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04-22-2021, 01:42 PM
Usually I go through and remove all the formatting. But I'm lazy today and figure this way everyone knows it was an email again!

I wonder how many people would have been shot by police if they did
>>> not commit crimes nor resist arrest? I suppose it would be NONE,
>>> except for the rare accident.
>>> If you don't want to get hit by a car, don't protest in the middle of a highway.
>>> If you don't want to get killed by the Police, don't engage in illegal
>>> activities.
>>> If you don't love America, leave it.
>>> It's really not that difficult to figure out.
>>> Just because you toppled a statue doesn't mean you changed history.
>>> It just shows how ignorant you are.
>>> BLM has done more to promote racism in the past weeks than all the
>>> Confederate Memorials in the past 100 years.
>>> Would you hire a person who hates animals to care for your dog? Then,
>>> why would you elect people who hate America?
>>> The NFL now says it may bar all Military & Police Honor Guards from being on the field.
>>> I hope the NFL tanks completely! Have you considered your response?
>>> Want to be Green? Shut off your air conditioning, turn off your
>>> phone, TV, and computers and go outside and plant next year's dinner.
>>> The only things that have gotten worse since Trump became President
>>> are the Democrats.
>>> For those of you who are serious germ-fearers... did you know that
>>> door knobs made out of brass disinfect themselves in about 8 hours
>>> through a process called the oligodynamic effect?
>>> If we don't start getting behind the Police, they'll all quit. I know I would!
>>> If we are removing 'To Kill a Mockingbird' due to its use of the "N"
>>> word, how many Rap albums are going with it?
>>> Warning to BLM & ANTIFA: Once you've managed to defund & eliminate the Police, there's nobody protecting you from us. Hope everyone remembers that.
>>> The Payday candy bar is changing its name
>>> because it's offensive to those who don't work.

04-22-2021, 01:48 PM
Certainly touches on much of the commonsense frustration so many feel.

I'm seeing some small, but perhaps important cracks happening as backlash to some of the Twilight Zone we are currently occurring.

I don't see either side ready to listen or God forbid, consider any compromises.

04-22-2021, 01:49 PM
Certainly touches on much of the commonsense frustration so many feel.

I'm seeing some small, but perhaps important cracks happening as backlash to some of the Twilight Zone we are currently occurring.

I don't see either side ready to listen or God forbid, consider any compromises.

Problem is, so so many outsiders of importance not using their words wisely and it only serves to increase the frustration, and also serve to rile people up to rebel.

04-22-2021, 02:27 PM
Problem is, so so many outsiders of importance not using their words wisely and it only serves to increase the frustration, and also serve to rile people up to rebel.
It currently appears to me that the dems are being led by a small number of extremists. Their influence far outweighs both their numbers and agreement of those identifying as D. It's showing up with Biden's numbers on policies.

The Republicans have a problem with the rank and file, the base is way past moderate right and in process of more in the same direction.Contray to the memes, it's not 75M, but is more than substantial.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-23-2021, 05:49 AM
Certainly touches on much of the commonsense frustration so many feel.

I'm seeing some small, but perhaps important cracks happening as backlash to some of the Twilight Zone we are currently occurring.

I don't see either side ready to listen or God forbid, consider any compromises.
The sad truth is , there has been far too much compromising done it the past- and that is why we are in the sad and ever more decaying state we are in now. imho. Standards of decency and patriotism and the support of law and order have all went far to down the decaying path, imho.
Regardless of what any of us think is right- there will eventually be a reckoning- reality always comes back to bite us all.
I look back to the everyday standards of the 60's and how we lived and compare it too now- and I so grieve for what is lost!
I blame the majority of that loss on three things, 1. the dem party, 2, the decayed public education system, 3. the mainstream media !!
Some of us are old enough to have a very good historic and real-life experience of how it once was 61 years...
When the two are compared that time and this -one can clearly see the immense decay and where this nation is headed and it is not a good place....
In fact, thanks to the obbbbbbbbama and now the o'bbbbbbbbbbbiden ( the obama 2.0) the decay has likely been sped up ten or twenty fold, imho.
Reality is so oft brutal , cold and completely unmerciful.
Any that deny that should take a -true- course in history.
Or just consider one fairly recent example (in our modern times)over 3 million Jews were exterminated
by the insane German dictator Hitler. There are many, many, many , many other evil savage, examples.

