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04-26-2021, 01:49 PM
I was feeling a tad upbeat after reading Tyler Perry's comments at Oscars. I certainly wasn't watching. LOL! Now a bit more to feel better than depressed:


Tulsi Gabbard slams 'divisive' racialization: 'We are all children of God' ...

04-26-2021, 02:34 PM
Excellent speech he gave! I didn't even know if it until reading your post, so looked it up and watched.

"Refuse Hate"

He refuses to hate a mexican, black, white, asian, police officer, homeless....

Easier said than done, but if folks would take that to heart and lower the shields of racism and hatred, even just some, the country would be so much better for it. But the name of the game right now is the build separation and division & racism - and so much directly from our politicians and media.


04-26-2021, 06:30 PM
Tulsi saying prisim of racially, I agree.

04-27-2021, 09:12 AM
I truly like that woman. That human. Her policy ideals aren't always good, but she seems principled and open-minded.

04-27-2021, 09:51 AM
I truly like that woman. That human. Her policy ideals aren't always good, but she seems principled and open-minded.

Indeed. Sor of her stuff is left moderate some move towards the right. She strikes me too as principled and that is something I care about.

04-27-2021, 08:07 PM
I remember stating that I would vote for her in the primaries if I was a Democrat. I really liked her after she took Harris down. Don't agree with all her policies but felt she was approachable.

05-01-2021, 02:23 PM
It's too soon to be optimistic, but signs of hope. The above examples are a beginning, as were the letters from parent(s) from some NYC schools regarding teaching their kids to hate what they were born with.

Now this, another example:


05-02-2021, 02:54 PM
I disagree that someone must use "gentleness" in addition to respect when standing up for beliefs. Absolutely one should always respect the person they are speaking with and keep things to open minds. But having to be gentle, about things like the police, or maybe constitutional rights, should be a thing of common sense. But the actions of a few are being used and abused for an agenda... and the desire to take away rights instead of fixing problems.

05-03-2021, 02:02 AM
I disagree that someone must use "gentleness" in addition to respect when standing up for beliefs. Absolutely one should always respect the person they are speaking with and keep things to open minds. But having to be gentle, about things like the police, or maybe constitutional rights, should be a thing of common sense. But the actions of a few are being used and abused for an agenda... and the desire to take away rights instead of fixing problems.
No one can make another be civil or gentle. The contempt.so many on each side for the other though is why there is the cancel culture and calls for civil war. Each believes to disagree with their thoughts is evil. Thus no discussions.

05-03-2021, 08:31 AM
No one can make another be civil or gentle. The contempt.so many on each side for the other though is why there is the cancel culture and calls for civil war. Each believes to disagree with their thoughts is evil. Thus no discussions.

I'm all for discussion. And always polite and try to always listen. If you don't listen, you don't know where they stand, and then impossible to understand and perhaps change their mind. But both sides cannot dig in, refuse to hear the other side and then never compromise.

There are some things that cannot be compromised and no amount of talking will change that. For example, with me, the 1st and 2nd amendments. Just don't bother as I know I will never be changing. I can and will still listen, but my arguments and position will never change. For me, that's like the right to breath air, the right to exist, the right to our liberty and freedom. Imagine someone saying ever that folks should all go back to slavery and freedom is overrated. I don't think I'll be entertaining much of that argument and not sure how long I would last before the gentleness went out the window.

But in today's age, part of the entire problem is refusal to be civil, the contempt, the refusal to talk and compromise. Direct to cancelation instead of any talking or compromise. Each side is that evil never to be compromised with. Well, I believe one side is worse than the other, but both guilty of course. ( I think one is much worse :) )

BUT - our country will only succeed and only advance - if they talk and compromise and do the best for ALL constituents. And how? Some things cannot be compromised, and liberals probably have a few too. But how about the 99% of the rest of the stuff? It all then becomes unable to compromise on that as well - and that's where I feel things must change. Just ignore and block out things you will never compromise on and move to the next then.

