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View Full Version : Trump and new Social Media website

05-05-2021, 12:59 PM
Has now become a "new communications" website where he can get his own messages out there to followers.

Big deal. Nice to have an organized place for supporters to read... but what about the rest of us? We that don't want FB anymore or their shenanigans as well as Twitter and the rest of the leftist organizations.

Someone that has a strong vision of the anti-leftist sites and not censoring and not banning all righties, and not using built in algorithms to find and warn/shadow ban/delete or whatever to things they dislike.... all that is needed to mainly start a new site. And as it grows of course applying like minded individuals to help with that vision. And such a person must also qualify in the $$ department to get started, as a simple site opening ain't gonna cut it. It needs to be quite large, and the software developed to expand with massive growth. Servers used will need to be great and quite expensive to begin with if expecting a large opening. And as it expands with the growth, more and more servers and mirrors will be necessary to handle the influx and non-stop usage. Not an easy task, but in theory not all that hard either. Then, if aiming for righties alone, one can prepare for a fair amount and run accordingly to such plans. And if aiming for all and expanding, even more. But if doing so then one must understand that they will then be in direct competition by the big dogs - who will then eat you alive and spit you out. Unless you're a rather large player yourself, or have a great plan laid out and insulate appropriately and ignore them and move forward.

So in other words, likely not happening. :laugh:

05-05-2021, 01:46 PM
Has now become a "new communications" website where he can get his own messages out there to followers.

Big deal. Nice to have an organized place for supporters to read... but what about the rest of us? We that don't want FB anymore or their shenanigans as well as Twitter and the rest of the leftist organizations.

Someone that has a strong vision of the anti-leftist sites and not censoring and not banning all righties, and not using built in algorithms to find and warn/shadow ban/delete or whatever to things they dislike.... all that is needed to mainly start a new site. And as it grows of course applying like minded individuals to help with that vision. And such a person must also qualify in the $$ department to get started, as a simple site opening ain't gonna cut it. It needs to be quite large, and the software developed to expand with massive growth. Servers used will need to be great and quite expensive to begin with if expecting a large opening. And as it expands with the growth, more and more servers and mirrors will be necessary to handle the influx and non-stop usage. Not an easy task, but in theory not all that hard either. Then, if aiming for righties alone, one can prepare for a fair amount and run accordingly to such plans. And if aiming for all and expanding, even more. But if doing so then one must understand that they will then be in direct competition by the big dogs - who will then eat you alive and spit you out. Unless you're a rather large player yourself, or have a great plan laid out and insulate appropriately and ignore them and move forward.

So in other words, likely not happening. :laugh:I'm not for supporting Trump going forward as any kind of a "win" tactic/strategy. Trump should have supported himself the last year of his Presidency and he would likely have won reelection.

05-05-2021, 09:59 PM
Has now become a "new communications" website where he can get his own messages out there to followers.

Big deal. Nice to have an organized place for supporters to read... but what about the rest of us? We that don't want FB anymore or their shenanigans as well as Twitter and the rest of the leftist organizations.

Someone that has a strong vision of the anti-leftist sites and not censoring and not banning all righties, and not using built in algorithms to find and warn/shadow ban/delete or whatever to things they dislike.... all that is needed to mainly start a new site. And as it grows of course applying like minded individuals to help with that vision. And such a person must also qualify in the $$ department to get started, as a simple site opening ain't gonna cut it. It needs to be quite large, and the software developed to expand with massive growth. Servers used will need to be great and quite expensive to begin with if expecting a large opening. And as it expands with the growth, more and more servers and mirrors will be necessary to handle the influx and non-stop usage. Not an easy task, but in theory not all that hard either. Then, if aiming for righties alone, one can prepare for a fair amount and run accordingly to such plans. And if aiming for all and expanding, even more. But if doing so then one must understand that they will then be in direct competition by the big dogs - who will then eat you alive and spit you out. Unless you're a rather large player yourself, or have a great plan laid out and insulate appropriately and ignore them and move forward.

So in other words, likely not happening. :laugh:

Already happened at GAB. They don't sell your info, have their own servers, mostly conservatives.

05-05-2021, 10:01 PM
I'm not for supporting Trump going forward as any kind of a "win" tactic/strategy. Trump should have supported himself the last year of his Presidency and he would likely have won reelection.

I won't be visiting his site. They want donations to proceed. Google and Facebook will be able to track your info at his site. He also has button to post his stuff to FB and Twitter.

