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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-07-2021, 06:37 AM

Rep. Liz Cheney could lose GOP leadership role over her criticism of Trump. What does that mean?
Jeanine Santucci, USA TODAY 2 hrs ago

WASHINGTON – Rep. Liz Cheney, the House Republican Conference chair from Wyoming, is in hot water with her party. Her refusal to accept former President Donald Trump's false claims the 2020 election was stolen is angering her Republican colleagues and putting her leadership role at risk.

a woman wearing a costume: Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., attends a press conference following a House Republican caucus meeting on Capitol Hill on April 14, 2021 in Washington.© Drew Angerer, Getty Images Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., attends a press conference following a House Republican caucus meeting on Capitol Hill on April 14, 2021 in Washington.
Major party leaders are dissatisfied with her. Trump and No. 2 House Republican Rep. Steve Scalise want her replaced with Rep. Elise Stefanik, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said House Republicans told him they're worried about her "ability to carry out the job."

If Cheney loses her position as the third-ranking House Republican, it would cause more than just a major shakeup in GOP congressional leadership – it would further signal the party’s interest in keeping Trump and his wing of the GOP front and center as they try to flip Democratic control of Congress and push against President Joe Biden.

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Cheney herself cast it in more stark terms, writing a blistering Washington Post editorial Wednesday in which she framed the Republican Party as "at a turning point" in whether it will choose "truth and fidelity to the Constitution" or the "cult of personality" of Trump.

Liz Cheney: Trump, No. 2 House Republican Steve Scalise throw support behind Elise Stefanik for Liz Cheney's leadership post

The Republican caucus was expected to meet Wednesday behind closed doors, though Scalise spokeswoman Lauren Fine said no formal vote or discussion on Cheney's future has been announced.

But the wave of criticism has drawn out support for Stefanik, a pro-Trump Republican who gained wide recognition over her staunch support of the former president during his first impeachment.

On Wednesday, Scalise became the first in Republican leadership to publicly call for Cheney’s removal and endorse Stefanik to replace her. Trump endorsed Stefanik as well in a statement Wednesday.

Cheney has repeatedly said the Republican Party needs to move on from its association with Trump, but the pushback she faces means the party isn’t ready to do that, said Bryan Gervais, associate professor of political science at the University of Texas at San Antonio and author of “Reactionary Republicanism: How the Tea Party in the House Paved the Way for Trump’s Victory.” The pressure to replace Cheney is some of the strongest evidence yet of Trump’s hold on congressional Republicans, he said.

"I was always skeptical that the party would quickly try to break away from Trump and his image, and this is sort of what we’re seeing right now," Gervais said. "For the time being, it’s still Trump’s party, and Republican elites have made the call that sticking close to Trump is the best bet for retaking Congress."

Ad 00:14 - up next "Five facts to know about Republican Rep. Liz Cheney"
Five facts to know about Republican Rep. Liz Cheney
Cheney is one of 10 Republicans in the House who voted to impeach Trump the second time after he was accused of inciting the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. Since then, she has repeatedly pushed back on “the big lie” that widespread election fraud was the cause of Trump's election loss.

“The 2020 presidential election was not stolen. Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system,” Cheney tweeted this week in response to a Trump statement in which he again said the election was “fraudulent.”

Election integrity is now a "cover for the 'stop the steal' movement" that Republicans will look to as a midterm election issue, according to former Rep. Denver Riggleman, R-Va., chief strategist for the Network Contagion Research Institute, which tracks and exposes misinformation on social media.

Who is Liz Cheney? House Republicans' No. 3, daughter of a VP, Trump critic

The 2022 midterms are expected to be a massive test of whether Trump's sway translates to electoral wins. Democrats hold just slight advantages in the House and Senate, and Republicans are pushing to win them back to counter Biden's agenda.

Riggleman said Republican leaders have solidified their 2022 mes................

Hell no. The correct move would be to kick her completely out of the Republican party.
Let her join the opposition party since that is where her loyalties lies.
She is nothing but a damn certified traitor.
Daughter of a VP- WHO THE FF CARES.--Tyr
A liar, and a self-serving turncoat, imho-- --Tyr

05-07-2021, 11:24 AM
There's nothing goog about this for conservatives nor the GOP, regardless outcome.

05-07-2021, 01:36 PM
There's nothing goog about this for conservatives nor the GOP, regardless outcome.
You're looking at the big picture, just so passe.

You're just supposed to hear the call and follow. We call those on the other side that do this lemmings or sheep, but on the right they call themselves patriots.

It's both sides that are changing definitions.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-07-2021, 01:58 PM
You're looking at the big picture, just so passe.

You're just supposed to hear the call and follow. We call those on the other side that do this lemmings or sheep, but on the right they call themselves patriots.

It's both sides that are changing definitions.
A mighty big difference between those that simply--CALL- themselves patriots and those that truly are patriots.
Sad that some people can not tell the difference between the two, imho.
Of course truth is - some do not want to tell the difference when broad-blasting in order to vilify true patriots.
Some of us know exactly what we are and do not give a damn if others doubt it.
We state our beliefs and will defend such - come earthquakes, cannon fire, hell or highwater.
Can not get any more plain than that. -Tyr

05-07-2021, 02:20 PM
Hell no. The correct move would be to kick her completely out of the Republican party.
Let her join the opposition party since that is where her loyalties lies.
She is nothing but a damn certified traitor.
Daughter of a VP- WHO THE FF CARES.--Tyr
A liar, and a self-serving turncoat, imho-- --Tyr

If they throw her out, she looks like Churchill, and they look like petty little men. It will make the GOP look stupid and weak, like it can’t tolerate dissent. Republicans like to call for diversity of thought on college campuses, I've seen folks post here railing about it. What about in the GOP? Nope, too weak and myopic. They're not stripping her of her position because they think she’s wrong. They know she is right. They know Trump lost and Biden won. They just don’t want her to say it. They don’t want to antagonize constituents who believe the election was stolen because they are afraid to lose their seat. Why? Because no matter how pro-Trump they show themselves to be, there is always someone back in their district who’s Trumpier. They’re nervous and scared, they fear a primary challenge, and they know that should they acknowledge the truth, they're next for the inquisition. Cowards one and all.

Fact: Cheney supported Trump on policy issues, in many instances more often than those who want her gone, and absolutely more often than Elise Stefanik.

If anyone wonders why I left the Republican Party after spending most of my life proudly registered, it is because of what they have become. A sad shadow of what they used to be.

05-07-2021, 02:21 PM
Hell no. The correct move would be to kick her completely out of the Republican party.
Let her join the opposition party since that is where her loyalties lies.
She is nothing but a damn certified traitor.
Daughter of a VP- WHO THE FF CARES.--Tyr
A liar, and a self-serving turncoat, imho-- --Tyr

Purges rhyme with the left not the right. Besides they're apparently thinking about replacing Cheney with a Representative from NY. Cheney apparently voted almost completely with the trump agenda and the lady rep from NY apparently voted almost completely against it.

05-07-2021, 02:22 PM
If they throw her out, she looks like Churchill, and they look like petty little men. It will make the GOP look stupid and weak, like it can’t tolerate dissent. Republicans like to call for diversity of thought on college campuses, I've seen folks post here railing about it. What about in the GOP? Nope, too weak and myopic. They're not stripping her of her position because they think she’s wrong. They know she is right. They know Trump lost and Biden won. They just don’t want her to say it. They don’t want to antagonize constituents who believe the election was stolen because they are afraid to lose their seat. Why? Because no matter how pro-Trump they show themselves to be, there is always someone back in their district who’s Trumpier. They’re nervous and scared, they fear a primary challenge, and they know that should they acknowledge the truth, they're next for the inquisition. Cowards one and all.

Fact: Cheney supported Trump on policy issues, in many instances more often than those who want her gone, and absolutely more often than Elise Stefanik.

If anyone wonders why I left the Republican Party after spending most of my life proudly registered, it is because of what they have become. A sad shadow of what they used to be.

That was ridiculously well said.

05-07-2021, 02:33 PM
If they throw her out, she looks like Churchill, and they look like petty little men. It will make the GOP look stupid and weak, like it can’t tolerate dissent. Republicans like to call for diversity of thought on college campuses, I've seen folks post here railing about it. What about in the GOP? Nope, too weak and myopic. They're not stripping her of her position because they think she’s wrong. They know she is right. They know Trump lost and Biden won. They just don’t want her to say it. They don’t want to antagonize constituents who believe the election was stolen because they are afraid to lose their seat. Why? Because no matter how pro-Trump they show themselves to be, there is always someone back in their district who’s Trumpier. They’re nervous and scared, they fear a primary challenge, and they know that should they acknowledge the truth, they're next for the inquisition. Cowards one and all.

Fact: Cheney supported Trump on policy issues, in many instances more often than those who want her gone, and absolutely more often than Elise Stefanik.

If anyone wonders why I left the Republican Party after spending most of my life proudly registered, it is because of what they have become. A sad shadow of what they used to be.

Second this and what fj wrote.

It's become a party of bend the knee, has nothing to do with principles., much less policies.

05-07-2021, 02:47 PM
There are so few trusted Republicans left among all of the RINO's. It's almost like the Left Over R's of the Elites all became GELDINGS a long time ago.

We can all name the few Republicans we still trust, but the 'R' for most of them is just symbolic as they play the WAKA MOLE game of appeaseing Democrats who have controlled them for so long.

In other words. We all know and can name the FEW who have the COURAGE, while the others are pure Wussies who only care...like their Liberal Counterparts...for their careers, Power, and Control over a GROWING, INTELLECTUALLY STARVED Population.

05-07-2021, 03:11 PM
Case on point: Look what it's done and doing to just the people on this board. Every word measured by which friend/associate one is going to piss off.

Might as well plan on finding the next closest thing to a democracy and moving. Our nation is in peril of disappearing while the right is too busy infighting over one, OBE person.

05-07-2021, 03:16 PM
IMO, simply get past the Trump era & any negativity that may be in the air, deserved or not. Fix the party, in many ways. Cheney out - but not now and not for reasons such as this. Nope, toss her along with other rino's. No more Cheney, no more Romney, out with Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski has got to go. And not for said reasons but for the long term interest of the "party". They need to get back to roots and also get back to a unified party.

And while ganging together and tossing her ass sounds nice, we just need the appropriate and better people to run and get them voted out, the right way. Easier than said with some as they have constituents to answer to if they are are appropriately representing, which is rare anymore. Not much to be done if they muster the votes. But at the same time, absolutely no need for someone not in support of the party, to get excluded from committees and any leadership roles of course. And she's not even the worst, not nearly. Murkowski & Collins should get top bill IMO, right after Romney.

When push comes to shove, at the end of the day, the Democrats work together the best they can as a party. When that push comes to shove in the republican party, too much fragmentation right now and they get the ** end of the stick.

You would think some of these folks were democrats based on their voting history and things they find worthy of speaking out against and in support of.

What does the party stand for? What are it's core principles? What things are priority?

And if an when they can get back to basics and figure out who they are again - then they need to find new future leadership. I'm not sure I see it right now. That's me and my opinion though and perhaps others already see some future prospects.

If "I" were in charge, she would get the axe by dawn, and the rest would have been gone by noon. That's why I'm not in charge of jack shit!! But they need to rebuild in a manner, and rebuild in record time if they don't want to get completely trounced never to return from the brink from the current incompetent administration with disaster on deck in case of emergency.

05-07-2021, 03:31 PM
Case on point: Look what it's done and doing to just the people on this board. Every word measured by which friend/associate one is going to piss off.

Might as well plan on finding the next closest thing to a democracy and moving. Our nation is in peril of disappearing while the right is too busy infighting over one, OBE person.

Not me and never has been.