But I will still never compromise the major beliefs that I feel make me the best person I am, the beliefs that I think make America the greatest country on earth. There will always be fighting as a result of those things that cannot be compromised, but they MUST learn how to do so with the rest. Our county kinda depends on it. And some extraordinary gentlemen, around 245 years ago or so, left us the blueprint that seems to have been long since lost. :(

05-03-2021, 09:36 AM
I'm all for discussion. And always polite and try to always listen. If you don't listen, you don't know where they stand, and then impossible to understand and perhaps change their mind. But both sides cannot dig in, refuse to hear the other side and then never compromise.

There are some things that cannot be compromised and no amount of talking will change that. For example, with me, the 1st and 2nd amendments. Just don't bother as I know I will never be changing. I can and will still listen, but my arguments and position will never change. For me, that's like the right to breath air, the right to exist, the right to our liberty and freedom. Imagine someone saying ever that folks should all go back to slavery and freedom is overrated. I don't think I'll be entertaining much of that argument and not sure how long I would last before the gentleness went out the window.

But in today's age, part of the entire problem is refusal to be civil, the contempt, the refusal to talk and compromise. Direct to cancelation instead of any talking or compromise. Each side is that evil never to be compromised with. Well, I believe one side is worse than the other, but both guilty of course. ( I think one is much worse :) )

BUT - our country will only succeed and only advance - if they talk and compromise and do the best for ALL constituents. And how? Some things cannot be compromised, and liberals probably have a few too. But how about the 99% of the rest of the stuff? It all then becomes unable to compromise on that as well - and that's where I feel things must change. Just ignore and block out things you will never compromise on and move to the next then.

But I will still never compromise the major beliefs that I feel make me the best person I am, the beliefs that I think make America the greatest country on earth. There will always be fighting as a result of those things that cannot be compromised, but they MUST learn how to do so with the rest. Our county kinda depends on it. And some extraordinary gentlemen, around 245 years ago or so, left us the blueprint that seems to have been long since lost. :(

I agree with all. I do stand by my principles, I can respect others differences, without compromise, without rancor. We don't have to agree to talk.

05-03-2021, 02:33 PM
I agree with all. I do stand by my principles, I can respect others differences, without compromise, without rancor. We don't have to agree to talk.

I will very rarely be aggressive with folks, whether online or in real life. I am never afraid to voice my stances. And believe it or not, quite a few of them have changed over the years, or altered some, and some I'd be willing to come to a compromise with, perhaps to get the other side to compromise on something else as well.

If I should have that stance that I know will never change, like that right to freedom of speech, and someone no longer likes it and wants to get rid of it or alter it, and requests to discuss. Still not remotely aggressive, but I would quite clearly express where I stand and offer up to move one to different agendas and perhaps revisit. That's where the issues then rise - as many will then start continuing at me, or trying to convince me otherwise and aggressively in the remotest way, or raise voices... they may get a very firm 'not happening, let's move on' warning or not, depending on history. But if aggression exists or then starts - a piece of my mind may accidentally fall out in the form of verbal punches and an overwhelming desire to give that person a roundhouse kick to the face quickly followed up by a rear naked choke hold. That will often sound like "fu** off". As for anything physical, wouldn't happen as I would always walk away from stupidity after my initial directions to them on how to go to sleep. :laugh:

Almost 99% of all of my political discussions take place online or within my 4 walls. :) I rarely take it elsewhere unless someone shoves it down my throat somewhere. And online, kinda the same. Try to always start respectfully and polite, and will do my best to remain even just sarcastic should someone not like the politeness and aren't quite respectful themselves. And if they have an agenda and are simply fighters or whatever, I don't mind diving into the mud pit online sometimes and trying to get folks to eat some of that mud. But that is entirely up to the person speaking to me, they dictate the type of response they will get. You get what you give.