05-06-2021, 11:08 AM
I won't be visiting his site. They want donations to proceed. Google and Facebook will be able to track your info at his site. He also has button to post his stuff to FB and Twitter.

Agree. This isn't a Trump thing to me; although, IMO, future support for him is a lost cause wasting valuable ti.e, attention and resources.

It's more about not pigeonholing myself without good cause. When I go out on a limb, I'm bringing a battleaxe with.

05-06-2021, 11:37 AM
I'm not for supporting Trump going forward as any kind of a "win" tactic/strategy. Trump should have supported himself the last year of his Presidency and he would likely have won reelection.

Same here, I said it wasn't a good idea to run for any office again. I like him and still like to watch him or see him support the party or others, but I think his time has come and went.

Already happened at GAB. They don't sell your info, have their own servers, mostly conservatives.

They did get hacked awhile back though, and whatever password you had - change it there and elsewhere!! That's how they got the info to get my FB and then Instagram, which unfortunately for me used the same password as Gab. They were specifically attacked, so while they need better security, you can't blame them too awfully much. Other than that, no issues with them! Just telling ya in case you have the same password in use elsewhere or still at Gab since that hack. The details they stole were shared on the so called black web. :(

I won't be visiting his site. They want donations to proceed. Google and Facebook will be able to track your info at his site. He also has button to post his stuff to FB and Twitter.

Ain't getting jack shit from me, whether that be money or tracking info. If anyone should visit a site in which they are worried about cookies tracking and such - open said site using an incognito session!! I do that with a lot of sites. But I'm not joining no lists and ain't divulging anything for awhile. That FB crap pissed me off, and I had mainly stopped even going there!

05-06-2021, 01:35 PM
Same here, I said it wasn't a good idea to run for any office again. I like him and still like to watch him or see him support the party or others, but I think his time has come and went.

They did get hacked awhile back though, and whatever password you had - change it there and elsewhere!! That's how they got the info to get my FB and then Instagram, which unfortunately for me used the same password as Gab. They were specifically attacked, so while they need better security, you can't blame them too awfully much. Other than that, no issues with them! Just telling ya in case you have the same password in use elsewhere or still at Gab since that hack. The details they stole were shared on the so called black web. :(

Ain't getting jack shit from me, whether that be money or tracking info. If anyone should visit a site in which they are worried about cookies tracking and such - open said site using an incognito session!! I do that with a lot of sites. But I'm not joining no lists and ain't divulging anything for awhile. That FB crap pissed me off, and I had mainly stopped even going there!

I never use same password at different sites. Also, changed password at GAB twice a week for about 3 weeks just in case. Haven't had any problems in last couple of months. Now the leftist are deploying people to troll the site. I think the powers to be are trying to destroy GAB through the media.

05-06-2021, 03:12 PM
I am convinced Trump is still playing with the heads of all of his Hater's, and supporters too!
I'll bet he has NO INTENTION of running again. But Look at all of the ATTENTION he's getting...just being around to harrass, and drive all of his enemies Completely NUTS.

As long as Most of the Intended (IMO) attention is directed at him. Look at the effects it is having on the FEAR FACTOR of the Dems. Trying to Pack the SCOTUS, and Change everything to PREVENT Trump from trying to regain the White House.

And...IT'S WORKING! Remember? He's a Master of Surprises, And Tricks most of the Dems taught Him when he was a Democrat. So he's happily using their TECHNIQUES against them, and with "TDS"....Endlessly invading their Tiny, Hate-filled, Empty minds. HE'S WINNING, even if he's NOT AROUND.
So. That's my take. (Finally)...Remember..there are many other YOUNGER people we all would like to see taking all the Power from the DEMS.
Donald will just be the CIRCUS....RING MASTER!

05-08-2021, 09:09 AM
I won't be visiting his site. They want donations to proceed. Google and Facebook will be able to track your info at his site. He also has button to post his stuff to FB and Twitter.

Glad to see somebody else who is intolerant of paywalls and accounts, and glad to see somebody who is taking steps to shield herself from google. I use duckduckgo, a vpn, and I use URLs instead of apps whenever I can.

I have read the new site without paying or setting up an account. As much as I support him, I was less than impressed with his platform. You aren't missing much. Any time Trump makes statements, I have found them elsewhere on the internet anyway.

What is good about his site is that it sets a trap for the big speech suppressing social media sites. People who link anything good about Trump to big tech will experience inappropriate censorship, as well as inevitable bans, which will potentially decrease the numbers of big tech customers.