I am NEVER afraid to speak my mind and speak my stances. No different than any other time, quite easy for someone to express themselves and explain themselves in a friendly succinct manner. And I would hope for the same from my friends/associates, hopefully leaning more towards friends when speaking of here. When speaking of friends, so long as I treat them as such, I shouldn't have to worry much about what I say. Just as I remain that same thing in return. Plenty of my friends have had a differing opinion all throughout Trump's term and other individual issues. Is what it is and I never expect anyone, friends, to have identical opinions. Hell, I speak with my Dad and brother more than anyone else, and we don't fully agree on everything, but hell, we even laugh about some of it. And my other brother is a flaming liberal, and I let him get away with it. :laugh:

That said, I get what you're saying 100% and have seen a lot change in real life, and likely many of you have seen it as well. My aunt basically dissed me left and right in the beginning, collateral damage. Which then turned into questioning me damage, which then lead into 'canceling' aka deleting me aka never to have heard from again. :dunno: And yup, folks out there nervous or afraid of stepping on one another's toes. But if a friend there shouldn't be anything to worry about. I just mind what I say a tad, I try to no speak rudely when it's a friend ever, and hope they return the favor. I don't or won't ever get angry or hold a grudge over dumb politics at the end of the day.

I try to reserve that for unknown quantity liberals & bald guys. :coffee:

I also agree about our country and as we know it being in peril. All that our founding fathers believed in the most and what they saw the country as - is changing. Already too much has been altered for my liking.

05-07-2021, 03:38 PM
Not me and never has been.

I am NEVER afraid to speak my mind and speak my stances. No different than any other time, quite easy for someone to express themselves and explain themselves in a friendly succinct manner. And I would hope for the same from my friends/associates, hopefully leaning more towards friends when speaking of here. When speaking of friends, so long as I treat them as such, I shouldn't have to worry much about what I say. Just as I remain that same thing in return. Plenty of my friends have had a differing opinion all throughout Trump's term and other individual issues. Is what it is and I never expect anyone, friends, to have identical opinions. Hell, I speak with my Dad and brother more than anyone else, and we don't fully agree on everything, but hell, we even laugh about some of it. And my other brother is a flaming liberal, and I let him get away with it. :laugh:

That said, I get what you're saying 100% and have seen a lot change in real life, and likely many of you have seen it as well. My aunt basically dissed me left and right in the beginning, collateral damage. Which then turned into questioning me damage, which then lead into 'canceling' aka deleting me aka never to have heard from again. :dunno: And yup, folks out there nervous or afraid of stepping on one another's toes. But if a friend there shouldn't be anything to worry about. I just mind what I say a tad, I try to no speak rudely when it's a friend ever, and hope they return the favor. I don't or won't ever get angry or hold a grudge over dumb politics at the end of the day.

I try to reserve that for unknown quantity liberals & bald guys. :coffee:

I also agree about our country and as we know it being in peril. All that our founding fathers believed in the most and what they saw the country as - is changing. Already too much has been altered for my liking.

I don't know anything about Cheney beyond this. I agree with your have to go list and could add some names.

I never agreed Trump divided the country. The left and Trump haters did that.

However, his continued presence is doing a Hell of a job dividing the GOP/right.

05-07-2021, 03:41 PM
This current row seems to have only one rhyme and reason and it's trump's feelings. That's the only way this thing seems to make sense. But for my money having an R after elected officials names have meant signing off on conservative judges and that's the best thing to get IMO and it's worked. It's short-term thinking to start tossing mostly reliable votes aside based on almost nothing.

05-07-2021, 03:54 PM
This current row seems to have only one rhyme and reason and it's trump's feelings. That's the only way this thing seems to make sense. But for my money having an R after elected officials names have meant signing off on conservative judges and that's the best thing to get IMO and it's worked. It's short-term thinking to start tossing mostly reliable votes aside based on almost nothing.

Tossing away voter's votes keeping dead wood around amounts to the same.

Maybe all those so called right wingers that are so willing to delude themselves into believing they can compromise with the rattlers on the left should try it with their own first?

05-07-2021, 04:01 PM
Tossing away voter's votes keeping dead wood around amounts to the same.

Maybe all those so called right wingers that are so willing to delude themselves into believing they can compromise with the rattlers on the left should try it with their own first?

If Maine Republicans like Collins and the brand of conservativism she represents then who am I to argue with how our Republican form of government operates especially when she votes to confirm Kavanaugh and Barrett? Same with Murkowski in Alaska.

I repeat; there is no sense in any of this.

05-07-2021, 04:09 PM
They should throw her out. She sided with the Democrats on Trump’s impeachment. And we’ve had enough of RINOs who dissent, because then they side with the Dems. I don’t think you’ve noticed but a state of war exists between the Dems and us.

Toss her her out and tell her to see what the Dems will do for her. Now that she’s fulfilled her purpose they don’t have any use for her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-07-2021, 05:08 PM
I don't know anything about Cheney beyond this. I agree with your have to go list and could add some names.

I never agreed Trump divided the country. The left and Trump haters did that.

However, his continued presence is doing a Hell of a job dividing the GOP/right.

I figured you have to have a realistic starting point. Can't really just start off by kicking out 20 members. So work on getting the worst voted out while fixing in-house issues & a few huge attempts by democrats in the mean time. And prep for 2022.

I said at the end of November that a little time would be given to Trump, but mainly looking into fixing many voting issues and now worse on that subject. But was time to be realistic and look forward to 2022, and getting past daily drama. The majority of drama was brought to the doorstep not created on the right. But then of course some self inflicted wounds as well. Whether or like him or not, want to support him or not, the realistic part is building onto something else with his help towards '24 IMO.

The dems creation of major issues for the country, coupled with extensive hatred from some & 'Media Gone Wild' is what created the division. If you have one side creating various impeachable offenses, in addition to obstruction every 5 minutes & censorship and lies from the MSM in addition to censorship galore on social media.... created a cluster*duck. And then, as you put it, his presence, and tweeting bs, helped increase the volatility. So no one was completely innocent, but as I always said, one side was much much much more guilty. And yes, while I wouldn't mind seeing him use the power he has to help others in the party towards '22 and '24 - I wish all of the associated drama would disappear.

This current row seems to have only one rhyme and reason and it's trump's feelings. That's the only way this thing seems to make sense. But for my money having an R after elected officials names have meant signing off on conservative judges and that's the best thing to get IMO and it's worked. It's short-term thinking to start tossing mostly reliable votes aside based on almost nothing.

I don't care about anyone's feelings, not until the country is put back as first priority. But for now, yes, folks too worried about jobs when speaking Trump. Just like senators getting elected and then ignoring their constituents, these folks should be worrying about their constituents in their states and not the feelings of others. Those people in those states would probably prefer unity within & getting votes and getting shit done. But that's not gonna happen if if everyone sits back worried about the feelings of someone not even in office and facing down the barrel of federal guns in the mean time. I love Trump - but I love my country a little more.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-07-2021, 05:24 PM
First , 5 or 6 DECADES of COMPROMISING is what has gotten us to this weakened , deplorable state we are currently in.
WE were persuaded into the idea that compromising is the best path.
The Dem party has been totally corrupt for at last 6/7 decades and each decade it went further into the shitter, imho.
They are now nothing but a bunch of lying, corrupt, ffing treasonous cowards and their damn party platform represents that reality.
That mantra of compromise, compromise , compromise, only works when the other side has any sense of fairness, decency and respect for justice.
The ffing dems have none of that!
The play bait and switch games, they seed in their damn RINO's and laugh at the blithering gullibility of the Republicans.
One can not -compromise --with an enemy that is sworn and hellbent on ones total destruction!!

Hell no, we didn't .
Back then we were not falsely educated = that the art of -compromise-- -- was the Holy Grail...
Some of us are not ffing blinded and we see exactly what the hell is going on.../

We now have idiot puppet Joe - being run like a trained dog, by the dem party, Soros, the globalists-
and all of those just named, are sworn enemies of this nation- just that damn simple! - :salute:--Tyr

05-07-2021, 06:04 PM
First , 5 or 6 DECADES of COMPROMISING is what has gotten us to this weakened , deplorable state we are currently in.
WE were persuaded into the idea that compromising is the best path.
The Dem party has been totally corrupt for at last 6/7 decades and each decade it went further into the shitter, imho.
They are now nothing but a bunch of lying, corrupt, ffing treasonous cowards and their damn party platform represents that reality.
That mantra of compromise, compromise , compromise, only works when the other side has any sense of fairness, decency and respect for justice.
The ffing dems have none of that!
The play bait and switch games, they seed in their damn RINO's and laugh at the blithering gullibility of the Republicans.
One can not -compromise --with an enemy that is sworn and hellbent on ones total destruction!!

Hell no, we didn't .
Back then we were not falsely educated = that the art of -compromise-- -- was the Holy Grail...
Some of us are not ffing blinded and we see exactly what the hell is going on.../

We now have idiot puppet Joe - being run like a trained dog, by the dem party, Soros, the globalists-
and all of those just named, are sworn enemies of this nation- just that damn simple! - :salute:--Tyr

I think right now and for nearly the past 2 decades, the democrats are useless in trying to work together with. On most issues they refuse to compromise and unity is nothing more than a campaign and opening speeches. Rarely a democrat with any sense of responsibility and definitely not any accountability.

IMO, I prefer right now to see the republicans fix and build up their own unity & gather a winning formula against the democrats, starting with mid-terms. If they're useless as we know they are, then we need instant unity to prevent as much as possible until the party can win back what has been lost. Hopefully starting big with those mid-terms and then have to do something before 2024 and Kamala. And Lord help us if it's before then. No compromising as there can't be any with them. And I more than agree - the democrats lack everything that is even remotely decent about America and being Americans. I think they would remove a large portion of the constitution if given a few minutes alone. I think they would break any and all laws they could get away with if it meant passing an agenda, winning power or removing someone from power. They do not work for what is best for Americans, but rather what is best for them.

Quite frankly, I wouldn't even think of :pee: on them if the were burning. Instead, I would just light myself on fire https://i.imgur.com/IyZjuf7.jpg and jump on the pile.

05-07-2021, 06:41 PM
For so many Americans who do not know this man. His name is Chamberlain.
Nevel Chamberlain of England. If Americans aren't TAUGHT History. They have no idea what this man did. But will learn and see coming from the Democrats and Biden "SELL AMERICA DOWN THE RIVER" fiasco.
Who Was Neville Chamberlain?
Neville Chamberlain served as British prime minister from 1937 to 1940 and is best known for his policy of "appeasement" toward Adolf Hitler's Germany. He signed the Munich Agreement in 1938, relinquishing a region of Czechoslovakia to the Nazis. In 1939, Britain declared war on Germany. Chamberlain, who had lost political support, resigned in 1940 and died a few months later.


05-08-2021, 07:55 AM
Tossing away voter's votes keeping dead wood around amounts to the same.

Maybe all those so called right wingers that are so willing to delude themselves into believing they can compromise with the rattlers on the left should try it with their own first?

I guess you can take that up with the voters of Maine, Alaska, etc. Purity of thought is for the left.

05-08-2021, 07:59 AM
I don't care about anyone's feelings, not until the country is put back as first priority. But for now, yes, folks too worried about jobs when speaking Trump. Just like senators getting elected and then ignoring their constituents, these folks should be worrying about their constituents in their states and not the feelings of others. Those people in those states would probably prefer unity within & getting votes and getting shit done. But that's not gonna happen if if everyone sits back worried about the feelings of someone not even in office and facing down the barrel of federal guns in the mean time. I love Trump - but I love my country a little more.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

05-08-2021, 08:04 AM
First , 5 or 6 DECADES of COMPROMISING is what has gotten us to this weakened , deplorable state we are currently in.
WE were persuaded into the idea that compromising is the best path.
The Dem party has been totally corrupt for at last 6/7 decades and each decade it went further into the shitter, imho.
They are now nothing but a bunch of lying, corrupt, ffing treasonous cowards and their damn party platform represents that reality.
That mantra of compromise, compromise , compromise, only works when the other side has any sense of fairness, decency and respect for justice.
The ffing dems have none of that!
The play bait and switch games, they seed in their damn RINO's and laugh at the blithering gullibility of the Republicans.
One can not -compromise --with an enemy that is sworn and hellbent on ones total destruction!!

