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View Full Version : Ontario retracts coronavirus restrictions that banned playgrounds, involved police

04-18-2021, 10:54 AM

Yikes! That's identical to Cuba's COVID restrictions!

Ontario's (https://www.foxnews.com/category/world/world-regions/canada) premier retracted restrictions Saturday that banned playgrounds and allowed police to require anyone not at home to explain why they're out after a backlash from police forces, health (https://abcnews.go.com/alerts/Obamacare) officials and the public.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford's government announced Friday it was giving police authority to require anyone not at home to explain why they’re out and provide their address. Tickets can be written.

Pushback came from an unexpected source: Toronto and other police departments.

Earlier at least a dozen police forces throughout Ontario, including in the capital of Toronto, said there will be no random stops of people or cars.

"We are all going through a horrific year of COVID-19 and all associated with it together. The (department) will NOT be randomly stopping vehicles for no reason during the pandemic or afterwards," Halton Police Chief Steve Tanner tweeted.Ford's Friday announcement limited outdoor gatherings to those in the same household and closed playgrounds and golf courses. The decisions sparked widespread criticism in a province already on lockdown. Restaurants and gyms are closed as is in-class schooling. Most nonessential workers are working from home.

04-19-2021, 08:39 AM
Canada is a failed society. It's draconian control of the population is immoral. This development is not even truly a victory for the good citizens; it's barely a blip on the radar of a controlling awful governmental system.