally launch a “vaccine passport” program, allowing New Yorkers to pull up a code on their phones to prove they have received a vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus or have tested negative.

The vaccine passport, called the Excelsior Pass, is what USA Today describes as a “first-in-the-nation certification,” which will be used at large-scale events and entertainment venues. It became available to New Yorkers on Friday, and the venues that accept it are expected to expand in the coming days and weeks.

This month, the Cuomo administration announced the Excelsior Pass, developed in partnership with IBM, would be tested at Madison Square Garden and Barclays Center.

“We’re doing everything we can to vaccinate as many New Yorkers as possible, as quickly as possible, while keeping the infection rate down and reenergizing our economy in a safe, smart way,” Cuomo said in a statement.

“As we begin reopening the valves on different sectors of our economy, we are putting guidelines in place to ensure individuals attending events involving larger gatherings have tested negative for COVID or have been vaccinated to avoid an outbreak of the virus,” he continued.

“The Excelsior Pass will play a critical role in getting information to venues and sites in a secure and streamlined way, allowing us to fast-track the reopening of these businesses and getting us one step closer to reaching a new normal,” he added.

USA Today reported:

Like an airline boarding pass, people will be able to prove their health status with a digital QR code – or “quick response” machine-readable label. They’ll need to download the Excelsior Pass app, enter their name, date of birth, zip code and answer a series of personal questions to confirm their identity. The data will come from the state’s vaccine registry and also will be linked to testing data from a number of pre-approved testing companies.

The new pass is part of a growing but disjointed effort to provide vaccine “passports” or certifications, so people won’t have to hang onto a dog-eared piece of paper, worry about privacy issues or forgeries, or fork over extra cash to prove they’re not contagious.

In contrast, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) balked at the idea of requiring vaccine passports, deeming it a “terrible” and “unacceptable” idea and vowing they will not be required in the Sunshine State.

“The vaccine passport is a terrible idea. We are definitely not going to require anything from the state’s perspective. That is totally off the table,” DeSantis said during a roundtable discussion this month with renowned doctors and epidemiologists.

“If I have businesses that want to do that in Florida, I think that that’s more than just a private decision,” he added.

“So what form that would take, I’d have to discuss it with my folks. I’d have to discuss it potentially with the legislature. But I think it’s a very, very bad idea,” DeSantis continued.

“Look, if you want to go to a movie theater or concert, all this stuff, go. If you don’t, don’t. But to require somebody to show some type of proof of vaccination, I think, is completely unacceptable, and it’s not something that we’re going to support here in any way in Florida,” the Republican governor added.


03-27-2021, 05:03 PM
As Americans...no matter what the politicians say. We have the FREEDOM to travel ANYWHERE in the USA without govt. supervision.

Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution -- Rights Guaranteed: Privileges and Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process, and Equal Protection
Section 1. Rights Guaranteed
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The Fourteenth Amendment And States’ Rights
Citizens Of The United States
Privileges Or Immunities
Due Process Of Law
“Property” and Police Power.
The Rise and Fall of Economic Substantive Due Process: Overview
Regulation of Labor Conditions
Liberty of Contract.
Laws Regulating Working Conditions and Wages.
Workers’ Compensation Laws.
Collective Bargaining.
Regulation of Business Enterprises: Price Controls
Types of Businesses That May be Regulated.
Substantive Review of Price Controls.
Early Limitations on Review.
History of the Valuation Question.
Regulation of Public Utilities and Common Carriers
In General.
Compulsory Expenditures: Grade Crossings, and the Like.
Compellable Services.
Imposition of Statutory Liabilities and Penalties Upon Common Carriers.
Regulation of Businesses, Corporations, Professions, and Trades
Laws Prohibiting Trusts, Restraint of Trade or Fraud.
Banking, Wage Assignments, and Garnishment.
Miscellaneous Businesses and Professions.
Protection of State Resources
Oil and Gas.
Protection of Property and Agricultural Crops.
Water, Fish, and Game.
Ownership of Real Property: Rights and Limitations
Zoning and Similar Actions.
Estates, Succession, Abandoned Property.
Health, Safety, and Morals
Vested and Remedial Rights
State Control over Local Units of Government
Taxing Power
Jurisdiction to Tax
Real Property.
Tangible Personalty.
Intangible Personalty.
Transfer (Inheritance, Estate, Gift) Taxes.
Corporate Privilege Taxes.
Individual Income Taxes.
Corporate Income Taxes: Foreign Corporations.
Insurance Company Taxes.
Procedure in Taxation
Notice and Hearing in Relation to Taxes.
Notice and Hearing in Relation to Assessments.
Collection of Taxes.
Sufficiency and Manner of Giving Notice.
Sufficiency of Remedy.
Eminent Domain
Fundamental Rights (Noneconomic Substantive Due Process)
Determining Noneconomic Substantive Due Process Rights.
Privacy after Roe: Informational Privacy, Privacy of the Home or Personal Autonomy?.
Family Relationships.
Liberty Interests of People with Mental Disabilities: Civil Commitment and Treatment.
“Right to Die”.
Procedural Due Process Civil
Relevance of Historical Use.
Non-Judicial Proceedings.
The Requirements of Due Process.
The Procedure That Is Due Process
The Interests Protected: “Life, Liberty and Property”.
The Property Interest.
The Liberty Interest.
Proceedings in Which Procedural Due Process Need Not Be Observed.
What Process Is Due.
In Personam Proceedings Against Individuals.
Suing Out-of-State (Foreign) Corporations.
Actions In Rem: Proceeding Against Property.
Quasi in Rem: Attachment Proceedings.
Actions in Rem: Estates, Trusts, Corporations.
Notice: Service of Process.
Power of the States to Regulate Procedure
Commencement of Actions.
Costs, Damages, and Penalties.
Statutes of Limitation.
Burden of Proof and Presumptions.
Trials and Appeals.
Procedural Due Process—criminal Generally: The Principle of Fundamental Fairness
The Elements of Due Process
Initiation of the Prosecution.
Clarity in Criminal Statutes: The Void-for-Vagueness Doctrine.
Criminal Identification Process.
Fair Trial.
Prosecutorial Misconduct.
Proof, Burden of Proof, and Presumptions.
The Problem of the Incompetent or Insane Defendant.
Guilty Pleas.
Corrective Process: Appeals and Other Remedies.
Rights of Prisoners.
Probation and Parole.
The Problem of the Juvenile Offender.
The Problem of Civil Commitment.
Equal Protection Of The Laws
Scope and Application
State Action.
“Within Its Jurisdiction”.
Equal Protection: Judging Classifications by Law
The Traditional Standard: Restrained Review.
The New Standards: Active Review.
Testing Facially Neutral Classifications Which Impact on Minorities
Traditional Equal Protection: Economic Regulation and related exercises of the police power
Classification for Purpose of Taxation.
Foreign Corporations and Nonresidents.
Income Taxes.
Inheritance Taxes.
Motor Vehicle Taxes.
Property Taxes.
Special Assessment.
Police Power Regulation
Other Business and Employment Relations
Labor Relations.
Monopolies and Unfair Trade Practices.
Administrative Discretion.
Social Welfare.
Punishment of Crime.
Equal Protection And Race
Development and Application of “Separate But Equal”.
Brown v. Board of Education.
Brown’s Aftermath.
Implementation of School Desegregation.
Northern Schools: Inter- and Intradistrict Desegregation.
Efforts to Curb Busing and Other Desegregation Remedies.
Termination of Court Supervision.
Capital Punishment
Other Areas of Discrimination
Public Facilities.
Judicial System.
Public Designation.
Public Accommodations.
Elections .
“Affirmative Action”: Remedial Use of Racial Classifications
The New Equal Protection
Classifications Meriting Close Scrutiny
Alienage and Nationality.
Fundamental Interests: The Political Process
Voter Qualifications.
Access to the Ballot.
Apportionment and Districting.
Counting and Weighing of Votes.
The Right to Travel
Durational Residency Requirements.
Marriage and Familial Relations
Sexual Orientation
Poverty and Fundamental Interests: The Intersection of Due Process and Equal Protection
Criminal Procedure.
The Criminal Sentence.
Voting and Ballot Access.
Access to Courts.
Educational Opportunity.

