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View Full Version : Cuomo now has 9 accusers - this one claims photo evidence

03-29-2021, 02:50 PM
Another day another accusation against Cuomo. Just one more thing for him to deny and state no resignation. :rolleyes:


Woman Claims Photographic Evidence of Andrew Cuomo Kissing Her Without Consent

A woman says she possesses photographic evidence of being kissed without consent by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, making her the ninth person to accuse the embattled Democrat of sexual harassment and unwanted touching.

The New York Post reports:

The woman has yet to be publicly identified, but will hold a press briefing Monday afternoon with high-power attorney Gloria Allred, according to a press release.

The married woman will detail how she “was shocked when the Governor suddenly grabbed her face and kissed her in front of her home,” according to the release.

A photo of the kiss will be provided during the briefing, the release adds.

Cuomo’s office has not issued a statement addressing the latest round of allegations.

New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) recently launched an independent investigation into the Cuomo harassment scandal, while the New York State Assembly opened an impeachment probe into the matter. Earlier March, top New York Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, have urged Cuomo to resign.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/03/29/woman-claims-photographic-evidence-of-andrew-cuomo-kissing-her-without-consent/

9th woman to accuse Cuomo alleges governor grabbed her face, kissed her

Albany, N.Y. – Another accuser has come forward with allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo has faced mounting pressure in recent weeks, with multiple accusers coming forward and alleging misconduct. The governor has denied the allegations against him and said he will not resign, despite calls on both sides of the aisle to do so.

Sherry Vill is the latest individual to make allegations against the governor. She says the incident in question took place on May 28, 2017.



Vill, a resident of Greece, New York, says the governor came to the town amid severe flooding along the Lake Ontario shoreline. Vill says a staff member of the governor's office asked if the governor could come to her home to survey damage from the flooding.

"When I walked in, I said to the governor, ‘Do you think that we have to live like this?’ That’s when the governor looked at me, approached me, took my hand, and pulled me to him," Vill said during a news conference Monday. "He leaned down over me and kissed my cheek. I was holding my small dog in my arms, and I thought he was going to pet my dog. But instead, he wedged his face between the dog and mine and kissed me on the other cheek in what I felt was (a) highly sexual manner. I wasn’t expecting that at all. He said, ‘That’s what Italians do, kiss both cheeks.’ I felt shocked and didn’t understand what had just happened, but I knew I felt embarrassed and weird about his kissing me."

She said staffers began to leave her home, but that the governor lagged behind.

"He stopped," she said. "He turned to me and said, ‘You are beautiful’. That made me feel even more uncomfortable. I felt as though he was coming onto me in my own home."

Vill says the governor and others went on to survey the damage around the home, and that she did not follow. She says the governor eventually circled back around to the front of the house.

“He then approached me, he took my hand and said ‘Is there anything else you want?’" she said. "I didn’t know how to respond. He then leaned down on top of me and while still holding one of my hands, he forcibly grabbed my face with his other big hand and kissed my cheek, again in a very aggressive manner. I felt like I was being manhandled, especially because he was holding my face and he was kissing my cheek again. I could not use my other hand to stop him because he did it so quickly, and I was also holding my dog with my other hand. The way he looked at me, and his body language, made me very uncomfortable."

Vill says, a few days later, she received a call from someone on the governor's staff saying he was having an event in the future. She says she was asked if she wanted to attend - something she says she did not reply to. Later, she says she received a letter from the governor's office, which included photos of her and Cuomo.

She says the alleged incident left her with long-term effects, including dealing with the stress of some of those close to her joking she had become the "governor's new girlfriend".

"It was very disturbing to Sherry," said Gloria Allred, Vill's attorney, "because Sherry, as I said, has been married for 30 years, and she takes her marriage vows very seriously."

Allred says Vill did not come forward until now amid concerns by those close to her of the governor's power or the potential for retaliation.

Allred says one of the alleged kisses was captured on camera by Vill's son, who was recording the visit. She says Vill's daughter later took a still frame from the video and posted it online.


Rest - https://13wham.com/news/local/new-cuomo-accuser-alleges-governor-grabbed-her-face-kissed-her