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05-07-2021, 04:04 AM
Watching this video takes my anxiety to the next level. Now they are going to purge Patriots from the military. I had a hard lump in my throat right now.


05-07-2021, 10:22 AM
Watching this video takes my anxiety to the next level. Now they are going to purge Patriots from the military. I had a hard lump in my throat right now.


Call me an ultra mega patriot extremist then. I hope all these unpatriotic, extrmist, revisionist leftist choke and die to the last person.

05-07-2021, 01:52 PM
Watching this video takes my anxiety to the next level. Now they are going to purge Patriots from the military. I had a hard lump in my throat right now.


I've mentioned this type of things for decades now. I 1st saw this after Ruby Ridge, then again after WACO, OKC bombing, and then ramped up to the extreme by the left and the right after 911. How the gov't would and does label various groups of Americans (including military) as "extremist" or "terrorist". (I'm sure i've mentioned here at some point that one gov't agency wrote that people with "Ron Paul" bumper stickers or "pocket constitutions" should be considered "extremist")
AND how the laws and regs have been/are remade to "cancel" and/or trap those that don't abide by the establishment standards.

So I'm with him until he gets to the 6:10 mark in the video where he starts going into misleading denials.
He says (paraphased)
" See this isn't about white supremacy or white nationalism, those views and tattoos have been banned in them military for a long time. thats not what's going on. If I had someone like that in my infinity platoon I could and would kick them out. I'd have the duty. But i didn't have to because it wasn't an issue.

Then he quotes some leaders from various parts of the Military.
"...Extremist in my group are Zero..."
"...or they hide it very well..."
"...that number is ZERO or close to zero..."

Ok, Sorry. wrong.
It's one thing to factual make the case that the gov't is AGAIN "casting the net far too wide" but it's another to say that "there are NO fish like that in the lake".
Especially when there have been official reports of white supremacist Neo-Nazis and KKK in the military since the 1980s. (long before as well BTW)
And reports of them getting into the military much easier after 911.

Inside the U.S. military's battle with white supremacy and far-right extremism
"...The vast majority of our military does not support such fringe ideas. But it also is not unaware of the problem. A recent survey conducted by Military Times reported that 22 percent of service personnel had seen signs of white nationalism or racist ideology (https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/02/28/white-nationalism-remains-a-problem-for-the-military-poll-shows/) within the armed forces. This was the same as the results from a similar survey conducted in the aftermath of the 2017 clash between white supremacists and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia...."


The military knows it has a problem with domestic extremists, white supremacists
At the same time, the Defense Department is in the midst of a review of all of its policies on extremist activity, a senior defense official told reporters Thursday.
“We clearly recognize the threat from domestic extremists, particularly those who espouse white supremacist or white nationalist ideologies,” the official said. “We are actively involved in always trying to improve our understanding of where the threat is coming from as a means of understanding and taking action.”
The official pointed to studies on domestic terrorism, which have found that “between 2001 and today right-wing extremists are responsible for more deaths in this country than any other extremist group,” the official said.
Many of those are based on both data and public statements from the FBI.

In 2009, the Department of Homeland Security released a report highlighting the threat of far-right groups recruiting veterans. Ten years later, it's still relevant.

US marines in fresh controversy over sniper team photo with Nazi SS flag

FBI 2008 unclassified doc
"White Supremacist Recruitment of Military Personnel Since 9/11,"
https://documents.law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/White%20Supremacist%20Recruitment%20of%20Military% 20Personnel%20Since%209-11-ocr.pdf

Neo-Nazis are in the Army now (article from 2009)
"...Why the U.S. military is ignoring its own regulations and permitting white supremacists to join its ranks.

...Hunter Glass was a paratrooper in the 1980s and became a gang cop in 1999 in Fayetteville, North Carolina, near Fort Bragg. "In the early 1990s, the military was hard on them. They could pick and choose," he recalls. "They were looking for swastikas. They were looking for anything." But the regulations on racist extremists got jettisoned with the war on terror.

Glass says white supremacists now enjoy an open culture of impunity in the armed forces. "We're seeing guys with tattoos all the time," he says. "As far as hunting them down, I don't see it. I'm seeing the opposite, where if a white supremacist has committed a crime, the military stance will be, 'He didn't commit a race-related crime.'"

In fact, a 2006 report by the Army's Criminal Investigation Command shows that military brass consistently ignored evidence of extremism. One case, at Fort Hood, reveals that a soldier was making Internet postings on the white supremacist site Stormfront.org. But the investigator was unable to locate the soldier in question. In a brief summary of the case, an investigator writes that due to "poor documentation," "attempts to locate with minimal information met with negative results." "I'm not doing my job here," the investigator notes. "Needs to get fixed."

In another case, investigators found that a Fort Hood soldier belonged to the neo-Nazi group Hammerskins and was "closely associated with" the Celtic Knights of Austin, Texas, another extremist organization, a situation bad enough to merit a joint investigation by the FBI and the Army's Criminal Investigation Command. The Army summary states that there was "probable cause" to believe the soldier had participated in at least one white extremist meeting and had "provided a military technical manual … to the leader of a white extremist group in order to assist in the planning and execution of future attacks on various targets."