03-27-2021, 07:47 PM
We've all known this was coming.

But ... no ID to vote :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-27-2021, 11:03 PM
And wouldn't you know it, the 1st to go this route - New York. And I guarantee you that this picks up steam. Not just NY's digital passport, but many other states as well. Then what else is going to require them?

Already they are talking of large events, and not just 'like' boarding passes when flying, but will be side by side with them and required.

No requirements, but I have seen talk of this possible with grocery stores, restaurants... Actually, any business will be able to employ them, but will they do so if it may push away business? But I can also see it with courts and other government buildings, I've read of bars/pubs....

Where else might they require proof?


New York Rolls Out Vaccine Passport

New York is the first state to formally launch a “vaccine passport” program, allowing New Yorkers to pull up a code on their phones to prove they have received a vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus or have tested negative.

The vaccine passport, called the Excelsior Pass, is what USA Today describes as a “first-in-the-nation certification,” which will be used at large-scale events and entertainment venues. It became available to New Yorkers on Friday, and the venues that accept it are expected to expand in the coming days and weeks.

This month, the Cuomo administration announced the Excelsior Pass, developed in partnership with IBM, would be tested at Madison Square Garden and Barclays Center.

“We’re doing everything we can to vaccinate as many New Yorkers as possible, as quickly as possible, while keeping the infection rate down and reenergizing our economy in a safe, smart way,” Cuomo said in a statement.

“As we begin reopening the valves on different sectors of our economy, we are putting guidelines in place to ensure individuals attending events involving larger gatherings have tested negative for COVID or have been vaccinated to avoid an outbreak of the virus,” he continued.

“The Excelsior Pass will play a critical role in getting information to venues and sites in a secure and streamlined way, allowing us to fast-track the reopening of these businesses and getting us one step closer to reaching a new normal,” he added.

USA Today reported:

In contrast, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) balked at the idea of requiring vaccine passports, deeming it a “terrible” and “unacceptable” idea and vowing they will not be required in the Sunshine State.

“The vaccine passport is a terrible idea. We are definitely not going to require anything from the state’s perspective. That is totally off the table,” DeSantis said during a roundtable discussion this month with renowned doctors and epidemiologists.

“If I have businesses that want to do that in Florida, I think that that’s more than just a private decision,” he added.

“So what form that would take, I’d have to discuss it with my folks. I’d have to discuss it potentially with the legislature. But I think it’s a very, very bad idea,” DeSantis continued.

“Look, if you want to go to a movie theater or concert, all this stuff, go. If you don’t, don’t. But to require somebody to show some type of proof of vaccination, I think, is completely unacceptable, and it’s not something that we’re going to support here in any way in Florida,” the Republican governor added.


The prelude to to the implanted chip.
As in the "mark of the beast", imho.
Setting up the foundation--and as was predicted--all in the name of "saving us"!!
Watch how the government in the next few years seeks to destroy the influence, power and wealth of any that opposes its new system-a dem/socialist, dictatorial system.
Using Covid pandemic as the validation- as the new dem government further divides and conquers.
Now that -THEY- -somehow- have the SCOTUS under their thumb.
Dangerously dark days ahead folks.. As these people only care about power and their agenda.--Tyr

03-28-2021, 10:52 AM
Do you know what this reminds me of? Internal visas required for Cuban nationals to move to another province. Generally that means being in good standing with the Communist Party. I wonder if this will stop at vaccines.