View Full Version : Is This What You Voted For?

04-08-2021, 07:45 PM
Why Pete and Gabby, neither has posted a single thing about Biden and what a tremendous difference he has made and all the told ya so's.

Outside of the celebrities tossing bullshit lies out there, no one is really coming out in support of him and all he is doing. :rolleyes:


Is This What You Voted For?

I’ve noticed that the Joe Biden voters I know personally -- as well as those I have followed on social media for some time -- have grown remarkably quiet since Biden entered the White House. I’m not talking about professionally clueless Hollywood celebrities, Democratic Party operatives or the media (same thing), who lie daily as they provide demonstrably specious rah-rahs for the senile old man who dodders around the White House, signs executive orders whose content he doesn’t know, looks around bemusedly on speaking daises and stumbles up the Air Force One stairs.

I’m talking about regular Americans who voted for the man.

I see hundreds of articles on Facebook and Twitter that point out what’s going on, and I keep waiting for the full-throated endorsements of the actions taken by this administration since Jan. 20, as well as the consequences therefrom. But those who used to chime in and denounce former President Donald Trump and predict all the wonderful things Biden was going to do say nothing or say very little beyond “Well, at least he isn’t Trump.”

Hey, Biden voters, where are your cheers for the direction of the country under the current president? The one we’re told 81 million of you voted for?

I find the inability to generate widespread public support of the present policies -- purportedly of the Biden administration -- telling. (For the record, I don’t think Biden is running the show. We can all speculate about who the powers behind the scene really are.) It’s as if the primary (or only) motivation behind support for Biden last year was a knee-jerk “anybody but Trump” reaction. But with Donald Trump no longer present as a lightning rod for media ire and the dutiful hysteria of the schools of fish that follow along, the enthusiasm for Biden (such as it was) has waned in the face of reality.

And what an unpleasant reality it is.

Rest - https://townhall.com/columnists/laurahollis/2021/04/08/is-this-what-you-voted-for-n2587554

04-08-2021, 08:40 PM
Here in our apartment complex for those over 65. There is now what seems like TOTAL silence from all of our neighbors (most of whom are so Liberal, they always feel they must remind my wife and I..."Don't forget your mask!" Even our front office made sure they emphasized wearing them...THE STATE SAYS!!!! (What masterful Bullsheet?)

So, we just mind our own business, and silently laugh at the ones who were so SPRY before the election, and now seem to be hiding as not to be confronted.

Might just be me. But in a way. It's a welcome atmosphere here in Virginia Beach, aside from the growing numbers of Shootings, Stabbings, and Loud Cars doing WHEELIES, leaving their black circular lines after traffic dies for the evening.

After all. VA. is the East Coast CA. these days. And our Idiot...I mean gov. just Bragged about TERRY MCAWFULL running for Gov next. The CLINTON'S LEFT HAND LIAR HIMSELF.