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View Full Version : While righties get removed from Facebook

04-10-2021, 04:47 PM
If you're anti-muslim in any way you are liable to get 86'd. If you support Trump, you may be gone. If you post various truths about the vaccine and Covid in general, you may get banned.

But, if you DO NOT believe in freedom of speech, but you do believe in muslim jihad VIOLENCE, aok!! And if you have an issue with the violence, and have any group or similar against the violence - the jihad scumbags want you removed. Take bets on FB? If they haven't already did so to many? :rolleyes:


Anti-Free Speech Muslim Group Sues Facebook for Not Removing Sites Opposing Jihad Violence

The tech site Engadget reported Thursday that the far-left legal group Muslim Advocates has filed a consumer protection lawsuit against Facebook for allowing “anti-Muslim hate to spread on the platform, leading to real-world harm.” The organization provided a list of what it claimed were 26 “anti-Muslim hate groups,” including organizations that are dedicated simply to opposing jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others, including my own news site Jihad Watch, the David Horowitz Freedom Center, the Center for Security Policy, and other groups whose main crime is opposing leftist Islamopandering and the left’s tendency to turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses sanctioned by Islamic law.

Engadget quoted a Facebook spokesperson in full defense mode: “We do not allow hate speech on Facebook and regularly work with experts, nonprofits, and stakeholders to help make sure Facebook is a safe place for everyone, recognizing anti-Muslim rhetoric can take different forms. We have invested in AI technologies to take down hate speech, and we proactively detect 97 percent of what we remove.”

Anyone who has been paying attention can see what is coming. Jihad Watch and the others targeted will disappear from Facebook and ultimately from the Internet altogether, whether as a result of this suit or some other. This suit itself has a very good chance of succeeding, as Muslim Advocates is extremely powerful and influential.

Back in October, Old Joe Biden gave an address filled with cringeworthy pandering to Muslim Advocates, the group that has brought this suit. Nor is Muslim Advocates’ clout something new: back on October 19, 2011, Farhana Khera of Muslim Advocates sent a letter to John Brennan, who was then the assistant to the president on national security for Homeland Security and Counter Terrorism, denouncing what it characterized as U.S. government agencies’ “use of biased, false and highly offensive training materials about Muslims and Islam.” It criticized “the FBI’s use of biased experts and training materials.”

Khera complained that my books could be found in “the FBI’s library at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Virginia”; that a reading list accompanying a PowerPoint presentation by the FBI’s Law Enforcement Communications Unit recommended my book The Truth About Muhammad; and that in July 2010 I “presented a two-hour seminar on ‘the belief system of Islamic jihadists’ to the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in Tidewater, Virginia,” and “presented a similar lecture to the U.S. Attorney’s Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council, which is co-hosted by the FBI’s Norfolk Field Office.”

These were supposed to be terrible things because I was bigoted and hateful. But many of the examples Khera adduced of “bigoted and distorted materials” involved statements that were not actually bigoted and distorted at all, but simply accurate. Nonetheless, Brennan immediately complied. In a November 3, 2011, letter to Khera that — significantly — was written on White House stationery, Brennan promised that the government would “ensure that federal officials and state, local and tribal partners receive accurate, evidence-based information in these crucial areas.” That led to the erasure of all mention of Islam and jihad from government counterterror materials, and the birth of the Countering Violent Extremism program, which ignores jihad violence and focuses on a largely imaginary “right-wing extremism.”

So Muslim Advocates has connections that go up to the very top, and likely knows where to find a compliant judge who will rule in its favor in this suit.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2021/04/09/anti-free-speech-muslim-group-sues-facebook-for-not-removing-sites-opposing-jihad-violence-n1438713

04-10-2021, 05:41 PM
If you're anti-muslim in any way you are liable to get 86'd. If you support Trump, you may be gone. If you post various truths about the vaccine and Covid in general, you may get banned.

But, if you DO NOT believe in freedom of speech, but you do believe in muslim jihad VIOLENCE, aok!! And if you have an issue with the violence, and have any group or similar against the violence - the jihad scumbags want you removed. Take bets on FB? If they haven't already did so to many? :rolleyes:


Anti-Free Speech Muslim Group Sues Facebook for Not Removing Sites Opposing Jihad Violence

The tech site Engadget reported Thursday that the far-left legal group Muslim Advocates has filed a consumer protection lawsuit against Facebook for allowing “anti-Muslim hate to spread on the platform, leading to real-world harm.” The organization provided a list of what it claimed were 26 “anti-Muslim hate groups,” including organizations that are dedicated simply to opposing jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others, including my own news site Jihad Watch, the David Horowitz Freedom Center, the Center for Security Policy, and other groups whose main crime is opposing leftist Islamopandering and the left’s tendency to turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses sanctioned by Islamic law.

