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View Full Version : Another foreigner speaks more truth about Biden than MSM

03-29-2021, 03:17 PM
This is from "The European" via Youtube video.

219K subscribers

For two months now, the American public and the American press, have asked the American president to hold a news conference. Many had serious questions about the capabilities of the American leadership to hold a full fledged news conference.

And so it happened. This week, Joe Biden held and official news conference in the White House press room, the first one of his presidency.

The big question I had prior to the news conference is: can he do it?

Is the American president capable of holding an unscripted news conference in which he answers questions from reporters who can ask anything they want?

The answer is: most likely not.

Because to some extent, the news conference was a farce.

The American president was reading from his notes continuously.
As before, he struggled to make consistent sentences or to even finish them.
And he said things that don't really make sense.
One of his most remarkable statements was that he joined the American senate 120 years ago. Really...

The news conference did not take away my worries about the capabilities of the American leadership. To the contrary, I am now worried even more.
What was astounding is that the American president told the press that he was planning on running for a second term. At the end of that term he would be 86 years old. I don't think that is a good idea...


Joe Biden Is Lost – European Analyst Bravely Describes Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline “He’s Incapable of Being President of the United States”

The whole world knows Joe Biden is a cognitive mess. He is old and senile. He has no business being in the White House. But the American press wants to keep the charade going. This is beyond a joke.

An individual from Europe has done a better job analyzing Joe Biden’s performance in last week’s embarrassing press conference than all the media in the US combined:


Biden’s performance was an embarrassment to the country. He is not fit for office and Americans knew it when they went to the polls in November. He should not be there. He is lost.


03-29-2021, 06:20 PM
It's safe for the left, even in Europe to much such statements. Any truth to the rumors and Harris to follow. Win-win for the loser left.

03-29-2021, 08:16 PM
This is from "The European" via Youtube video.


Joe Biden Is Lost – European Analyst Bravely Describes Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline “He’s Incapable of Being President of the United States

Thanks for posting Jim. I have not watched anything from this press conference yet. So do you know who is happy about this performance? The adversaries of the USA. Not because it continues to confirm that Biden is a bumbling fool, but because the USA is full of at least 80 million idiots that would vote for a bumbling fool. Those 80 million make the USA’s adversaries job and objectives that much easier.

03-31-2021, 01:27 PM
JP Sears gives Biden's team some great helpful advice on presenting a press conference. Some good stuff here, thanks JP!
