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View Full Version : Oh no, abscessed tooth

04-22-2021, 03:14 PM
I heard the term before but wasn't fully sure what it was. Just knew I didn't want one!!

So anyway, back to last March, and my last few appointments with those evil dentists. After a thorough cleaning and checking out my somewhat loose tooth... he said it would remain for now... but the issue is that the teeth are lowering due to loss of bone already. So the plan is to ultimately remove my 4 upper front teeth. Yikes! But I'm getting implants to replace them and get my better chompers back! My regular dentist will handle the temporary stuff and a different pro elsewhere will be doing the procedure to get them out, put in new bone, sew it up and I wear the temp crap for 3 months until the bone integrates and then the final good ones. * In addition, also a molar that is not even really there anymore. So she said it would have to likely be surgically removed. Yikes.

Then I started watching videos on folks getting implants done. :scared:

The pandemic kicked in and I was delayed, and then ignored from there on!! LOL

So here we are a year later. And now that molar, or one in front of it, been hurting for like 5 days. Then it swelled a little yesterday, gargled with salt water non-stop and it was worse today. Damn, I realized that the tooth didn't even hurt anymore. It was the swollen gums next to the tooth. So I looked on handy dandy youtube and find in my first search instantly "abscessed tooth" - and how the gums were swollen next to it and sometimes they say the pain even leaves. Mine to a T. Then the guy moves in with a scalpel and opens it up to let it out!! WTF? But then talked of how dangerous they can be. So 5 seconds later on the phone to get it over with.

10am tomorrow and I hope he ends up just giving me antibiotics for now and they send me ultimately to the place for the surgical removal when the infection is gone or down. But if he has to do it there somehow, and remove the abscess but leaving the tooth for now, then I'm in for a world of hurt. What I get for delaying it for so long just thinking the tooth would magically fall out one day like a baby tooth. No dice. :(

** So, anyone else ever have one? Or seen someone go through the procedure?

04-22-2021, 03:21 PM
I heard the term before but wasn't fully sure what it was. Just knew I didn't want one!!

So anyway, back to last March, and my last few appointments with those evil dentists. After a thorough cleaning and checking out my somewhat loose tooth... he said it would remain for now... but the issue is that the teeth are lowering due to loss of bone already. So the plan is to ultimately remove my 4 upper front teeth. Yikes! But I'm getting implants to replace them and get my better chompers back! My regular dentist will handle the temporary stuff and a different pro elsewhere will be doing the procedure to get them out, put in new bone, sew it up and I wear the temp crap for 3 months until the bone integrates and then the final good ones. * In addition, also a molar that is not even really there anymore. So she said it would have to likely be surgically removed. Yikes.

Then I started watching videos on folks getting implants done. :scared:

The pandemic kicked in and I was delayed, and then ignored from there on!! LOL

So here we are a year later. And now that molar, or one in front of it, been hurting for like 5 days. Then it swelled a little yesterday, gargled with salt water non-stop and it was worse today. Damn, I realized that the tooth didn't even hurt anymore. It was the swollen gums next to the tooth. So I looked on handy dandy youtube and find in my first search instantly "abscessed tooth" - and how the gums were swollen next to it and sometimes they say the pain even leaves. Mine to a T. Then the guy moves in with a scalpel and opens it up to let it out!! WTF? But then talked of how dangerous they can be. So 5 seconds later on the phone to get it over with.

10am tomorrow and I hope he ends up just giving me antibiotics for now and they send me ultimately to the place for the surgical removal when the infection is gone or down. But if he has to do it there somehow, and remove the abscess but leaving the tooth for now, then I'm in for a world of hurt. What I get for delaying it for so long just thinking the tooth would magically fall out one day like a baby tooth. No dice. :(

** So, anyone else ever have one? Or seen someone go through the procedure?

I have super fear of dentist. I do wish you luck!

04-22-2021, 03:23 PM
I heard the term before but wasn't fully sure what it was. Just knew I didn't want one!!

So anyway, back to last March, and my last few appointments with those evil dentists. After a thorough cleaning and checking out my somewhat loose tooth... he said it would remain for now... but the issue is that the teeth are lowering due to loss of bone already. So the plan is to ultimately remove my 4 upper front teeth. Yikes! But I'm getting implants to replace them and get my better chompers back! My regular dentist will handle the temporary stuff and a different pro elsewhere will be doing the procedure to get them out, put in new bone, sew it up and I wear the temp crap for 3 months until the bone integrates and then the final good ones. * In addition, also a molar that is not even really there anymore. So she said it would have to likely be surgically removed. Yikes.

Then I started watching videos on folks getting implants done. :scared:

The pandemic kicked in and I was delayed, and then ignored from there on!! LOL

So here we are a year later. And now that molar, or one in front of it, been hurting for like 5 days. Then it swelled a little yesterday, gargled with salt water non-stop and it was worse today. Damn, I realized that the tooth didn't even hurt anymore. It was the swollen gums next to the tooth. So I looked on handy dandy youtube and find in my first search instantly "abscessed tooth" - and how the gums were swollen next to it and sometimes they say the pain even leaves. Mine to a T. Then the guy moves in with a scalpel and opens it up to let it out!! WTF? But then talked of how dangerous they can be. So 5 seconds later on the phone to get it over with.

10am tomorrow and I hope he ends up just giving me antibiotics for now and they send me ultimately to the place for the surgical removal when the infection is gone or down. But if he has to do it there somehow, and remove the abscess but leaving the tooth for now, then I'm in for a world of hurt. What I get for delaying it for so long just thinking the tooth would magically fall out one day like a baby tooth. No dice. :(

** So, anyone else ever have one? Or seen someone go through the procedure?

After returning from the Gulf War, and many suspicious, but Required shots, and doses of meds WE WERE TOLD...we had to take, or face Non-Judicial punishment (lose a rank and poor Evaluations)...Four years later in 1994...all of my teeth began chipping, and falling out while I ate the simplest food. Of course. The navy docs denied it was related but...

The year I retired in 1995. All of my teeth were Removed after breaking down to the gums.
DENTURES became my fight against all TOOTH PAIN since then.
Do what you can to Keep Your Real Smile.:cool:

04-22-2021, 04:42 PM
Had one last year.

Get some ordinary cloves, gently bite down on it. The oil it releases is a powerful local anesthesitic painkiller, more effective than narcotics. By far.

And yeah, man, don't ever delay going to the dentist - an abscessed tooth can kill you. It's a poison pocket right next to your brain, and it's extremely hard on your heart.

I had to wait all weekend to get mine pulled, and chewing gently on cloves kept me pain free. Prior to discovering that, I was literally writhing on the floor in pain.

Abbey Marie
04-22-2021, 06:06 PM
Good luck Jim. Stop googling and think positively!

04-22-2021, 08:45 PM
I have super fear of dentist. I do wish you luck!

I have a super fear of the bill!

04-23-2021, 10:24 AM
Holy Doodle! sorry to hear this Jim. Tooth pain is awful. Really hope you are fixed up soon.

04-23-2021, 12:08 PM
I have super fear of dentist. I do wish you luck!

Thanks, Kath! You have no idea. I suppose many more are like us. But my fear leads to not even calling as I know what calling leads to. So now I have a phobia of the phone and calling people to an extent, and especially with anything health related. And when I do go to a dentist, even for minor things, I gobble xanax prior and am still nervous. Won't do most harder procedures without knocking my ass out!

After returning from the Gulf War, and many suspicious, but Required shots, and doses of meds WE WERE TOLD...we had to take, or face Non-Judicial punishment (lose a rank and poor Evaluations)...Four years later in 1994...all of my teeth began chipping, and falling out while I ate the simplest food. Of course. The navy docs denied it was related but...

