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View Full Version : Joe Biden’s Trojan horse presidency

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-10-2021, 08:11 AM

Washington Examiner
Joe Biden’s Trojan horse presidency
Brad Polumbo 1 hr ago

Joe Biden was elected president after a campaign rooted in rhetoric emphasizing unity, moderation, and compromise. But with every day that passes, the veneer of centrism that got him elected over rivals such as Sen. Bernie Sanders becomes more distant a memory.

Simply put, it sure seems like “moderate Joe” was a thin facade used to usher an ultra-progressive agenda in the backdoor. It resembles a Trojan horse: the famous hollow wooden horse, secretly filled with soldiers, that was given by the Greeks to the Athenians during the famed Trojan War. Once taken inside the impenetrable walls of Athens, Greek soldiers burst out of the horse and opened the gates to let in the besieging army.

Biden’s centrist facade got him in the door, and now the liberal hordes are taking over his administration. On Friday, the White House announced a commission to study the idea of packing the Supreme Court, an idea that would constitute a partisan assault on the judiciary as we know it and erode the rule of law.

This flirtation with radicalism is just the latest development in a series of extreme Biden administration policy overhauls that make former President Barack Obama seem like a conservative in comparison. For example, the president has embraced a federal $15 minimum wage, a job-killing policy rejected even by then-candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016, and even tried to force it through as small businesses were struggling to survive amid the pandemic.

And Biden’s early approach to spending makes the New Deal pale in comparison. He has utterly discarded any semblance of fiscal restraint he ever had as a senator, throwing caution to the wind to push through a $1.9 trillion partisan COVID-19 “stimulus” package that, adjusted for inflation and population, is twice the size of the Obama-era bailout and slightly larger than former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal.

To make the extreme nature of this spending even more apparent, consider that Biden immediately followed this plan up with a plan for at least $2.25 trillion more in so-called “infrastructure” spending. To put that gargantuan figure in context, it’s an additional $15,701 per federal taxpayer on top of the $6 trillion-plus we’ve already spent over the last year.

Of course, less than half of this “infrastructure” money is actually transportation infrastructure spending. From $20 billion blown out on “racial and environmental justice” to $175 billion for electric vehicle subsidies to hundreds of billions for public schools and public housing, it’s a "Green New Deal"-style partisan spending blowout masquerading as unobjectionable transportation legislation.

Add this up, and just in the first few months of his presidency, Biden has passed or proposed spending equivalent to double the New Deal. So much for centrism, huh?

Biden’s campaign rhetoric about moderation, unity, and compromise was, if one believed it, refreshing and encouraging. But after the first few months of this administration, it’s clear that it was all smoke and mirrors — a Trojan horse masking a man who has been co-opted by a sweeping liberal agenda.

First let me address this glaring error-that so illustrates my constant criticisms of the public education system and what it has become over these last 4 decades! Highlighted in red this absolutely idiotic, moronic , stupid and glaring error. So according to this fool the Greeks by such deviously cleverly trickery had their Trojan horse pulled inside Athens (Athens Greece) mind you.. so the Greek warriors could sack Athens!!!!
My god, where do they get these ffing fools!!
Has this moron written an article and never heard of the famed city of Troy!!??
Has this moron never read Homer's epic tale?
Does he not know why the horse was called ==Trojan horse???
Good grief--this clearly is another example of why I so correctly bemoan the sad, sad, sad, sad state of both public school system and higher education in this nation.
This guy thinks the Greeks got inside --Athens!--to sack Athens!

Quote from the article=
"" It resembles a Trojan horse: the famous hollow wooden horse, secretly filled with soldiers, that was given by the Greeks to the Athenians during the famed Trojan War. Once taken inside the impenetrable walls of Athens, Greek soldiers burst out of the horse and opened the gates to let in the besieging army.


Ok, now onto the Biden article and its criticism of Biden and the election.
Yes, correct criticisms..
Now it makes me wonder if the glaring error was intentional.
So as to make the entire premise of criticism and the idea that right wingers are that stupid, -are that poorly educated.
Could it be that the editor of the article --was that damn dumb too. As to not catch the horrendous error!??

Or maybe Homer never studied geography and got it wrong....:laugh::laugh::laugh:--Tyr



How History And Homer Got It Wrong

There once stood Athens's great and mighty walls
Its destruction as Homer rightly recalls
The bravest Greek warriors, their famous deeds
A tale of war, how in battle life bleeds
The horse, the mighty horse that got it wrong
Made famous in epic , glorious song
Trotted back home on its stiff wooden legs
To enter Athens, to make poor souls beg
Alas! Too late the dark deed was done
Athens destroyed, this verse was such fun!
Some poetic verse cast forth in true jest
Homer got it wrong, must have needed rest
Sent his horse into Athens to destroy
Instead of to those mighty walls of Troy!

R. Lindley, 4-10-2021
Verse composed in jest…

Seems that Polumbo should have first consulted Columbo....--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-10-2021, 08:48 AM
Found this on the author of the article..
I feel sorry for the youth of today- so damn poorly educated..-Tyr


About the Author
Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education. He was previously a Media and Journalism Fellow at the Washington Examiner and an editor at the libertarian media nonprofit Young Voices. His work has appeared in outlets such as USA Today, National Review, the Daily Beast, and the Boston Globe, and he has also appeared on Fox News and Fox Business.



Brad Polumbo VERIFIED
Freelance Journalist — Freelance
Amherst Center, Washington
Opinion and Editorial, U.S.
As seen in: Medium, MSN, MSN Canada, Fox News, The Independent, USA Today, Gazeta do Povo, New York Daily News, Newsweek, The Daily Beast and more
Covers: I do everything, but love to talk civil liberties, LGBT issues, and higher education.
Policy Correspondent, FEE.org (@feeonline) | Contributor @DCExaminer & @NRO | Senior Contributor @YoungVoicesOrg | Views My Own |
I am an editorial assistant and writer at Young Voices. I write op-eds and do TV/radio political commentary. My work has appeared in the Boston Globe, the Federalist, the Washington Examiner, National Review, and numerous other outlets. I've also been featured on NRAtv, Fox News, Circa, Glenn Beck radio, Fox 5 DC and News Channel 8 in DC.


Well, sure seems this kid has his "modern" glowing creds--his bonafide record of expertise and modern education!--Tyr

04-10-2021, 11:12 AM
A trojan horse that was pre-advertised and filmed while the knuckleheads all loaded inside. The "nation" knew fully well the contents and then accepted it anyway.

Or more like there were folks working within the nation to help get the horse inside to then release and destroy. :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-10-2021, 11:20 AM
A trojan horse that was pre-advertised and filmed while the knuckleheads all loaded inside. The "nation" knew fully well the contents and then accepted it anyway.

Or more like there were folks working within the nation to help get the horse inside to then release and destroy. :rolleyes:

Exactly, so very true. One of those groups of folks-- the globalists are the same group that installed the damn worthless ffing traitor the obama!
Now Biden is attempting to put our nation even further in debt than did the POS the obama did!
And very likely is gona issue more unconstitutional edicts- Executive orders than did the scum the obama.
That is if he lasts that long and is not replaced to install the idiot, anti-american POS Harris, imho.-Tyr