Our of four preliminary probes into white supremacists, the Criminal Investigation Command carried through on only this one. The probe revealed that "a larger single attack was planned for the San Antonio, TX after a considerable amount of media attention was given to illegal immigrants. The attack was not completed due to the inability of the organization to obtain explosives." Despite these threats, the subject was interviewed only once, in 2006, and the investigation was terminated the following year..."

SO I'm glad the Guy in the Video didn't have any Neo-Nazi White supremacist in his platoon. and that the military officially and, at times, actually kicks out those who are. But he shouldn't try to make the case better than it actually is. His credibility or knowledge comes into question at that point.

Also it did not
"start under Obama..."
Been going on since Ruby Ridge WACO and OKC bombing... Clinton. Expanded exponentially after 911 under Bush... all the new unconstitutional but "legal" anti-terror powers now can be applied to "patriots"... otherwise known as U.S. citizens.

thanks Obama? Nope thanks BushJr and all his fans.

05-07-2021, 02:54 PM
Been in the military, rev? No?

I can tell from 20 years as a military dependent plus 21 active duty that racism is not tolerated and punishable under the UCMJ. I would not have tolerated it and didn't know anyone that would.

Does that mean there are no racists or political extremists in the military? That's like saying there are none at Walmart. Can't control what people do on their own time or think.

Which is exactly what this idiot at SecDef is talking. What he is stating is unamerican and unconstitutional. Thought police. You prefer to cite info from the same people you want to criticize.

05-07-2021, 02:58 PM
Since the Clinton years. Our military has been weakened INTENTIONALLY by special interests, bureaucrats who are NOT elected who lead crooked politicians (that include the Flag ranks in the Pentagon) where politics is played just as heavily as in the Congress.

I know from personal experience...working around them, hearing them, reading their communications, seeing who they pretended to CLING to politically, and how they pretended to react when they were supposed to appear NON-political while WINKING, PATTING EACH OTHER ON THE BACK, and getting the results they wanted.

Yes. I worked in the HEADQUARTERS of the (at the time) COM2NDFLT Commander of the SECOND FLEET in Norfolk Va. for 3 years before the First Gulf War.
They had this idea left over from the NIXON era called "PLAUSABLE DENIABILITY"
( Plausible deniability is the ability of people, typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command, to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others in an organizational hierarchy because of a lack or absence of evidence that can confirm their participation, even if they were personally involved in or at least willfully ignorant of the actions. If illegal or otherwise-disreputable and unpopular activities become public, high-ranking officials may deny any awareness of such acts to insulate themselves and shift the blame onto the agents who carried out the acts, as they are confident that their doubters will be unable to prove otherwise. The lack of evidence to the contrary ostensibly makes the denial plausible (credible), but sometimes, it makes the denial only unactionable.

The term typically implies forethought, such as intentionally setting up the conditions for the plausible avoidance of responsibility for one's future actions or knowledge. In some organizations, legal doctrines such as command responsibility exist to hold major parties responsible for the actions of subordinates who are involved in heinous acts and nullify any legal protection that their denial of involvement would carry.)

and they used it like we all use our phones today to speak with relatives, and friends.

In other words. As long as the SOCIALISTS are in charge (also in the Pentagon). CHINA, RUSSIA, IRAN, and N. KOREA are having a ball with no restrictions on anything because they know the reality....just as our Military knows the reality. WE HAVE NO PRESIDENT.

05-08-2021, 11:33 AM
I've mentioned this type of things for decades now. I 1st saw this after Ruby Ridge, then again after WACO, OKC bombing, and then ramped up to the extreme by the left and the right after 911. How the gov't would and does label various groups of Americans (including military) as "extremist" or "terrorist". (I'm sure i've mentioned here at some point that one gov't agency wrote that people with "Ron Paul" bumper stickers or "pocket constitutions" should be considered "extremist")
AND how the laws and regs have been/are remade to "cancel" and/or trap those that don't abide by the establishment standards.

So I'm with him until he gets to the 6:10 mark in the video where he starts going into misleading denials.
He says (paraphased)
" See this isn't about white supremacy or white nationalism, those views and tattoos have been banned in them military for a long time. thats not what's going on. If I had someone like that in my infinity platoon I could and would kick them out. I'd have the duty. But i didn't have to because it wasn't an issue.

Then he quotes some leaders from various parts of the Military.
"...Extremist in my group are Zero..."
"...or they hide it very well..."
"...that number is ZERO or close to zero..."

Ok, Sorry. wrong.
It's one thing to factual make the case that the gov't is AGAIN "casting the net far too wide" but it's another to say that "there are NO fish like that in the lake".
Especially when there have been official reports of white supremacist Neo-Nazis and KKK in the military since the 1980s. (long before as well BTW)
And reports of them getting into the military much easier after 911.

