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View Full Version : WTF is this BS? Illegals got it better than us

04-08-2021, 05:17 PM
Why are they being given so much more than US citizens received?

Why not give $15k to the veterans?
Or how about using it to help the homeless on the NYC streets? Or put into accounts for them to be used for rent?
How about single mothers that have 2 children or more?

There are just so many people in need in our country. And when they may have extra cash, the most needy in our country are often ignored in favor of illegals.


New York Will Offer One-Time Payments of Up to $15,600 to Illegal Aliens Who Lost Work During Pandemic

New York lawmakers carved out a $2.1 billion Covid fund for illegal aliens who lost work during the pandemic.

This is by far the largest in the country and dwarfed California’s $75 million give away to illegals last year.

The fund is part of a larger state budget agreement that will offer one-time payments of up to $15,600 to illegals.

In order to receive the money, illegal aliens must prove they are New York residents who were eligible for Covid stimulus checks but didn’t receive one due to their immigration status.

If the illegal alien is unable to provide any kind of documentation, they will still be given $3,200 – the same amount of money Americans were given in Covid stimulus checks approved by Congress.

According to the Pew Research Center, there are approximately 750,000 illegal aliens living in New York state.

Fox News reported:

New York lawmakers struck a deal this week to establish a $2.1 billion coronavirus relief fund for undocumented immigrants and other unemployed workers who were ineligible for federal aid during the pandemic.

The fund, which was announced as part of a broader $212 billion state budget agreement, will offer one-time payments of up to $15,600 to undocumented immigrants who lost their jobs during the virus-induced crisis.

“This nation’s economy has long been built on the backs of our undocumented workforce, and their essential labor that has helped keep our nation running throughout this pandemic,” New York State Sen. Jessica Ramos, a proponent of the fund, said in a statement.


04-08-2021, 05:30 PM
A better way to put it would be...."THIS IS WHAT SOCIALISM LOOKS LIKE!"

04-08-2021, 06:34 PM
If the illegal alien is unable to provide any kind of documentation, they will still be given $3,200 – the same amount of money Americans were given in Covid stimulus checks approved by Congress.


I should send my wife to NY to collect our $3200. Will they care if she drives up in a car with Texas plates? Jim what if you get in the payment line with a fake Italian accent and "lose" your documents? You too, might have a shot at getting paid.

Abbey Marie
04-08-2021, 06:41 PM
I should send my wife to NY to collect our $3200. Will they care if she drives up in a car with Texas plates? Jim what if you get in the payment line with a fake Italian accent and "lose" your documents? You too, might have a shot at getting paid.


04-08-2021, 06:59 PM
I should send my wife to NY to collect our $3200. Will they care if she drives up in a car with Texas plates? Jim what if you get in the payment line with a fake Italian accent and "lose" your documents? You too, might have a shot at getting paid.

Who the hell knows. Illegals get money. They're against photo ID and all that crap. Should be easy. :rolleyes:


Yeah, why Italian, TF? Why not a Mexican accent, or Guatemalan, Brazilian or any other places from central America? Italians aren't exactly your stereotypical illegal alien, that's for damn sure!

04-08-2021, 07:14 PM
Who the hell knows. Illegals get money. They're against photo ID and all that crap. Should be easy. :rolleyes:

Yeah, why Italian, TF? Why not a Mexican accent, or Guatemalan, Brazilian or any other places from central America? Italians aren't exactly your stereotypical illegal alien, that's for damn sure!

That depends on how good you are with make-up. I was thinking about what would take the least effort.