Engadget quoted a Facebook spokesperson in full defense mode: “We do not allow hate speech on Facebook and regularly work with experts, nonprofits, and stakeholders to help make sure Facebook is a safe place for everyone, recognizing anti-Muslim rhetoric can take different forms. We have invested in AI technologies to take down hate speech, and we proactively detect 97 percent of what we remove.”

Anyone who has been paying attention can see what is coming. Jihad Watch and the others targeted will disappear from Facebook and ultimately from the Internet altogether, whether as a result of this suit or some other. This suit itself has a very good chance of succeeding, as Muslim Advocates is extremely powerful and influential.

Back in October, Old Joe Biden gave an address filled with cringeworthy pandering to Muslim Advocates, the group that has brought this suit. Nor is Muslim Advocates’ clout something new: back on October 19, 2011, Farhana Khera of Muslim Advocates sent a letter to John Brennan, who was then the assistant to the president on national security for Homeland Security and Counter Terrorism, denouncing what it characterized as U.S. government agencies’ “use of biased, false and highly offensive training materials about Muslims and Islam.” It criticized “the FBI’s use of biased experts and training materials.”

Khera complained that my books could be found in “the FBI’s library at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Virginia”; that a reading list accompanying a PowerPoint presentation by the FBI’s Law Enforcement Communications Unit recommended my book The Truth About Muhammad; and that in July 2010 I “presented a two-hour seminar on ‘the belief system of Islamic jihadists’ to the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in Tidewater, Virginia,” and “presented a similar lecture to the U.S. Attorney’s Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council, which is co-hosted by the FBI’s Norfolk Field Office.”

These were supposed to be terrible things because I was bigoted and hateful. But many of the examples Khera adduced of “bigoted and distorted materials” involved statements that were not actually bigoted and distorted at all, but simply accurate. Nonetheless, Brennan immediately complied. In a November 3, 2011, letter to Khera that — significantly — was written on White House stationery, Brennan promised that the government would “ensure that federal officials and state, local and tribal partners receive accurate, evidence-based information in these crucial areas.” That led to the erasure of all mention of Islam and jihad from government counterterror materials, and the birth of the Countering Violent Extremism program, which ignores jihad violence and focuses on a largely imaginary “right-wing extremism.”

So Muslim Advocates has connections that go up to the very top, and likely knows where to find a compliant judge who will rule in its favor in this suit.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2021/04/09/anti-free-speech-muslim-group-sues-facebook-for-not-removing-sites-opposing-jihad-violence-n1438713

The right including DeSantis need to start filing lawsuits against social media and regular media.

04-10-2021, 07:22 PM
The right including DeSantis need to start filing lawsuits against social media and regular media.

I thought I had recently read about a state AG filing a lawsuit, can't recall which one? Texas maybe? But I agree 100% and states need to start doing so and banding together. And same, absolutely no doubt the media needs to be involved.

Way too much shit going on within the social media world to be ignored. Facebook alone is a billion dollar business with massive advertising, and also has/had many legitimate news agencies using it as another medium to get the news out. But Facebook decided to use their powers to seemingly help one side of politics while trying their best to eliminate news & opinions and much more from the right. Censoring and banning news going out to millions and millions. They wrote algorithms to help do the job for them. And somehow, magically, other players in the social media world also started censoring and banning at around the same time. It all sounds like a conspiracy theory but it played out in front of all of our eyes & they never really hid much anyway.

04-10-2021, 07:29 PM
I thought I had recently read about a state AG filing a lawsuit, can't recall which one? Texas maybe? But I agree 100% and states need to start doing so and banding together. And same, absolutely no doubt the media needs to be involved.

Way too much shit going on within the social media world to be ignored. Facebook alone is a billion dollar business with massive advertising, and also has/had many legitimate news agencies using it as another medium to get the news out. But Facebook decided to use their powers to seemingly help one side of politics while trying their best to eliminate news & opinions and much more from the right. Censoring and banning news going out to millions and millions. They wrote algorithms to help do the job for them. And somehow, magically, other players in the social media world also started censoring and banning at around the same time. It all sounds like a conspiracy theory but it played out in front of all of our eyes & they never really hid much anyway.

YouTube has gotten really bad at removing any videos that go over a certain view number, that are not in lockstep with the progressives. There needs to be first amendment cases, as well as defamation cases-hit them for $$$.

04-11-2021, 02:25 PM
YouTube has gotten really bad at removing any videos that go over a certain view number, that are not in lockstep with the progressives. There needs to be first amendment cases, as well as defamation cases-hit them for $$$.

They removed several of my videos which were the news! They disagreed and deleted it. All videos had less than 25 views. :rolleyes: