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03-29-2021, 03:27 PM
This is liable to hurt!

I was surprised earlier in the week when the gas prices were at $2.85 as they were at $2.65 just not long ago. But I was out yesterday and forgot to fill up my truck and was like 3 towns over and noticed at at 2 miles to empty!! So anyway, the gas station I stopped at - REGULAR was $3.19!!!

Luckily by me, a whole 9-10 miles away or so, it has only risen to $2.91 at my usual station I go to.

This may not be gas on the rise, but something is going to be on the rise once Biden's team has their way.


Biden Wants to be Next FDR and LBJ with Massive Tax and Spend Infrastructure Proposal: $4 Trillion in Spending, $3.5 Trillion in Tax Increases

The Washington Post reported Monday morning that Joe Biden (https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2021/03/29/biden-infrastructure-taxes-spending-plan/) is looking to be the next Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson by proposing massive infrastructure spending and tax increases to transform the nation like FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society. The Biden proposal comes in at a reported $4 trillion in spending supported by $3.5 trillion in new taxes.

A report by the Bostin Globe says Democrats are looking at the infrastructure bill as a vehicle for implementing the Green New Deal.

Washington Post reporter Jeff Stein, “NEW: The initial draft infrastructure proposal circulated at the White House called for $3T in spending & $1T in tax hikes, per 3 sources familiar. But this week, White House expected to push ~$4T in spending & as much as $3.5T in tax hikes”


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/report-biden-wants-next-fdr-lbj-massive-tax-spend-infrastructure-proposal-4-trillion-spending-3-5-trillion-tax-increases/

Mr. P
03-29-2021, 03:46 PM
I remember Trump saying several times "If they win you'll see a depression like has never been seen before".

No one is talking about hyper inflation but with this level of spending it's coming followed by that depression.

Take into account jobs lost and those to be lost and

IMO it's going to get very very bad.