Those that do not --know - history are doomed to repeat it.
And that is why our school system does not teach -real history.
We need history to be taught as it was before the 1950's.
I have myself bought many pre-40's school history books, just in order to get a more clear a far more truthful account of it
It is damn, damn , damn sad what the dems have deliberately done to our -once-- fantastic education system, imho.
we are being deliberately blinded by the education system that the dems have engineered, imho.
The single greatest enemy our nation now faces is its very own -Dem party. -Tyr

04-23-2021, 08:30 AM
The sad truth is , there has been far too much compromising done it the past- and that is why we are in the sad and ever more decaying state we are in now. imho. Standards of decency and patriotism and the support of law and order have all went far to down the decaying path, imho.
Regardless of what any of us think is right- there will eventually be a reckoning- reality always comes back to bite us all.
I look back to the everyday standards of the 60's and how we lived and compare it too now- and I so grieve for what is lost!
I blame the majority of that loss on three things, 1. the dem party, 2, the decayed public education system, 3. the mainstream media !!
Some of us are old enough to have a very good historic and real-life experience of how it once was 61 years...
When the two are compared that time and this -one can clearly see the immense decay and where this nation is headed and it is not a good place....
In fact, thanks to the obbbbbbbbama and now the o'bbbbbbbbbbbiden ( the obama 2.0) the decay has likely been sped up ten or twenty fold, imho.
Reality is so oft brutal , cold and completely unmerciful.
Any that deny that should take a -true- course in history.
Or just consider one fairly recent example (in our modern times)over 3 million Jews were exterminated
by the insane German dictator Hitler. There are many, many, many , many other evil savage, examples.

Those that do not --know - history are doomed to repeat it.
And that is why our school system does not teach -real history.
We need history to be taught as it was before the 1950's.
I have myself bought many pre-40's school history books, just in order to get a more clear a far more truthful account of it
It is damn, damn , damn sad what the dems have deliberately done to our -once-- fantastic education system, imho.
we are being deliberately blinded by the education system that the dems have engineered, imho.
The single greatest enemy our nation now faces is its very own -Dem party. -Tyr

Surprise, I agree with much.

Big difference, we're not addressing the same things. Acquiescence is not compromise. Walking away is not compromise. Compromise takes two force willing to give some, for the betterment of the whole. It's what the Olive Branch Petition was about, though it failed due to one side. It was what Lincoln was looking for when elected, alas we all know how that turned out.

Compromise rarely is a 'win,' for those involved, cost is usually to those most interested in a certain outcome, but the win is for the greater good. An antiquated concept it seems.

04-23-2021, 08:51 AM
Problem is, so so many outsiders of importance not using their words wisely and it only serves to increase the frustration, and also serve to rile people up to rebel.

One lesson that I have learned from the more "measured" adherents to MGTOW is that it's often NOT necessary to rebel, one can simply choose not to participate with what they don't agree with and focus on building one's own success. I for example, decided to "take the hit" and default on over $35K in Bank of America credit cards. They can sue me if they want; it will test how bulletproof my efforts to be judgment-proof are. I have the money, but they aren't getting it. Here are some judgment-proof assets: retirement plans, annuities (at least in Texas), one vehicle per licensed driver in the household.


In Texas, exempt property covers what you need to live on. Here’s a brief list of the major categories of exempt property (http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/PR/htm/PR.42.htm#42.002):

Your homestead is exempt up to 10 acres of urban property (single or family) and up to 100 acres of rural property (single) and 200 acres (family).

Note! If you are behind on your mortgage, property taxes, or home equity payments, your homestead can be foreclosed. Don’t get a home equity loan to pay off credit card debts or medical bills — if you default on the equity loan, you could lose your home.
For more information on the homestead exemption, see Chapter 41 of the Texas Property Code (http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/PR/htm/PR.41.htm).

Personal property adding up to $50,000 for a single person or $100,000 for a family.
Vehicles — one for each licensed driver in the house.
Tools of your trade, sporting equipment, bicycles, two firearms, two horses, 12 head of cattle and other items, farming or ranching vehicles, clothes, and pets.
In general, IRAs, 401(k)s, traditional pension plans, profit-sharing plans, annuities.
Life insurance proceeds.
College savings plans, such as 529 plans, and prepaid tuition plans.

04-23-2021, 10:29 AM
Thomas Sowell always has some common sense words to explain things.


04-23-2021, 11:35 AM
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”

That is what is now reality. All of us, are losing what was a gift, which was bought with blood and tears.

04-24-2021, 10:36 AM
One lesson that I have learned from the more "measured" adherents to MGTOW is that it's often NOT necessary to rebel, one can simply choose not to participate with what they don't agree with and focus on building one's own success. I for example, decided to "take the hit" and default on over $35K in Bank of America credit cards. They can sue me if they want; it will test how bulletproof my efforts to be judgment-proof are. I have the money, but they aren't getting it. Here are some judgment-proof assets: retirement plans, annuities (at least in Texas), one vehicle per licensed driver in the household.


Then there's the question of ethics.

04-26-2021, 12:45 AM
One lesson that I have learned from the more "measured" adherents to MGTOW is that it's often NOT necessary to rebel, one can simply choose not to participate with what they don't agree with and focus on building one's own success. I for example, decided to "take the hit" and default on over $35K in Bank of America credit cards. They can sue me if they want; it will test how bulletproof my efforts to be judgment-proof are. I have the money, but they aren't getting it. Here are some judgment-proof assets: retirement plans, annuities (at least in Texas), one vehicle per licensed driver in the household.


Why would you not repay money you borrowed?