Hell no, we didn't .
Back then we were not falsely educated = that the art of -compromise-- -- was the Holy Grail...
Some of us are not ffing blinded and we see exactly what the hell is going on.../

We now have idiot puppet Joe - being run like a trained dog, by the dem party, Soros, the globalists-
and all of those just named, are sworn enemies of this nation- just that damn simple! - :salute:--Tyr

Change a few words and that's exactly the argument you'll get from the hard left. Myself I'd prefer not to cede ground to them by purging those that by and large agree with my view of the world. Liz Cheney does, Stefanik does not when looking at voting records. Your words are exactly opposite the actions of the Republican leadership on this issue.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-08-2021, 08:25 AM
Change a few words and that's exactly the argument you'll get from the hard left. Myself I'd prefer not to cede ground to them by purging those that by and large agree with my view of the world. Liz Cheney does, Stefanik does not when looking at voting records. Your words are exactly opposite the actions of the Republican leadership on this issue.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience,
but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”—Martin Luther King, Jr.
My father taught me that before King ever uttered those famous, true and brilliant words, God rest his soul..-Tyr

Surrender never won a battle or a war!
Appeasement to any foe that is hellbent on ones destruction is in actuality = insanity.....
The problem is a massive failure in recognizing what the dems truly are ---- what the dem party truly is!
I will call anybody alive- a damn fool and do so face to face anytime, if they say that the dem party is not an enemy to this nation.
That goes for any man alive.
Either we stop this damn kissing ass or else we will fall as a nation.
The dems are sure of final victory because they have spent decades now educating the population into being blinded sheeple (over 6 decades and counting).

My previous Nazi comparison was spot on. It is just that serious but our population is brainwashed into not seeing it.
And that brainwashing is not an accidental thing. It is and was an agenda birthed, fostered and faithfully cultivated by the leftist dems and their allies( avowed enemies of this nation)...
I spit on ALL THOSE BASTARDS..-- :saluting2: --Tyr

05-08-2021, 08:35 AM
Surrender never won a battle or a war!
Appeasement to any foe that is hellbent on ones destruction is in actuality = insanity.....
The problem is a massive failure in recognizing what the dems truly are ---- what the dem party truly is!
I will call anybody alive- a damn fool and do so face to face anytime, if they say that the dem party is not an enemy to this nation.
That goes for any man alive.
Either we stop this damn kissing ass or else we will fall as a nation.
The dems are sure of final victory because they have spent decades now educating the population into being blinded sheeple (over 6 decades and counting).

My previous Nazi comparison was spot on. It is just that serious but our population is brainwashed into not seeing it.
And that brainwashing is not an accidental thing. It is and was an agenda birthed, fostered and faithfully cultivated by the leftist dems and their allies( avowed enemies of this nation)...
I spit on ALL THOSE BASTARDS..-- :saluting2: --Tyr

But that's exactly what you're doing. Surrendering people who largely agree with you and kissing a$$ to a churlish man-child.


I looked up churlish to make sure I was using it correctly and there was a picture of trump. No joke.

And I try to follow ideals, not a person.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-08-2021, 08:53 AM


She was censored and rightly so.
Her job is to serve the will of the people , not vote to further her damn career and appease the opposition.-Tyr

05-08-2021, 09:46 AM
This is why Cheney must go : https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2021/05/08/federalist-editor-rehashes-all-the-reasons-why-liz-cheney-must-go-n2589136

The RINOs must go. This whole political situation that we're in is hard enough when everyone is pulling together; there's a reason that democrats support Cheney, Murkowski & Romney. They're at best dead weight, but I think everyone can agree that they're working against the GOP.

Cheney won't survive '22, and I can assure you that Murkowski is also gone next year. Two extremely conservative States that these two people are representing inappropriately and they'll pay the price. They're out in the open now; exposed.

I don't see Romney getting the boot, and that's confusing to me. I don't understand why Utah puts up with his bullshit - I know I regret pulling the lever for that worm.

Collins is a different animal. I think she actually represents Maine. It's angered me many times when she's taken a position aligning with the democrats in a crucial fight, but she's come through to save the day for us more than once. I'm neutral about her overall, and it's ultimately up to Maine to decide. So far it appears that they're just fine with her. I'd much rather have her than another Bernie.

That won't be the case in Wyoming and Alaska - both Cheney and Murkowski will be replaced by someone who is a team player.

Good riddance.

05-08-2021, 09:56 AM
Cheney won't survive '22, and I can assure you that Murkowski is also gone next year. Two extremely conservative States that these two people are representing inappropriately and they'll pay the price. They're out in the open now; exposed.

Only so much to be done if someone is in a state and those constituents prefer the idiocy of a particular rino. But I know that a few others, like Murkowski, are losing more and more support. And do just that, expose it, clarify it and get it out to the masses often & get/find someone else and work their asses off to vote out the rino's. And even if they were only successful in say 6 out of 10 of them - that's a hell of a lot better than it is now! Some of them clearly ARE harming the party as a whole, whether that's their intended goal or not. As individuals, fine, but for a team player of a party, not fine. So, get them out the appropriate way. And I do think that's what is happening to Murkowski for sure. But as importantly, to me, is now finding decent alternatives to ensure that happens.

Agreed on the Romney situation. And reminds me of the also now exposed dumbest woman on earth - aoc - and her huge support here in NY. Hard to vote someone out that has that much support. But the parties can work to 'not work' with such people to a large extent. But their vote still counts, unfortunately.

05-08-2021, 09:57 AM
Change a few words and that's exactly the argument you'll get from the hard left. Myself I'd prefer not to cede ground to them by purging those that by and large agree with my view of the world. Liz Cheney does, Stefanik does not when looking at voting records. Your words are exactly opposite the actions of the Republican leadership on this issue.

Indeed. The policies and the alternatives to what the left has been claiming for years; the way they treated him, (frivolous impeachments, Pelosi and SOTU address...) these are the reasons that pushed me to vote for him the second go round.

From the beginning though, he ran and won on his personality, a personality that truly bothered many, including myself. I didn't find him 'winning,' instead I truly found him beyond offensive and a terrible example for the young.

What surprised me though, he stuck to his promises-even surpassed them. It's those policies that really were more GOP than Trump, that won my vote the second time. Funny thing though, during all 4 years, anyone that defended the policies, but voiced their concerns about behavior? They were targeted, if they didn't bend the knee, they were ostracized.

Cheney, like so many others that were purged, voted for Trump policies over 97% of the time. Her replacement? Low 80's at best. But when it was clear to Stefanik that the base, even after the chaos leading up to Jan. 6, she prostrated herself at the alter of Trump. It obviously worked.

How about Graham, McCarthy, Cruz, Rubio, and so many others? Just in the past few hours Graham is quoted as saying, "No one can win without Trump." Thus, it's not about policies, Trump doesn't care if one agrees with policies or not, it's about him. When he or his influence goes, so does the party.

05-08-2021, 11:22 AM
Though I dislike Cheney and her actions. If you really think about it logically. Isn't what the Non-Rino's chasing her are doing...

We get all excited that the Dem idiots are using CANCEL to get rid of those they disagree with...and WHAT DO WE DO???

Think about it. I know it's not a popular thing to say which..MAY GET ME CANCELED too!:laugh:

05-08-2021, 01:36 PM

She was censored and rightly so.
Her job is to serve the will of the people , not vote to further her damn career and appease the opposition.-Tyr

I thought the will of the people, defined here as being people who do not live in her state, is voting for trump's agenda. You seem to oppose that. Or is the will of the people voting against key trump policies and then bending over backwards to harp about election-was-stolen myth?

05-08-2021, 01:38 PM
Though I dislike Cheney and her actions. If you really think about it logically. Isn't what the Non-Rino's chasing her are doing...

We get all excited that the Dem idiots are using CANCEL to get rid of those they disagree with...and WHAT DO WE DO???

Think about it. I know it's not a popular thing to say which..MAY GET ME CANCELED too!:laugh:

I agree with this. I'm shocked, but I agree with this. It's not necessarily cancel culture "in reverse" but it's cancel culture nonetheless.

05-08-2021, 02:24 PM
This says something about Stephanie and some things about party infighting that should trouble anyone who truly don't want a Democrat led country forever: https://hotair.com/allahpundit/2021/05/08/report-stefanik-tells-house-gop-shell-quit-leadership-after-2022-if-they-promote-her-to-cheneys-job-now-n388657

05-08-2021, 03:18 PM
There's nothing goog about this for conservatives nor the GOP, regardless outcome.

It's time for the GOP to take an "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" approach. Trump has a place in the GOP, but the cult of personality has to go.

05-10-2021, 02:37 PM
I guess you can take that up with the voters of Maine, Alaska, etc. Purity of thought is for the left.

Being smart enough to set aside petty, superficial differences and or personal dislikes long enough to defend what's left of what you have is called pulling one's head out of one's ass long enough to win.

It appears the left is going to run out of shit to steal before the right figures out individualism was nice while we had it.

05-12-2021, 10:08 AM
It's time for the GOP to take an "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one" approach. Trump has a place in the GOP, but the cult of personality has to go.

She's gone and I have a clearer understanding of why. Haven't most of us moved on past Trump? I wouldn't give a wooden nickel for our current government nor the GOP.

Cheney didn't. She went after and is still after Trump. Not excusing him. I never have. This is about Cheney, who has refused to move on any more than he has. Other GOP critters are calling her a distraction feom the business of stopping the Dems. As if:rolleyes:

Isn't divisiveness what she's accusing Trump of? Among other bs. So what does she think she is doing?

Something else I'll address is all the comments about the election not being stolen. Bullshit. Those who state that just don't want to face facts. The biggest enemy of the GOP is its own constituency.

05-12-2021, 10:15 AM
She's gone and I have a clearer understanding of why. Haven't most of us moved on past Trump? I wouldn't give a wooden nickel for our current government nor the GOP.

Cheney didn't. She went after and is still after Trump. Not excusing him. I never have. This is about Cheney, who has refused to move on any more than he has. Other GOP critters are calling her a distraction feom the business of stopping the Dems. As if:rolleyes:

Isn't divisiveness what she's accusing Trump of? Among other bs. So what does she think she is doing?

Something else I'll address is all the comments about the election not being stolen. Bullshit. Those who state that just don't want to face facts. The biggest enemy of the GOP is its own constituency.

I don't really care if she's in 'leadership' or not, the real issue is that the cult of personality is what the GOP is now about, which is likely worse than the DNC, at least they know they are going far left. Biden isn't a leader, but with him in there, it has taken the focus off of Bernie and the Squad. While their policies are 'winning' through Biden's pen, their personal image no longer dominates the party.

Not so with Trump. We can read all day long how the 'right' disdains the Biden policies, but there's little to no principles involved. "We don't want to spend 6 trillion! 4 trillion is bad enough, so only going to make the next go round, $800 billion-next offer?" Meanwhile, the only substantive fights are about who has their lips far enough up Trump's ass or not.

05-12-2021, 10:31 AM
I don't really care if she's in 'leadership' or not, the real issue is that the cult of personality is what the GOP is now about, which is likely worse than the DNC, at least they know they are going far left. Biden isn't a leader, but with him in there, it has taken the focus off of Bernie and the Squad. While their policies are 'winning' through Biden's pen, their personal image no longer dominates the party.

Not so with Trump. We can read all day long how the 'right' disdains the Biden policies, but there's little to no principles involved. "We don't want to spend 6 trillion! 4 trillion is bad enough, so only going to make the next go round, $800 billion-next offer?" Meanwhile, the only substantive fights are about who has their lips far enough up Trump's ass or not.
Can anyone please explain the last time the US Presidency was NOT a cult of personality?

LBJ or GHWB, both VPs who just moved up the ladder? Only 2 I can think of in any of our lifetimes.

It always has been. The GOP hasn't been above it all as Republicans/conservatives like to claim. Same crap - different color paint.

05-12-2021, 10:54 AM
Can anyone please explain the last time the US Presidency was NOT a cult of personality?

LBJ or GHWB, both VPs who just moved up the ladder? Only 2 I can think of in any of our lifetimes.

It always has been. The GOP hasn't been above it all as Republicans/conservatives like to claim. Same crap - different color paint.
He's not President. Cheney is certainly out of step with the current GOP, though her voting record is way more conservative than many of them, certainly moreso than her Trump endorsed replacement.

Which only confirms it's not about principles.

If Cheney isn't working for the party and is too critical of other members, what does one say about Trump and minions readying to attack anyone critical of him personally, regardless of their voting record?

05-12-2021, 11:23 AM
He's not President. Cheney is certainly out of step with the current GOP, though her voting record is way more conservative than many of them, certainly moreso than her Trump endorsed replacement.

Which only confirms it's not about principles.

If Cheney isn't working for the party and is too critical of other members, what does one say about Trump and minions readying to attack anyone critical of him personally, regardless of their voting record?

Trump didn't just vanish in Jan anymore than any former President. That being said, which way do you want it? He's relevant or not. If not, then Cheney is out of step, beating a dead horse. Perhaps she's trying to be relevant doing so?

Trump is not the cult of personality. He's a symptom. Our society is the cult. There's no substance to it. What's the media going to feed us next? Stop media control of what people think and you stop the cult. This cult. For now. Another will be along soon enough and the sheeple will get right back in line.

05-12-2021, 11:29 AM
Trump didn't just vanish in Jan anymore than any former President. That being said, which way do you want it? He's relevant or not. If not, then Cheney is out of step, beating a dead horse. Perhaps she's trying to be relevant doing so?

Trump is not the cult of personality. He's a symptom. Our society is the cult. There's no substance to it. What's the media going to feed us next? Stop media control of what people think and you stop the cult. This cult. For now. Another will be along soon enough and the sheeple will get right back in line.

Actually, I do not remember any R president insinuating himself after leaving office the way he has. I know, I know, he really is still president-it was stolen!

Reagan's personality and policies and quotes certainly kept him at the forefront, long after leaving-but that was on others, not him.

So, we disagree on that point.

I also disagree about the society being the cult, not in the sense that I'm using the term at least. I mean that the person is worshipped by his followers, only Obama came close and he too was the source of such. Two sides, same coin. (Been using that regarding these two since 2016.)

05-12-2021, 01:38 PM


05-12-2021, 02:43 PM
She's gone and I have a clearer understanding of why. Haven't most of us moved on past Trump? I wouldn't give a wooden nickel for our current government nor the GOP.

Cheney didn't. She went after and is still after Trump. Not excusing him. I never have. This is about Cheney, who has refused to move on any more than he has. Other GOP critters are calling her a distraction feom the business of stopping the Dems. As if:rolleyes:

Isn't divisiveness what she's accusing Trump of? Among other bs. So what does she think she is doing?

Something else I'll address is all the comments about the election not being stolen. Bullshit. Those who state that just don't want to face facts. The biggest enemy of the GOP is its own constituency.

Everyone is likely to see things a little different here. What matters though, is 2022, 2024 and beyond. I said a few weeks after and til now, the election wasn't stolen and I haven't seen proof of otherwise. Plenty and plenty of issues, issues that need very serious and emergent addressing, but nothing that shows a national election theft. Many things don't add up but I also don't see any alternative math. With that said, I look towards those future dates realistically with who we really have in the party. And I said a few times, I think it's best of Trump helps the party in some way or ways. I have long moved past it as there is no point otherwise and running that horse will lead to nothing good. And as much as that needs to be more acknowledged, folks also have to let go of the division and TDS things as well. Things are bitter with many over the loss and all of the events that took place before and during. Holding onto things will only hurt the party, whether that be beating those dead horses, or with division over those events or Trump himself. -- And yes, easier said than done when Trump himself is still in the picture in many ways.

I wish I didn't have to. So so many things took place that need answers. So so many things were brought to light that need immediate fixing in our election system. That said, I can't say the election was stolen. It's simply just not there. That's got to stop along with the division. I'm on both of those sides and ready, but good luck to it happening any time soon. :(

Trump didn't just vanish in Jan anymore than any former President. That being said, which way do you want it? He's relevant or not. If not, then Cheney is out of step, beating a dead horse. Perhaps she's trying to be relevant doing so?

Trump is not the cult of personality. He's a symptom. Our society is the cult. There's no substance to it. What's the media going to feed us next? Stop media control of what people think and you stop the cult. This cult. For now. Another will be along soon enough and the sheeple will get right back in line.

I don't think it should happen myself, but if Trump was serious and truly plans on running in 2024 and ends up with the support of the majority of supporting republicans & as well as within the party, then the only hope would likely be getting behind him. If you asked me right now I would say NOT a good idea. Not because I don't like him, but I think it just brings back national drama brought to you by the same idiots as last time. Most same democrats would revive every last drop of prior drama and perceived wrongdoing & I also don't think he would get the same level of support & in the end could/would end up likely being a losing proposition as a result.

Democrats, lying, hypocrites, censorship... extended to social media... extended to the MSM. What would ever change and how in such little time?

05-12-2021, 03:18 PM
Doesn't matter about Cheney or Trump. Our country has been destroyed, our enemies know it, and they LOVE the fact WE are all FIGHTING AMONG OURSELVES over the most trivial of things anybody can complain about, be insulted about, and called RACIST for not following the PATH DOWN THE DRAIN toward the REPEAT of the FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE (U.S.A.).

That's why anti-Americans are tearing down our History...one statue at a time. They want to GET RID OF OUR HISTORY that exposes their LIES, HYPOCRISY, and HATRED.

05-12-2021, 07:31 PM
I can live with Liz Cheney saying it was a "Big Lie" when Trump claimed the election was stolen. (Even though Dems wouldn't do the same thing if the positions were reversed) I can even live with her voting for impeachment if she thought Trump incited a riot, even though I didn't hear Liz call for impeachment or even censure for Maxine Water for clearly calling from riots in Minnesota. (Even though Dems wouldn't do the same thing if the positions were reversed)

What I can't live with is Liz Cheney continuing to hold a leadership position in the Republican party after she keeps droning on and on about this "Big Lie" mantra for something that happened 4 months ago. Trump is out of office. He hasn't talked about the riot for 4 months. Why does she keep bringing it up? That is not the actions of someone who is working for the interests of the Republican party, so she therefore is not deserving of a leadership role in the party. She hasn't been cancelled. She hasn't lost her job, she isn't being attacked on social media, she doesn't have Antifa mobs showing up at her house. That's what being cancelled is.

