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View Full Version : Supreme Court Lifts California’s Ban On In-Person Religious Services

04-10-2021, 12:55 PM
Starting to think that Trump and the rest of us were completely fooled and duped by Justice Roberts, who seems to be voting along with liberals more than not.

But luckily the make up of the court was enough to override the abuse towards religion during Covid.


Supreme Court Lifts California’s Ban On In-Person Religious Services

Good news!

The Supreme Court ruled that California can’t ban in-home religious services by a 5-4 majority.

Of course, Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the liberals.

Just The News reported:

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled late Friday night that California cannot ban in-home religious services while allowing other similar activities in the secular world, once again ruling in favor of religious liberty in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

The 5-4 ruling was led by the court’s most conservative justices, including newest member Amy Coney Barrett, while Chief Justice John Robert’s once again joined the liberal bloc as he has during the COVID-19 outbreak.

“California treats some comparable secular activities more favorably than at-home religious exercise, permitting hair salons, retail stores, personal care services, movie theaters, private suites at sporting events and concerts and indoor restaurants,” the majority opinion stated.

You can read the full ruling here - https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2021-04/20a151_4g15.pdf

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/supreme-court-lifts-californias-ban-person-religious-services/