The year I retired in 1995. All of my teeth were Removed after breaking down to the gums.
DENTURES became my fight against all TOOTH PAIN since then.
Do what you can to Keep Your Real Smile.:cool:

Thanks, AT! Man, 2 others in my family had all of them yanked and dentures put in place. Removing 26 teeth sounds horrible, so not for me yet! They ain't the greatest, but until I have pain I avoid sharp things going in there. And then that only makes things worse and eventually I have to go anyway, and then it's emergency level. :(

Sucks you went through that. No more pain though!

Had one last year.

Get some ordinary cloves, gently bite down on it. The oil it releases is a powerful local anesthesitic painkiller, more effective than narcotics. By far.

And yeah, man, don't ever delay going to the dentist - an abscessed tooth can kill you. It's a poison pocket right next to your brain, and it's extremely hard on your heart.

I had to wait all weekend to get mine pulled, and chewing gently on cloves kept me pain free. Prior to discovering that, I was literally writhing on the floor in pain.

Oh man, I had clove before but it was a liquid type kind of meant for just that. That stuff tastes like raw sewage! LOL But going to pickup antibiotics now and going to find whatever they may possibly sell pain relief wise and buy me one of each. :)

Good luck Jim. Stop googling and think positively!

I have a overwhelming need to learn about and educate myself on various procedures. Then I scare myself. I know I am my worst enemy. :(

So thus far the dentist gave me strong antibiotics. He tried to set me up with an emergency appt. with the woman doing my other work who does the surgical removals, but she is off today. Whew. So I'll likely be getting it done tomorrow or Monday. Not looking forward to this as yanking a tooth that is really not much there above the gum line, there really is no "easy" way to yank it. So knock me the F out and wake me when done!

04-24-2021, 10:28 AM
** So, anyone else ever have one? Or seen someone go through the procedure?

Yes. One of my front teeth. I don't remember it being so bad except for them having to leave the hole in my tooth exposed so that whatever could drain but left a direct line of anything cold, air or drink, directly to a nerve. Youch!!! Required special methods of drinking and breathing for a few days.

04-24-2021, 11:49 AM
Well, yesterday was a clusterfuck of a day that left me bewildered and in pain still.

Dentist confirmed everything as I said and then I sat here most of the day calling everyone within a reasonable distance. Started with everyone who advertised as open on Saturday. Oddly, none of them honored that and said due to the virus no Saturdays. And yet back to full hours during the week? :rolleyes: So I had no choice but to make an appointment for Monday.

I'm nervous though as after 40 minutes on the phone giving her my entire life story, insurance info and whole dealio... and since on their website, I explained that I will likely choose sedation as no way I want to be awake for this. That's when she says to me "Well, there's no guarantee that the Doc will do anything on Monday other than take a look at everything and take it from there Huh? Fucking thing has to come out ASAP my dentist said, no questions and said get it done. Plus, I'm in pain. No way I want to just get poked at and leave. So has me nervous about that.

Then I left for my vaccine at around 2:50ish for my 4pm appointment 2 cities away. Yea, quite early, but rather be early than miss out.

I missed out. WTF?

Traffic and congestion at every single turn. It's like 4:01 when I get there, and this county center is at the entrance & exit to a parkway. Hell, I never even saw a parking lot. Looked and looked and said F you and bailed.

Good news is the wifey got me an immediate appt. at CVS to get the same vaccine - on Monday at 2pm. So, few more days, no biggie.

Then so many other things yesterday. Yes, Murphy's Law invaded me yesterday and gave me a pretty good beating.

So now I have Tylenol, Ibuprofen, some "antiseptic mouth sore rinse" which states it is also an "oral wound cleanser" and says relieves pain. I know it's minimal. Then Anbesol & of course still the salt water. And the amoxocillin. So the swelling has went down, but my lower right jaw feels like someone punched me in the face.

NightTrain - I had texted my wife and askes her if we had any clove at home. She said yes, but that I want the liquid stuff. I told her nope, Rick recommended biting down on a clove that it would help with the pain. She replied to me "You do NOT want to do that". I asked why and she said to just trust her and she knows me. :dunno:

Taste that bad?

04-24-2021, 12:52 PM
NightTrain - I had texted my wife and askes her if we had any clove at home. She said yes, but that I want the liquid stuff. I told her nope, Rick recommended biting down on a clove that it would help with the pain. She replied to me "You do NOT want to do that". I asked why and she said to just trust her and she knows me. :dunno:

Taste that bad?

It wasn't totally unpleasant tasting. Not something I'd seek out, but honestly, with the 100% pain relief it provides it wouldn't have mattered what it tasted like.

When you're incapacitated and writhing, a moose nugget would be acceptable if it worked, and that's where I was. Fortunately it didn't come to that, but I was desperate enough.

Shar gave me a little vial of clove oil, and it worked. But I preferred the clove because it constantly is covering that tooth in oil, where the vial of oil would dilute and wash away in a few minutes due to your saliva and the additional working of your hurt mouth. The clove would last hours and provide blessed pain relief.

When I say bite down on it, I don't mean crush it with your hurt tooth.. just gently apply pressure (because that bastard hurts!) and with that pressure and your saliva, the oil will wash down all over that immediate area and kill the pain. I literally sat upright within a minute completely pain free.

We're talking about a lower molar, right? I don't know if the clove would work on an upper molar because gravity. That oil has to wash down around your gums where the nerves are to work.

Look around in your spices in the kitchen. It's one of those stubby little spice bottles.

04-24-2021, 04:12 PM
It wasn't totally unpleasant tasting. Not something I'd seek out, but honestly, with the 100% pain relief it provides it wouldn't have mattered what it tasted like.

When you're incapacitated and writhing, a moose nugget would be acceptable if it worked, and that's where I was. Fortunately it didn't come to that, but I was desperate enough.

Shar gave me a little vial of clove oil, and it worked. But I preferred the clove because it constantly is covering that tooth in oil, where the vial of oil would dilute and wash away in a few minutes due to your saliva and the additional working of your hurt mouth. The clove would last hours and provide blessed pain relief.

When I say bite down on it, I don't mean crush it with your hurt tooth.. just gently apply pressure (because that bastard hurts!) and with that pressure and your saliva, the oil will wash down all over that immediate area and kill the pain. I literally sat upright within a minute completely pain free.

We're talking about a lower molar, right? I don't know if the clove would work on an upper molar because gravity. That oil has to wash down around your gums where the nerves are to work.

Look around in your spices in the kitchen. It's one of those stubby little spice bottles.

Yes, bottom. Gonna look and feel it out. I guess if truly horrid I could spit it out... I'll let ya know later!

And it's gotta be better than moose shit. I don't know about that one. Maybe if shot and need it in order to survive, but even then... :laugh:

04-26-2021, 01:48 PM
Well, today was the day and the tooth still resides in my mouth. :(

I should have known better but I had 2 cups of coffee and just a tad of milk. I've done this before and skirted the rules. But when they asked today I said I had nothing, but then I read on the 'net what could happen if you have milk in your belly and get anesthesia. They offer plain shot, laughing gas or main vein the good stuff - of course which you must do for my coward ass. So I backed out and it's now set for 10am tomorrow for sure, and is coming out for sure.

But then he's also adding bone into the socket when done and letting it heal, then down the road I can get an implant. Good bone helps prevent the teeth from moving as a result of the removal.

Then the fun part - the bill!

Last extraction I had done was like $350 for the anesthesia and $300 for the extraction. Sucks, but the end of the pain.

But noooooo. Now it's an extra....

Bone replacement graft - $560
Guided tissue regeneration - resorb - $750
Extraction of erupted tooth - Only $150!
Deep sedation for (3) 15 min intervals at $69 apiece
Xrays - $100

Then consultation and I guess maybe fees/taxes or whatever - and they said that my insurance was kind enough to cover $526 of the total cost - and my remaining payment if $1,951 :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Damn, should have planned on dentures instead of implants. And still may some day, but just implants for missing right now. And costly. :coffee:

Abbey Marie
04-26-2021, 02:36 PM
Well, today was the day and the tooth still resides in my mouth. :(

I should have known better but I had 2 cups of coffee and just a tad of milk. I've done this before and skirted the rules. But when they asked today I said I had nothing, but then I read on the 'net what could happen if you have milk in your belly and get anesthesia. They offer plain shot, laughing gas or main vein the good stuff - of course which you must do for my coward ass. So I backed out and it's now set for 10am tomorrow for sure, and is coming out for sure.

