View Full Version : Warning. People in the Biden administration are pushing for a major war

04-12-2021, 01:27 AM

Posting this in many forums to try to stop war.

I am told spiritually several times per day to write online that NATO and people in the white house are pushing for war. Now in Ukraine and also for more war in the middle east. There are probably religious and other nuts who wants that while it helps others achieve their economical and political goals.

You have perhaps seen what is happening in Ukraine now and between NATO and Russia.

Whoever you believe is the really worst bad guy that is not something that will prevent a war. We would have to convince millions on the other side. To prevent war a better strategy is necessary.

I am no expert on politics and who is guilty of what but after talking with my spiritual source every day for years i have no doubts about this source at all. I dont expect to convince you about that though. But i dont think you want nuclear war and destruction of civilization either.

The message i am "spamming" Facebook with at the moment is:

"The risk for a nuclear conflict is high. ☢️ ️ NATO are using Ukraine against Russia. Putin is not a nice guy but this time NATO started. What media tells you is often propaganda. I am also told people in the white house wants to expand the war in the middle east. Spirit tells me i should tell as many as possible. If you do that as well we can expose their plans and prevent war and mass death. Please pray for peace.️ ❤️ "


I can not know with 100% certainty if this is the truth although i strongly suspect so. As far as i know NATO has placed missiles close to Russias border for many years. Something that few would accept and is very risky itself. But as i wrote, does it matter even if you believe the constant propaganda in the media that Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia did this or that? Perhaps not.

Perhaps by just exposing this we prevent war. By telling as many as we possibly can perhaps NATO would back down since the necessary propaganda would have no effect more than waking people up even more.
For some psychological reason when people are told that something major is about to happen and it then does it is a huge wake up call and they start questioning what they are told.

Do you want to help? Any ideas how to make people notice you online?

04-12-2021, 01:55 AM
Uh, can you explain this Spiritual information that you're receiving about NATO?

04-12-2021, 11:06 AM
Posting this in many forums to try to stop war.

I am told spiritually several times per day to write online that NATO and people in the white house are pushing for war.


Please come back and tell us more! How does this come to you? Someone coming to you via voices and telling you what to do to save the world? Or perhaps maybe your own spirits? :alcoholic:

And going to many forums. Best way to save the world - to go around and find folks arguing and tell them!!

04-12-2021, 12:25 PM
I dunno...sometimes i think this kinda thing wouldn't be so bad.


04-12-2021, 03:31 PM
Trouble is. My Spiritual Advisor has nothing to do with predicting War, or NATO.

My guess is. WE are hearing from Vladmir or Sleepy Joe's number one adviser...Jen Psaki.

I wasn't aware that the DNC had spiritual advisors, other than for cures to "TDS" and swamp water chasers!:link:

05-10-2021, 06:41 AM
Blaming Russia again. Have no idea of course but does Russia love making themselves a target for sanctions that much? Would not be surprised to see an attack on Nord Stream.


Abbey Marie
05-10-2021, 10:02 AM
I am truly intrigued by spiritual guidance. Can you expand on that aspect?

05-10-2021, 07:10 PM
I am truly intrigued by spiritual guidance. Can you expand on that aspect?

Ouija board and tarot cards are on his wifi, he downloads an app that tunes into them on his phone.

05-10-2021, 07:17 PM
Ouija board and tarot cards are on his wifi, he downloads an app that tunes into them on his phone.

Our History (that the Leftists don't want us to remember) Wars prior to DESERT STORM & THE IRAQ war were all the Creation, and Work of DEMOCRAT Presidents. Why does anybody think Biden or Obama DIDN'T WANT TO BRING TROOPS HOME?