View Full Version : Kamala giggling again

04-14-2021, 02:44 PM
I truly think I have seen her giggling at the camera and laughing more than trying to be serious. Like a little schoolgirl who has no clue why she is there.

And look at Russia and Ukraine. And Putin outright warning America. I honestly think the powers out there surely see us as weaker right now.


WTH? Kamala Harris Giggles As She Announces Her Trip to Mexico and Guatemala to Deal with Biden Border Crisis

Kamala Harris announced on Wednesday that she will be making a trip to Mexico and Guatemala to discuss the Biden open border policies.

The Biden administration is looking to reestablish Trump border policies that they abruptly ended on day one of his presidency.

During her statement Kamala started giggling again.

This is getting really weird.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/wth-kamala-harris-giggles-announces-trip-mexico-guatemala-biden-border-crisis-video/
The woman is a mess.

04-14-2021, 02:45 PM
She's smoking the Devil's lettuce...

04-14-2021, 06:23 PM
For me. Having experienced many years of meeting, and working with possibly hundreds, if not thousands of Navy members of all ranks, rates, races, and yes...even gender's has taught me...as I was trained to Observe Human reactions, actions, and habits. I learned also from experience while teaching military standards, and proceedures...when people simply begin to laugh for almost no reason. Other than being confronted with a challenge, or problem they know will be difficult, or unreasonable for them. It's a sure sign (almost always) that their lack of confidence, and knowledge is also being challenged that will place them in very uncomfortable conditions, or circumstances.
Sorry to ramble here. But Harris is...almost certainly. Out of her league, in strange surroundings, and her only defense...without answering a straight question is..GIGGLING like a little girl to throw people who are challenging her...off their guard, and think she's smarter because SHE GIGGLES.
In other words. She's as Phony as Joe, and a box full of Monopoly money. USELESS!