But then he's also adding bone into the socket when done and letting it heal, then down the road I can get an implant. Good bone helps prevent the teeth from moving as a result of the removal.

Then the fun part - the bill!

Last extraction I had done was like $350 for the anesthesia and $300 for the extraction. Sucks, but the end of the pain.

But noooooo. Now it's an extra....

Bone replacement graft - $560
Guided tissue regeneration - resorb - $750
Extraction of erupted tooth - Only $150!
Deep sedation for (3) 15 min intervals at $69 apiece
Xrays - $100

Then consultation and I guess maybe fees/taxes or whatever - and they said that my insurance was kind enough to cover $526 of the total cost - and my remaining payment if $1,951 :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Damn, should have planned on dentures instead of implants. And still may some day, but just implants for missing right now. And costly. :coffee:

What, no “butt in dental chair” fee?

So, you are getting general anesthesia for this? I assume it’s “twilight” anesthesia.

Btw, which vaccine did you get? I assume you are home by now...

04-26-2021, 02:51 PM
What, no “butt in dental chair” fee?

So, you are getting general anesthesia for this? I assume it’s “twilight” anesthesia.

Btw, which vaccine did you get? I assume you are home by now...

I don't even understand some of the fees but that portion is all covered. The part I do understand about the bone stuff, that's the part I wasn't prepared for. So a lot of extra pennies involved.

Getting intravenous needle and out, but they say not really fully out but that you won't remember anything or feel anything of course.

My shot was Pfizer. So if I live a few days then I suppose I'm supposed to be good for like 90% and goes up with the second. All thumbs up so far, and even got me a free piece of mint candy and a sticker for my troubles!

04-26-2021, 03:09 PM
What, no “butt in dental chair” fee?

So, you are getting general anesthesia for this? I assume it’s “twilight” anesthesia.

Btw, which vaccine did you get? I assume you are home by now...

Did they buy you dinner, and wash your NEW car for those prices too?

Makes me almost feel good now about Not having any teeth of my own. SECOND Mortgages for anybody my age...OUT OF THE QUESTION! Hope you at least feel better!!:laugh:

04-27-2021, 09:43 AM
And costly. :coffee:

My buddy said a whole mouth of implants was like 20k! :yikes:

... you won't remember anything or feel anything of course.

Except the bill. :eek:

04-27-2021, 12:49 PM
Another day and the tooth still sits there. Someone kill me.

The covid shot took me for a short trip. Had a weird feeling in my head on and off yesterday but all good and went to bed ready for my 10am appointment today.

Then woke up soaking wet at 4:30am with my head pounding, another migraine, or just the same from the shot. Took Tylenol and back to bed. Woke at 6:30 and worse and nauseous now. So tossed up a few times and then took a spray of the Imitrex praying it would help my headache even if not the same migraine. Woke at 8:30 alarm and head was a tad better, but sweaty and so dead and could feel it while walking that I was dying. Covid got me and I'll be dead soon is what I thought for a few minutes. Half passed out of exhaustion and fell asleep - for an entire hour.

Woke with no headache, nothing sore but my arm and I felt rejuvenated. Felt perfect weirdly. Felt like I had coffee when I didn't at that point. Didn't care, just knew it was kinda over I hope!

And now I rescheduled for Thursday at 10:30 because no appointments tomorrow. :(

04-27-2021, 12:52 PM
My buddy said a whole mouth of implants was like 20k! :yikes:

Except the bill. :eek:

One place I visited wanted for the entire top and bottom = $56,000! And my wife said get it! But then I read reviews and the place was a racket, and that even with that $56k paid - you don't even get the porcelain, like another $8-$10k they will tell you - after the fact.