Inside the U.S. military's battle with white supremacy and far-right extremism
"...The vast majority of our military does not support such fringe ideas. But it also is not unaware of the problem. A recent survey conducted by Military Times reported that 22 percent of service personnel had seen signs of white nationalism or racist ideology (https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/02/28/white-nationalism-remains-a-problem-for-the-military-poll-shows/) within the armed forces. This was the same as the results from a similar survey conducted in the aftermath of the 2017 clash between white supremacists and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia...."


The military knows it has a problem with domestic extremists, white supremacists
At the same time, the Defense Department is in the midst of a review of all of its policies on extremist activity, a senior defense official told reporters Thursday.
“We clearly recognize the threat from domestic extremists, particularly those who espouse white supremacist or white nationalist ideologies,” the official said. “We are actively involved in always trying to improve our understanding of where the threat is coming from as a means of understanding and taking action.”
The official pointed to studies on domestic terrorism, which have found that “between 2001 and today right-wing extremists are responsible for more deaths in this country than any other extremist group,” the official said.
Many of those are based on both data and public statements from the FBI.

In 2009, the Department of Homeland Security released a report highlighting the threat of far-right groups recruiting veterans. Ten years later, it's still relevant.

US marines in fresh controversy over sniper team photo with Nazi SS flag

FBI 2008 unclassified doc
"White Supremacist Recruitment of Military Personnel Since 9/11,"
https://documents.law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/White%20Supremacist%20Recruitment%20of%20Military% 20Personnel%20Since%209-11-ocr.pdf

Neo-Nazis are in the Army now (article from 2009)
"...Why the U.S. military is ignoring its own regulations and permitting white supremacists to join its ranks.

...Hunter Glass was a paratrooper in the 1980s and became a gang cop in 1999 in Fayetteville, North Carolina, near Fort Bragg. "In the early 1990s, the military was hard on them. They could pick and choose," he recalls. "They were looking for swastikas. They were looking for anything." But the regulations on racist extremists got jettisoned with the war on terror.

Glass says white supremacists now enjoy an open culture of impunity in the armed forces. "We're seeing guys with tattoos all the time," he says. "As far as hunting them down, I don't see it. I'm seeing the opposite, where if a white supremacist has committed a crime, the military stance will be, 'He didn't commit a race-related crime.'"

In fact, a 2006 report by the Army's Criminal Investigation Command shows that military brass consistently ignored evidence of extremism. One case, at Fort Hood, reveals that a soldier was making Internet postings on the white supremacist site Stormfront.org. But the investigator was unable to locate the soldier in question. In a brief summary of the case, an investigator writes that due to "poor documentation," "attempts to locate with minimal information met with negative results." "I'm not doing my job here," the investigator notes. "Needs to get fixed."

In another case, investigators found that a Fort Hood soldier belonged to the neo-Nazi group Hammerskins and was "closely associated with" the Celtic Knights of Austin, Texas, another extremist organization, a situation bad enough to merit a joint investigation by the FBI and the Army's Criminal Investigation Command. The Army summary states that there was "probable cause" to believe the soldier had participated in at least one white extremist meeting and had "provided a military technical manual … to the leader of a white extremist group in order to assist in the planning and execution of future attacks on various targets."

Our of four preliminary probes into white supremacists, the Criminal Investigation Command carried through on only this one. The probe revealed that "a larger single attack was planned for the San Antonio, TX after a considerable amount of media attention was given to illegal immigrants. The attack was not completed due to the inability of the organization to obtain explosives." Despite these threats, the subject was interviewed only once, in 2006, and the investigation was terminated the following year..."

SO I'm glad the Guy in the Video didn't have any Neo-Nazi White supremacist in his platoon. and that the military officially and, at times, actually kicks out those who are. But he shouldn't try to make the case better than it actually is. His credibility or knowledge comes into question at that point.

Also it did not
"start under Obama..."
Been going on since Ruby Ridge WACO and OKC bombing... Clinton. Expanded exponentially after 911 under Bush... all the new unconstitutional but "legal" anti-terror powers now can be applied to "patriots"... otherwise known as U.S. citizens.

thanks Obama? Nope thanks BushJr and all his fans.

Every source of information you provided above is a KNOWN Liberal, Anti-Conservative, Democrat controlled base of falsehoods.
And before you stop me with "MILITARYTIMES"...Yes...that is a known Liberal Source even the Military does not sanction as anything HONEST.
You dug up every typical LIBERAL, FABRICATED source you could to prove NO POINT AT ALL except...How much you also Hate, and pretend to be such a Servant of a GOD you show so much disrespect for in your DOUBLE-TONGUE...from the sponsors of BLM.

05-10-2021, 03:15 PM
Let's get back to what this is about. An obvious traitor to the Oath he took to the U.S. Constitution is announcing open season on military personnel to include vets if they don't subscribe to what the US Government decrees they are allowed to think, say and/or associate with.

Selling out for political appointment and favor. A disgrace to the uniform and he can take his 1619 bullshit, roll it up tight and go fuck himself with it