She just lost the leadership position that she wasn't performing. You can tell she deserved to lose her Republican leadership post by all the Democrats that are suddenly lauding her. That by itself is a sign that she needed to be voted out.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-12-2021, 07:47 PM
I can live with Liz Cheney saying it was a "Big Lie" when Trump claimed the election was stolen. (Even though Dems wouldn't do the same thing if the positions were reversed) I can even live with her voting for impeachment if she thought Trump incited a riot, even though I didn't hear Liz call for impeachment or even censure for Maxine Water for clearly calling from riots in Minnesota. (Even though Dems wouldn't do the same thing if the positions were reversed)

What I can't live with is Liz Cheney continuing to hold a leadership position in the Republican party after she keeps droning on and on about this "Big Lie" mantra for something that happened 4 months ago. Trump is out of office. He hasn't talked about the riot for 4 months. Why does she keep bringing it up? That is not the actions of someone who is working for the interests of the Republican party, so she therefore is not deserving of a leadership role in the party. She hasn't been cancelled. She hasn't lost her job, she isn't being attacked on social media, she doesn't have Antifa mobs showing up at her house. That's what being cancelled is.

She just lost the leadership position that she wasn't performing. You can tell she deserved to lose her Republican leadership post by all the Democrats that are suddenly lauding her. That by itself is a sign that she needed to be voted out.

Exactly my stand , my thoughts on it my friend. She betrays the trust, the duty, the purpose of the powerful position she was given.
Thus, despite the lame excuses others use to defend her, she is by any definition --a self-serving turn coat, a liar and not deserving of that position.
And not even deserving to stay in the Republican party, imho. The clearest example of why that is right -is how greatly she is being lauded by the totally worthless dems and their firm allies- enemies of this nation..-Tyr

05-12-2021, 08:18 PM
Doesn't matter about Cheney or Trump. Our country has been destroyed, our enemies know it, and they LOVE the fact WE are all FIGHTING AMONG OURSELVES over the most trivial of things anybody can complain about, be insulted about, and called RACIST for not following the PATH DOWN THE DRAIN toward the REPEAT of the FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE (U.S.A.).

That's why anti-Americans are tearing down our History...one statue at a time. They want to GET RID OF OUR HISTORY that exposes their LIES, HYPOCRISY, and HATRED.What's not to enjoy? Factions on the right all think it's their way or the highway. Can't seem to see far enough ahead, or just look around for that matter, that while they are standing on some personal principles, or so they call them, the left is dong away with the right to have them. Then where are those principles?

You defeat your enemy THEN take time to clean up at home. Pretty damned simple.

The Right has balls only against others on the right. The left steamrolls them and their response? Pretend it never happened. Don't have to do anything about something one denies.

I'd rather be in Jerusalem right now. Bad guys are still the enemy there and no one's worried about the gun rights for shooting one or more of the assholes.

05-12-2021, 09:57 PM
I agree with Russ in that I don't give a fig about Cheney's position in leadership, she does know how the game is played. She made her choices, she still is. She's out and if the right stays where it is, she may well be out come election time.

What I also see is that the only reason She's still talking about the riot is because of Trump's insistence that the election was stolen, undermining the system. He's not using his legitimate influence from office Gunny earlier was referring to, to galvanize the party for voting reform for midterms, but still trying to overturn the past. She supported him in first fake impeachment.

She's trying, but so far failing to lead. Again, it appears that she will continue to do so, now amplified thanks to the vote today by voice vote. Remember, she was not removed the first time when the vote was secret. McCarthy does not have Trump's cult of personality, nor is Trump likely to back him if things go south. Trump has his first bit of vengeance on Cheney, there will be more. There will be others. If only there were democrats of that hit list.

05-12-2021, 09:59 PM
What's not to enjoy? Factions on the right all think it's their way or the highway. Can't seem to see far enough ahead, or just look around for that matter, that while they are standing on some personal principles, or so they call them, the left is dong away with the right to have them. Then where are those principles?

You defeat your enemy THEN take time to clean up at home. Pretty damned simple.

The Right has balls only against others on the right. The left steamrolls them and their response? Pretend it never happened. Don't have to do anything about something one denies.

I'd rather be in Jerusalem right now. Bad guys are still the enemy there and no one's worried about the gun rights for shooting one or more of the assholes.

The Dems like to fight, and the Repubs only know how to pretend they are being Nice...so they are all GELDINGS. The RINO'S who support the Dems, that hated Trump, wouldn't know what Intestinal Fortitude was if somebody handed them their Tiny Balls.

05-12-2021, 10:06 PM
The Dems like to fight, and the Repubs only know how to pretend they are being Nice...so they are all GELDINGS. The RINO'S who support the Dems, that hated Trump, wouldn't know what Intestinal Fortitude was if somebody handed them their Tiny Balls.

And yet, it's not those fighting their own party members for standing by the constitutional principles, rather than fighting the socialist seeking opposition party for their actions.

It's all shiny objects.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-12-2021, 10:19 PM
What's not to enjoy? Factions on the right all think it's their way or the highway. Can't seem to see far enough ahead, or just look around for that matter, that while they are standing on some personal principles, or so they call them, the left is dong away with the right to have them. Then where are those principles?

You defeat your enemy THEN take time to clean up at home. Pretty damned simple.

The Right has balls only against others on the right. The left steamrolls them and their response? Pretend it never happened. Don't have to do anything about something one denies.

I'd rather be in Jerusalem right now. Bad guys are still the enemy there and no one's worried about the gun rights for shooting one or more of the assholes.

Gunny my friend. the house has to be cleaned sometime- sooner is better than later. imho.
Because in the past it was always--we will do that later and later never happened.
Best to bite the damn bullet -do it- then go full ahead into the real battle.
You are correct, this is about survival. Survival of not just a political party , but survival of this nation as it was founded.

The ffing dems have seen to that and are busy now celebrating the -sure- victory that they think is coming.
Question is-- is it really coming or will an intervention thwart their plans!
Divine providence birthed this Christian nation, and saw it through many perils.
Either it will yet again do that or else it will not. Nobody knows, but one must stand on principle and oppose that which is not right, that which is deception, lies and power-mad treason.
That is exactly what the current dem party is-- a treasonous entity. Truth and tragedy....
Time seems to be rapidly coming where either -they force one to stand and fight or else run away and perish like a craven coward, imho.
This nation is now in the hands of pure, out and out power-mad traitors , imho.
All flying under the dem banner.
I saw that truth with the 8 years of that ffing traitor the obama POS. Truly tis a damn sad and crying shame.. --Tyr