The woman I am working with is highly rated in her field and still only charges $2,500 per tooth and said anyone that told me they should all come out should be out of practice. Yikes!

All this money and the pain, dentures don't sound so bad down the road. :coffee:

04-28-2021, 01:02 PM
Spoke to soon yesterday. Went out for a few and started to feel drained and tired, and then started to sweat easily while out doing simple things. Then did a few things in the basement and half way through had to stop and go take medicine and rest.

Wasn't nearly as bad, but if you do feel ill overnight, then relax the next day so that the body can recuperate. Then again, I'm a wuss when it comes to pain and illnesses. :dunno:

04-28-2021, 01:08 PM
Spoke to soon yesterday. Went out for a few and started to feel drained and tired, and then started to sweat easily while out doing simple things. Then did a few things in the basement and half way through had to stop and go take medicine and rest.

Wasn't nearly as bad, but if you do feel ill overnight, then relax the next day so that the body can recuperate. Then again, I'm a wuss when it comes to pain and illnesses. :dunno:

Found that out with first shot
For second took day after off.

04-28-2021, 01:47 PM
Found that out with first shot
For second took day after off.

Who here finished the 2nd shot? Sassy? You? Rick and Sharon?

Just curious if I am likely to face that same shit again after my 2nd shot or not...

04-28-2021, 02:03 PM
Who here finished the 2nd shot? Sassy? You? Rick and Sharon?

Just curious if I am likely to face that same shit again after my 2nd shot or not...

I had Moderna. Second was pretty much repeat of first.

04-28-2021, 02:15 PM
First shot was maderna at the Doc's office. No 2 comes next week after my wifes 2nd CATARAC repair. Tomorrow is her first, and she won't need to wear glasses anymore!

My wife's reaction was a Red looking area around the shot. I have nothing left to show for it.

04-28-2021, 02:21 PM
One place I visited wanted for the entire top and bottom = $56,000! And my wife said get it! But then I read reviews and the place was a racket, and that even with that $56k paid - you don't even get the porcelain, like another $8-$10k they will tell you - after the fact.

The woman I am working with is highly rated in her field and still only charges $2,500 per tooth and said anyone that told me they should all come out should be out of practice. Yikes!

All this money and the pain, dentures don't sound so bad down the road. :coffee:

Wow. Maybe cheaper down here when you come visit Jeff.

04-28-2021, 03:34 PM
Wow. Maybe cheaper down here when you come visit Jeff.

Jeff was telling me that there's a place in North Carolina that people go to. I knew someone who traveled down to NC just to get dentures. Not sure why thing's are so much cheaper there. :dunno:

I do see a few places in Tijuana that offer a limo ride to the office, give you a hotel as part of the package and give your rides back and forth to complete things. Others are desperate enough to travel to India! Hell, no thanks! No offense to such places, but just NFW I trust any of them foreign fuckers! :laugh2:

Whether implants, or getting many many teeth pulled at once - the more I think and dwell about things the more I start wondering just how badly are teeth needed anyway? :coffee: My uncle used to eat a steak with his dentures sitting next to his plate - so eating a steak with no teeth! :laugh:

04-28-2021, 03:39 PM
I had Moderna. Second was pretty much repeat of first.

Well, this time I'm setting my alarm for like 3am and waking and taking tylenol and taking the imitrex and heading things off at the pass. I'm gonna try to prevent the headache if possible.

First shot was maderna at the Doc's office. No 2 comes next week after my wifes 2nd CATARAC repair. Tomorrow is her first, and she won't need to wear glasses anymore!

My wife's reaction was a Red looking area around the shot. I have nothing left to show for it.

Glad things went smoothly for you! Best of luck to your wife!! That's gotta be awesome to be able to set the glasses down for good. They can simply be a royal pain in the ass if you ask me. Always forgetting them and then I can't read a damn thing up close when out. I have like OCD against anything at all on the lenses that my eyes see, so I'm cleaning them with Bausch and Lomb wipes and fiber cloth all day every day! Don't even get me started with my regular glass giving me weird vertigo feeling, so they don't get worn too awfully much. :)

04-28-2021, 04:51 PM
Well, this time I'm setting my alarm for like 3am and waking and taking tylenol and taking the imitrex and heading things off at the pass. I'm gonna try to prevent the headache if possible.

Glad things went smoothly for you! Best of luck to your wife!! That's gotta be awesome to be able to set the glasses down for good. They can simply be a royal pain in the ass if you ask me. Always forgetting them and then I can't read a damn thing up close when out. I have like OCD against anything at all on the lenses that my eyes see, so I'm cleaning them with Bausch and Lomb wipes and fiber cloth all day every day! Don't even get me started with my regular glass giving me weird vertigo feeling, so they don't get worn too awfully much. :)

I've been wearing glasses since I was 3. No pics of me at that age I can find. But I do remember how heavy, and thick they were. Thought they made my ears stick out, and the other kids laughed at me...asking when I was gonna TAKE OFF!:laugh::laugh:

04-28-2021, 09:52 PM
Who here finished the 2nd shot? Sassy? You? Rick and Sharon?

Just curious if I am likely to face that same shit again after my 2nd shot or not...My wife and I have had both shots. She had Moderna and I had Pfizer. She had sore shoulders after both and mild aches after the second. I didn't have any bad effects at all.

I have MDS and my oncologist recommended I get them as soon as I could.

Abbey Marie
04-28-2021, 10:06 PM
Me: Pfizer
1st shot- sore arm and red circle around the site.
2nd shot- nothing at all

Russ: Moderna
1st- nothing
2nd- chills, fatigue for a day, sore arm for 3 days

Daughter: J &J
One shot- fever and chills for about 8 hours.

04-29-2021, 08:08 AM
I do see a few places in Tijuana that offer a limo ride to the office, give you a hotel as part of the package and give your rides back and forth to complete things.

NC sounds promising. I think I'd trust Cost Rica over Tijuana.

04-29-2021, 12:13 PM
Who here finished the 2nd shot? Sassy? You? Rick and Sharon?

Just curious if I am likely to face that same shit again after my 2nd shot or not...

Moderna, got both shots.

Both times my body reaction was feverish, achy flu-like symptoms as my body freaked out over it. But 2 or 3 days of that and I was fine. My symptoms were about equal with both shots.

Weirdly, I didn't get that speed-rush with the 2nd one. I'm told everyone reacts differently.

04-29-2021, 03:48 PM
Who here finished the 2nd shot? Sassy? You? Rick and Sharon?

Just curious if I am likely to face that same shit again after my 2nd shot or not...

I'm not getting vaccine. Ever! See my video in Science forum. I have a healthy immune system and will take Ivermectin if I feel off.

Sorry you're feeling funky. Get better soon!

04-29-2021, 07:24 PM
NC sounds promising. I think I'd trust Cost Rica over Tijuana.

I'm not sure I would trust either of them, nor any procedures or equipment used there that isn't allowed in the USA. Usually for good reason. I know there are definitely some great docs out there from all fields, but I feel comfy right here in the good 'ol USA, paying an arm and a leg and giving them my first born. He's 20 years old now, so had to break the news to the kiddo. :laugh:

Moderna, got both shots.

Both times my body reaction was feverish, achy flu-like symptoms as my body freaked out over it. But 2 or 3 days of that and I was fine. My symptoms were about equal with both shots.

Weirdly, I didn't get that speed-rush with the 2nd one. I'm told everyone reacts differently.

I wonder... the next morn with my migraine, I took imitrex and couple hours later I noticed I was getting an unusual amount of energy while trying to rest and sleep. Imitrex never did that to me before. I wonder if it was related to the vaccine? :dunno:

I'm not getting vaccine. Ever! See my video in Science forum. I have a healthy immune system and will take Ivermectin if I feel off.

Sorry you're feeling funky. Get better soon!

I've seen it and I've read it all. And fully admit I was nervous getting the shot and never felt that hesitance before. A lot of unknown and also a lot of horror stories out there. I tried to start focusing on all the positives and the amount of success and no reactions in comparison and reminding myself the small amount it is in reality.

But odds or not, it's different this time around. But with a few trips I have in mind and one being with my Dad who is 84, I decided to get it.

I fully support folks not choosing to get it for their own reasons and for the many that just cannot get it. I could go all day with the non-trust against the CDC, NIH, Fauci and so many more, and all of the abuses and lies.

04-29-2021, 07:31 PM
So the tooth is finally gone!!

Gave me the nitrous until I was seeing things, then put the stopper thing in my arm into the vein. I asked him if that was where the good stuff is going to go, and he said it already went! He put it in and injected quickly. Literally the last thing I remember. Felt like seconds later and some girl was talking to me waking me. I asked her how long it's been and she said she didn't know. Turned out it was about 40mins that went by. THAT stuff whatever he used is what I want to get any dental work done! This place was great! They helped relax me with the nitrous and the needle was quick and painless and I woke up. Was in no pain of course and when it all wore off it was just a slight pinching pain and I have been taking Motrin.

He said it all went quite easy and he put the new bone material in there and now a follow-up next week. If all goes well and the bone reaches what they call "osseointegration", where it becomes part of your own bone now, they can then install a new implant in about 3 months. And then I'll be just as ugly! :laugh2:

05-03-2021, 08:25 PM
I'm not sure I would trust either of them, nor any procedures or equipment used there that isn't allowed in the USA. Usually for good reason. I know there are definitely some great docs out there from all fields, but I feel comfy right here in the good 'ol USA, paying an arm and a leg and giving them my first born. He's 20 years old now, so had to break the news to the kiddo. :laugh:

You can send them my first born. :eek:

Clark Howard (https://clark.com/insurance/how-to-decide-if-medial-tourism-is-a-viable/) has talked about medical tourism but I'm sure I'd have to do some research first before I'd be comfortable with it.

05-04-2021, 12:34 PM
You can send them my first born. :eek:

Clark Howard (https://clark.com/insurance/how-to-decide-if-medial-tourism-is-a-viable/) has talked about medical tourism but I'm sure I'd have to do some research first before I'd be comfortable with it.

The first thing that always scares me are procedures that they rave about in such locations that aren't allowed in the US, which of course makes you wonder why. But then you have to add in travel and lodging costs depending on where you are going. And when talking implants, there will almost always be multiple visits, if not 3-4. Any more than one round trip has got to start killing the reason for going.

Then again, ok, prepare to send your kid! Maybe he can account for a tooth implant or 2!! :thumb: :coffee:

05-07-2021, 06:56 PM
Well, today was the day and the tooth still resides in my mouth. :(

I should have known better but I had 2 cups of coffee and just a tad of milk. I've done this before and skirted the rules. But when they asked today I said I had nothing, but then I read on the 'net what could happen if you have milk in your belly and get anesthesia. They offer plain shot, laughing gas or main vein the good stuff - of course which you must do for my coward ass. So I backed out and it's now set for 10am tomorrow for sure, and is coming out for sure.

But then he's also adding bone into the socket when done and letting it heal, then down the road I can get an implant. Good bone helps prevent the teeth from moving as a result of the removal.

Then the fun part - the bill!

Last extraction I had done was like $350 for the anesthesia and $300 for the extraction. Sucks, but the end of the pain.

But noooooo. Now it's an extra....

Bone replacement graft - $560
Guided tissue regeneration - resorb - $750
Extraction of erupted tooth - Only $150!
Deep sedation for (3) 15 min intervals at $69 apiece
Xrays - $100

Then consultation and I guess maybe fees/taxes or whatever - and they said that my insurance was kind enough to cover $526 of the total cost - and my remaining payment if $1,951 :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Damn, should have planned on dentures instead of implants. And still may some day, but just implants for missing right now. And costly. :coffee:

My wife got her dental implants in her native Brazil. One quarter the cost and excellent work.